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The Rook (2012)

Tekijä: Daniel O'Malley

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: The Checquy Files (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
3,0042054,663 (4.09)246
A high-ranking member of a secret organization that battles supernatural forces wakes up in a London park with no memory, no idea who she is, and with a letter that provides instructions to help her uncover a far-reaching conspiracy.
  1. 40
    Rivers of London (tekijä: Ben Aaronovitch) (Rubbah)
  2. 10
    Just One Damned Thing After Another (tekijä: Jodi Taylor) (majkia)
  3. 10
    Stiletto (tekijä: Daniel O'Malley) (dphseven)
    dphseven: The sequel
  4. 10
    London Falling (tekijä: Paul Cornell) (pwaites)
    pwaites: An urban fantasy mystery taking place in London.
  5. 10
    The Incrementalists (tekijä: Steven Brust) (TomWaitsTables)
  6. 10
    Turisti (tekijä: Olen Steinhauer) (TomWaitsTables)
  7. 43
    Soulless (tekijä: Gail Carriger) (crimeminister)
  8. 11
    Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story (tekijä: Christopher Moore) (Othemts)
  9. 00
    The Paradox Hotel (tekijä: Rob Hart) (LongDogMom)
    LongDogMom: Both of these books are fun reads that have a similar style and feel. I think if you like one of them, you'll like the other as well.
  10. 00
    "Who Could That Be at This Hour?" (All the Wrong Questions) (tekijä: Lemony Snicket) (Othemts)
  11. 00
    A Soul to Steal (tekijä: Rob Blackwell) (Othemts)
  12. 22
    The Atrocity Archives (tekijä: Charles Stross) (crimeminister)
  13. 00
    Yesterday's Hero (tekijä: Jonathan Wood) (LongDogMom)
    LongDogMom: Both books are about British secret agencies protecting humans from supernatural threat and both are laugh out loud funny.
  14. 00
    Lost in a Good Book (tekijä: Jasper Fforde) (LongDogMom)
    LongDogMom: Same kind of quirky humour and style
  15. 00
    Three Parts Dead (tekijä: Max Gladstone) (pwaites)
    pwaites: Urban fantasy with a strong female lead and no romance.
  16. 00
    The Portable Door (tekijä: Tom Holt) (hoddybook)
  17. 00
    Witches of Lychford (tekijä: Paul Cornell) (dphseven)
    dphseven: Playful start to a series of novellas of a christian minister and her witchy friends fighting the forces of chaos. Similar feel to the Rook.
  18. 12
    Medusan verkko (tekijä: Robert Ludlum) (TomWaitsTables)
  19. 01
    The House in the Cerulean Sea (tekijä: TJ Klune) (bibliovermis)

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» Katso myös 246 mainintaa

englanti (203)  hollanti (1)  saksa (1)  Kaikki kielet (205)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 205) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
If you're looking for a fun, adventurous mystery, and you can overlook a few plot/character holes, this is it. It was a welcomed escape read. ( )
  merk_test3 | Jun 20, 2024 |
Love when a book can grab you in the first sentence. ( )
  SiannaSue | Apr 12, 2024 |
Have you ever wondered what you would get if you took Men In Black, The X-Men and MI-5/Spooks and mashed them all together? Then Daniel O'Malley's The Rook is the book for you. O'Malley created a world where occasionally people are born with special skills, such as one person's consciousness sharing four bodies, or the ability to don a protective skin. These people are trained to use or control their abilities, and a secret agency (The Chequy) helps to control and end any hazardous threats that may be caused by people with unique abilities. The world is a blend of your favorite espionage stories with your favorite science fiction tales.

Myfanwy is one of these people with special abilities, but we learn things at the same time as Myfanwy, who recovers her past through a series of notes and letters left by herself, before she lost her memory. The result is being dropped into the middle of the action, however I found some of the letter chapters a little slower than the present. By the middle of the novel, the use of the letters drops of dramatically and the pace really picks up.

I really enjoyed entering this world O'Malley created in The Rook and would love to read or see more set in this world. ( )
  sawcat | Apr 8, 2024 |
This is a fast paced fantasy thriller and the mystery is quite satisfyingly solved.

Rook Thomas deserves all the kudos, specially pre-memory loss. I really love when I can be in the shoes of someone so efficient and well prepared. I'm intrigued about the next books but I'll miss the letters format for sure.

This is one of the books that I loved the most this year! ( )
  omseijas | Feb 3, 2024 |
Loved the first half. The end fizzled a bit. ( )
  epear | Jan 22, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 205) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I became intrigued by Daniel O’Malley’s debut novel, The Rook, when Time book critic Lev Grossman raved, more than a month before the book’s release, that “this aging, jaded, attention-deficit-disordered critic was blown away.”

Indeed, The Rook is great, rattling fun, as if Neil Gaiman took Buffy the Vampire Slayer and crossed it with Torchwood.

It starts with a bang: Myfanwy Thomas awakens in a rainy London park, surrounded by a ring of dead bodies, all wearing latex gloves. She has no idea how she or the corpses got there. In fact, she doesn’t even know that she’s Myfanwy Thomas, because she is suffering from amnesia and remembers nothing about herself.

Myfanwy is a Rook, a junior-level member of the Court, an elite group of eight super-powered intelligence agents. The Court runs the Checquy Group, a British agency on Her Majesty’s Hyper-Secret Service, so powerful that it makes MI6 look lame. In fact, Myfanwy learns, “The Court answers to the highest individuals in the land only, and not always to them.”

Myfanwy discovers everything about herself from a dossier entrusted to her by “the original Myfanwy Thomas,” the person she was before she lost her memory. Her amnesia was no accident: One of her mysterious colleagues on the Court, she learns, is a traitor who wiped her memory and now wants her dead.

In the meantime, Myfanwy must step back into her own life and relearn everything about being Rook Thomas, all without anyone finding out what has happened to her. Her own life is anything but normal, because the Checquy Group is always on the lookout for monsters. One can never be too vigilant, since “Checquy statistics indicate that 15 percent of all men in hats are concealing horns.”

Thanks to the Checquy, Britons are blissfully unaware that supernatural forces constantly threaten the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. (The Checquy’s American counterpart is called the Croatoan, a little in-joke that is never explained but which students of American history will immediately get.) The worst of these threats to the U.K. are the Grafters, who come from Belgium, a mild-mannered nation that O’Malley manages to render extremely sinister.

Throughout a rip-roaring narrative, O’Malley off-handedly weaves deadpan humor. As a Rook, Myfanwy is more paper-pusher than field agent, and her job lacks glamour: “There’s a reason that there’s no TV show called CSI: Forensic Accounting.” She always gets stuck with tasks like “figuring out why the hell a two-door wardrobe in the spare room of a country house is considered to be a matter of national concern.”

But crises loom, duty calls, and Myfanwy soon finds herself using her own superpower to battle horrid Belgian monsters — at least whenever she isn’t “laboriously penning formal invitations to the members of the Court to come dine at the Rookery tonight before observing the unbelievably magical amazingness of the United Kingdom’s only oracular duck.

“Of course, I couched it all in slightly more impressive terms.”

» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Daniel O'Malleyensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Duerden, SusanKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For my father, Bill O'Malley, who read to me at bedtime,
and my mother, Jeanne O'Malley, who read to me the rest of the time.
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Dear You,
The body you are wearing used to be mine.
She stood shivering in the rain, watching the words on the letter dissolve under the downpour.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
According to Thomas, the city had once been a veritable hotbed of manifestations, with every sorcerer, bunyip, golem, goblin, pict, pixie, demon, thylacine, gorgon, moron, cult, scum, mummy, rummy, groke, sphinx, minx, muse, flagellant, diva, reaver, weaver, reaper, scabbarder, scabmettler, dwarf, midget, little person, leprechaun, marshwiggle, totem, soothsayer, truthsayer, hatter, hattifattener, imp, panwere, mothman, shaman, flukeman, warlock, morlock, poltergeist, zeitgeist, elemental, banshee, manshee, lycanthrope, lichenthrope, sprite, wighte, aufwader, harpy, silkie, kelpie, klepto, specter, mutant, cyborg, blrog, troll ogre, cat in shoes, dog in a hat, psychic, and psychotic seemingly having decided that THIS was the hot spot to visit.
Thus, while other members of the organization attain high positions through their remarkable accomplishments in the field, I became a member of the Court simply through my work in the bureaucracy.

Does that sound lame? I'm very, very good. There's not a formal timeline for ascending to the Court. In fact, most people never get in. I am the youngest person in the current Court. I got there after ten years of working in administration. The next-youngest got in after sixteen years of highly dangerous fieldwork. That's how good an administrator I am.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

A high-ranking member of a secret organization that battles supernatural forces wakes up in a London park with no memory, no idea who she is, and with a letter that provides instructions to help her uncover a far-reaching conspiracy.

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