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A Visit from the Goon Squad Tekijä:…

A Visit from the Goon Squad (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2010; vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: Jennifer Egan

Sarjat: Goon Squad (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
8,646515981 (3.68)676
Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs confront their pasts in this powerful story about how rebellion ages, influence corrupts, habits turn to addictions, lifelong friendships fluctuate and turn, and how art and music have the power to redeem.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:A Visit from the Goon Squad
Kirjailijat:Jennifer Egan
Info:Anchor (2011), Edition: 1, Paperback, 352 pages
Kokoelmat:Books We Have Read
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:May 2012


Aika suuri hämäys (tekijä: Jennifer Egan) (2010)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatIrina79, prairiemage, popchyk, aeralston28, yksityinen kirjasto, MizzAneesa18, eleach7, theveggies
  1. 133
    Pilvikartasto (tekijä: David Mitchell) (souloftherose)
    souloftherose: Both novels are occasionally experimental in style with interconnected short stories. They are also both very good.
  2. 103
    Muutoksia (tekijä: Jonathan Franzen) (ominogue)
  3. 50
    Let the Great World Spin (tekijä: Colum McCann) (novelcommentary)
    novelcommentary: The interconnectedness of life
  4. 50
    Olive Kitteridge (tekijä: Elizabeth Strout) (sydamy)
  5. 31
    Jumalat juhlivat öisin (tekijä: Donna Tartt) (mcenroeucsb)
  6. 20
    The Broom of the System (tekijä: David Foster Wallace) (hubertguillaud)
  7. 31
    Pelin henki (tekijä: Chad Harbach) (mcenroeucsb)
  8. 10
    Piparkakkutalo (tekijä: Jennifer Egan) (kjuliff)
    kjuliff: Jennifer Eagan’s exploration into literature style and novel construct for the 21st Century
  9. 21
    Jazz (tekijä: Toni Morrison) (Othemts)
  10. 00
    Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Damaged Glory: Stories (tekijä: Raphael Bob-Waksberg) (Othemts)
  11. 11
    The Tsar of Love and Techno: Stories (tekijä: Anthony Marra) (sipthereader)
    sipthereader: Both are a series of inter-connected short stories that can stand on their own, but together tell an intricate and comprehensive story.
  12. 11
    Long Division (tekijä: Kiese Laymon) (hairball)
    hairball: They seem like some sort of bookends.
  13. 11
    Naimapuuhia (tekijä: Jeffrey Eugenides) (mcenroeucsb)
  14. 11
    Ten Thousand Saints (tekijä: Eleanor Henderson) (melmore)
    melmore: Both novels are concerned with the punk scene in the early 80s, both feature lost and wounded protagonists, both trace relationships across decades.
  15. 00
    The Exes (tekijä: Pagan Kennedy) (melmore)
  16. 23
    Odysseus (tekijä: James Joyce) (Othemts)
  17. 01
    The Civilized World (tekijä: Susi Wyss) (ShortStoryLover)
    ShortStoryLover: Both books are novels in stories in which each chapter can stand on it's own, but when you read the whole there is a larger narrative arc to the stories.
  18. 01
    Oli kerran kello nolla (tekijä: Ali Smith) (Laura400)
  19. 01
    The House on Fortune Street (tekijä: Margot Livesey) (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Both A Visit from the Good Squad and The House on Fortune Street follow the often unexpected intricacies of human relationships of a handful of young adults.
  20. 01
    Viikko joulukuussa (tekijä: Sebastian Faulks) (jbvm)

(katso kaikki 21 suositusta)


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näyttää 2/2
Mielenkiintoinen rakenne, joka myös toimii. Hyvä kerronta, sujuvaa luettavaa. Ei kuitenkaan sijoitu kovin korkealle omalla asteikollani. ( )
  susihukka | Dec 20, 2015 |
I enjoyed this book so much! I had my doubts (for some reason I tend to avoid books about music - go figure?) but since she won the Pulitzer and since I already bought it I thought I'd give it a try. What a pleasant surprise this turned out to be! Not that much about music, but seemingly random excerpts on different lives in different times. All this randomness starts to tie together, and at the end it's just one story. Perfect for my wandering mind! ( )
  Iira | Apr 25, 2015 |
näyttää 2/2
It is neither a novel nor a collection of short stories, but something in between: a series of chapters featuring interlocking characters at different points in their lives, whose individual voices combine to a create a symphonic work that uses its interconnected form to explore ideas about human interconnectedness. This is a difficult book to summarise, but a delight to read, gradually distilling a medley out of its polyphonic, sometimes deliberately cacophonous voices.
Readers will be pleased to discover that the star-crossed marriage of lucid prose and expertly deployed postmodern switcheroos that helped shoot Egan to the top of the genre-bending new school is alive in well in this graceful yet wild novel. We begin in contemporaryish New York with kleptomaniac Sasha and her boss, rising music producer Bennie Salazar, before flashing back, with Bennie, to the glory days of Bay Area punk rock, and eventually forward, with Sasha, to a settled life. By then, Egan has accrued tertiary characters, like Scotty Hausmann, Bennie's one-time bandmate who all but dropped out of society, and Alex, who goes on a date with Sasha and later witnesses the future of the music industry. Egan's overarching concerns are about how rebellion ages, influence corrupts, habits turn to addictions, and lifelong friendships fluctuate and turn. Or as one character asks, How did I go from being a rock star to being a fat fuck no one cares about? Egan answers the question elegantly, though not straight on, as this powerful novel chronicles how and why we change, even as the song stays the same.
lisäsi sduff222 | muokkaaPublishers Weekly (Jan 31, 2011)
Jennifer Egan’s new novel is a moving humanistic saga, an enormous nineteenth-century-style epic brilliantly disguised as ironic postmodern pastiche. It has thirteen chapters, each an accomplished short story in its own right; characters who meander in and out of these chapters, brushing up against one another’s lives in unexpected ways; a time frame that runs from 1979 to the near, but still sci-fi, future; jolting shifts in time and points of view—first person, second person, third person, Powerpoint person; and a social background of careless and brutal sex, careless and brutal drugs, and carefully brutal punk rock. All of this might be expected to depict the broken, alienated angst of modern life as viewed through the postmodern lens of broken, alienated irony. Instead, Egan gives us a great, gasping, sighing, breathing whole.
Although shredded with loss, “A Visit From the Goon Squad” is often darkly, rippingly funny. Egan possesses a satirist’s eye and a romance novelist’s heart.
If Jennifer Egan is our reward for living through the self-conscious gimmicks and ironic claptrap of postmodernism, then it was all worthwhile. Her new novel, "A Visit From the Goon Squad," is a medley of voices -- in first, second and third person -- scrambled through time and across the globe with a 70-page PowerPoint presentation reproduced toward the end.

I know that sounds like the headache-inducing, aren't-I-brilliant tedium that sends readers running to nonfiction, but Egan uses all these stylistic and formal shenanigans to produce a deeply humane story about growing up and growing old in a culture corroded by technology and marketing. And what's best, every movement of this symphony of boomer life plays out through the modern music scene, a white-knuckle trajectory of cool, from punk to junk to whatever might lie beyond. My only complaint is that "A Visit From the Goon Squad" doesn't come with a CD.

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (13 mahdollista)

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs confront their pasts in this powerful story about how rebellion ages, influence corrupts, habits turn to addictions, lifelong friendships fluctuate and turn, and how art and music have the power to redeem.

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