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The House in the Cerulean Sea

Tekijä: TJ Klune

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: The House in the Cerulean Sea (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut / Maininnat
6,4523271,513 (4.27)1 / 253
Linus Baker leads a quiet, solitary life. At forty, he lives in a tiny house with a devious cat and his old records. As a Case Worker at the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth, he spends his days overseeing the well-being of children in government-sanctioned orphanages.When Linus is unexpectedly summoned by Extremely Upper Management he's given a curious and highly classified assignment: travel to Marsyas Island Orphanage, where six dangerous children reside: a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, an unidentifiable green blob, a were-Pomeranian, and the Antichrist. Linus must set aside his fears and determine whether or not they're likely to bring about the end of days.But the children aren't the only secret the island keeps. Their caretaker is the charming and enigmatic Arthur Parnassus, who will do anything to keep his wards safe. As Arthur and Linus grow closer, long-held secrets are exposed, and Linus must make a choice: destroy a home or watch the world burn.An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place - and realizing that family is yours.… (lisätietoja)

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englanti (319)  italia (3)  hollanti (3)  Kaikki kielet (325)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 325) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Why is it important to step outside your comfort zone once in awhile? Because you might find a gem where you least expect it!

I have seen more positive reviews on this book than I have probably ever seen about another. I looked it up on Goodreads and thought…hmmm…I don’t know about that. So I waited and then looked for it at the library and it wasn’t available so I waited some more. Then when I had some money to spend at B&N, I thought, I’ll grab it and then can give it away if I don’t like it. Positive thinking right there, huh?!?

So I loved it! It took me way out of my normal brain and allowed my unimaginative brain to come out and play. It was so well done; the descriptive writing was top notch! The characters were endearing and the story line was a beautiful message.

So, even if it may not seem your style, I highly recommend it!! ( )
  snewell2 | Jun 24, 2024 |
Fear of the unknown is almost always an irrational one, and it must be faced directly in order to grow in any way. This is the lesson the book's main character, Linus Baker, learns when the government operation he works for (DICOMY, the Department in Charge of Magical Youth) plucks him from his boring, safe, desk job in the city and thrusts him into an island orphanage overlooking a cerulean sea. Baker is assigned to a month-long investigation on the island, where he must determine the future of the orphanage itself, head-mastered by the mysterious Arthur Parnassus.

What starts as Linus's standard DICOMY investigation, governed strictly by its Rules & Regulations Handbook, evolves into a gentle unravelling of the illusion Linus has lived under all his life. Forced to always remain impartial, "unbiased", and disconnected from the people he works with—those he investigates—life at the island and with the children has a way of distinguishing truth from lie, courage from fear, and family from foe. By the end of the book, Linus Baker becomes the sweet, gentle hero we all wish to see in the world.

Aside from some questions I have about some of the backstory's logic, and some minor gripes about being a little too cliché at times, the story is a very sweet and enjoyable one for what it is. Narrator Daniel Henning offered a well-done performance, and I will definitely be interested to read (or listen to) more of Klune's work. ( )
  merk_test3 | Jun 20, 2024 |
I was told about this book by a friend, and I’m so glad he recommended it. It’s such a beautiful mix of silliness and serious subjects.

The book begins with a look into the dull life Linus Baker, a human in a world where creatures from folklore are real. He works a caseworker for the Department in Charge of Magical Youth (DICOMY for short), inspecting orphanages to make sure the children are being treated well. Linus is miserable at his office, but he follows the rules and truly believes he’s helping the magical children he’s assigned to. When Extremely Upper Management assigns him to visit and report on an orphanage by the sea, he has no choice but to do his job and go, despite being kept in the dark about what awaits him until he gets there. When he reaches the orphanage on the beautiful Marsyas island and gets to know its inhabitants, he begins to learn about himself and how unjust the system is just as much as he learns about the children and their mysterious caregiver.

The House on the Cerulean Sea is beautiful and hilarious and at times, heartbreaking. Klune builds a world that is absurd and over-the-top but still somehow feels completely relevant. It’s not hard to grasp the main points of this story. Magical people are feared by humans because they are the unknown, just like people in the LGBTQ community and people of color. One quote that stuck with me in particular;

“Hate is loud, but I think you’ll learn it’s because it’s only a few people shouting, desperate to be heard. You might not ever be able to change their minds, but so long as you remember you’re not alone, you will overcome.”

It’s a strong message about acceptance. And the characters are all wonderful. The children are endearing and funny, especially Lucy, a very intelligent six-year-old with a dark sense of humor.

If you enjoy British humor, fantasy, and queer representation (and throw in the antichrist to top it all off), you’ll enjoy The House in the Cerulean Sea. ( )
  jellybeanette | May 26, 2024 |
Both the content and narrator were not to my liking. ( )
  Treebeard_404 | May 25, 2024 |
The House in the Cerulean Sea is a lovely book. It's a bit slow getting started, but all of the buildup pays off. There are a lot of funny parts, and so many heartfelt moments. The characters have depth and they are genuinely likable. I love the relationships between all of the characters on the island. The romance is subtle for much of the book, but it's very sweet.

The story is wrapped up with this book, but if there is ever a sequel I'll definitely want to read it. ( )
  zeronetwo | May 14, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 325) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
If ever there was an author to watch out for, [Klune] is definitely that author.
lisäsi Dariah | muokkaaCulturess Daily
A delightful tale about chosen families, and how to celebrate differences.
lisäsi Dariah | muokkaaLibrary Journal
A beautiful little gem of both irony and, yes, kindness.
lisäsi Dariah | muokkaaFantasy & Science Fiction
This inclusive fantasy is quite possibly the greatest feel-good story ever to involve the Antichrist.... The House in the Cerulean Sea will delight fans of Seanan McGuire's Wayward Children series and any reader looking for a burst of humor and hope.
lisäsi Dariah | muokkaaShelf Awareness
This is a sweet narrative about the value of asking questions and the benefits of giving people (especially children) a chance to be safe, protected, and themselves, regardless of what assumptions one might glean from, say, reading their case file.
lisäsi Dariah | muokkaaBooklist

» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Klune, TJensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Henning, DanielKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Sickels, ChrisKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For those who have been with me since the beginning: look at what we've made. Thank you.
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
'Oh dear,' Linus Baker said, wiping the sweat from his brow.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
“There are mysteries that may never be solved, no matter how hard we try. And if we spend too long trying to solve them, we may miss what’s right in front of us. The world is a weird and wonderful place. Why must we try and explain it all away?” (p. 114)
“I am but paper. Brittle and thin. I am held up to the sun, and it shines right through me. I get written on, and I can never be used again. These scratches are a history. They’re a story. Hey tell things for others s to read, but they only see the words, and not what the words are written upon. I am but paper, and though there are many like me, none are exactly the same. I am parched parchment. I have lines. I have holes. Get me wet, and I melt. Light me on fire, and I burn. Take me in hardened hands, and I crumple. I tear. I am but paper. Brittle and thin.” (p. 133)
"Don't you wish you were here?"
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(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Linus Baker leads a quiet, solitary life. At forty, he lives in a tiny house with a devious cat and his old records. As a Case Worker at the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth, he spends his days overseeing the well-being of children in government-sanctioned orphanages.When Linus is unexpectedly summoned by Extremely Upper Management he's given a curious and highly classified assignment: travel to Marsyas Island Orphanage, where six dangerous children reside: a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, an unidentifiable green blob, a were-Pomeranian, and the Antichrist. Linus must set aside his fears and determine whether or not they're likely to bring about the end of days.But the children aren't the only secret the island keeps. Their caretaker is the charming and enigmatic Arthur Parnassus, who will do anything to keep his wards safe. As Arthur and Linus grow closer, long-held secrets are exposed, and Linus must make a choice: destroy a home or watch the world burn.An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place - and realizing that family is yours.

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