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Olive Kitteridge

Tekijä: Elizabeth Strout

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Olive Kitteridge (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
9,978623760 (3.92)742
At the edge of the continent, in the small town of Crosby, Maine, lives Olive Kitteridge, a retired schoolteacher who deplores the changes in her town and in the world at large but doesn't always recognize the changes in those around her.
  1. 110
    Gilead (tekijä: Marilynne Robinson) (2810michael)
  2. 80
    Pikkukaupunki (tekijä: Sherwood Anderson) (gust, ainsleytewce)
    gust: Ook een verhalenbundel met terugkerende personages in de verschillende verhalen
  3. 70
    Mies, joka rakasti järjestystä (tekijä: Fredrik Backman) (_debbie_)
  4. 82
    Empire Falls (tekijä: Richard Russo) (2810michael)
  5. 50
    Tuore maa (tekijä: Jhumpa Lahiri) (chrisharpe)
  6. 62
    Little Been tarina (tekijä: Chris Cleave) (sarah-e)
  7. 30
    Our Town (tekijä: Thornton Wilder) (ainsleytewce)
  8. 20
    Poikkeustila (tekijä: Margaret Atwood) (RidgewayGirl)
    RidgewayGirl: Both tell the life story of a woman in short story form, with compassion and an unflinching eye.
  9. 20
    Tasangon laulu (tekijä: Kent Haruf) (aprille)
  10. 10
    The Evening Star (tekijä: Larry McMurtry) (Ciruelo)
    Ciruelo: A strong willed and contrary woman is the foundation of each book.
  11. 10
    Spoon River antologia (tekijä: Edgar Lee Masters) (ainsleytewce)
  12. 10
    Lives of Girls and Women (tekijä: Alice Munro) (ainsleytewce)
  13. 10
    The Edge of Darkness (tekijä: Mary Ellen Chase) (CurrerBell)
    CurrerBell: Maine regionalism can often be at its best when written as a collection of short stories, character studies, or vignettes all united around a single character, as in the case of Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge, Mary Ellen Chase's The Edge of Darkness, and Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs.… (lisätietoja)
  14. 10
    Tunu (tekijä: Kim Leine) (2810michael)
    2810michael: Mest pga opbygningen med novelleagtige kapitler, der portrætterer en by og dens personer
  15. 10
    Unelmieni mies (tekijä: Curtis Sittenfeld) (thelittlematchgirl)
    thelittlematchgirl: both are stories about women some people will find unlikeable and some will want to be friends with.
  16. 10
    The Way to the Cats: A Novel (tekijä: Yehoshua Kenaz) (SqueakyChu)
    SqueakyChu: another crotchety old woman - about whom it's fun to read
  17. 10
    A Reckless Moon (tekijä: Dianne Warren) (lkernagh, mymia)
  18. 10
    The Sweet Hereafter (tekijä: Russell Banks) (jbvm)
  19. 00
    Tinkers (tekijä: Paul Harding) (sturlington)
    sturlington: Two Pulitzer Prize winners set in Maine
  20. 00
    The Civilized World (tekijä: Susi Wyss) (ShortStoryLover)
    ShortStoryLover: While the settings in these books are very different, both are collections of linked stories in which the main characters are revealed through a kind of multi-faceted prism, as the reader experiences them not just through the main characters' points view but also through the points of view of the other characters.… (lisätietoja)

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To Read (198)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 628) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I wonder how many names Elizabeth Strout shortlisted before settling on the name of 'Olive Kitteridge'. This name rolls off your tongue and somehow fits the protagonist to a T. She is cantankerous and brusque but underneath the tough facade, she yearns only for love and companionship. You feel her loneliness when her husband, Henry, dies, and she is left alone, with her only son married to a woman she does not know. The book ends on a hopeful note and you wonder what happens next. ( )
  siok | Jun 16, 2024 |
he thirteen short stories that make up Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge all feature the main character at least once. Sometimes she's the center of it. Sometimes she's a passing reference between two other people who live in her small Maine town. It moves roughly chronologically, beginning when Olive and her husband Henry are already older and headed toward retirement (though the first story, about Henry, is mostly a flashback), and their son Christopher is an adult. Olive negotiates her relationships with her family and her community at large as they all change, slowly but inexorably...or, often just as aggravatingly for her, don't change much at all.

Though many of the lives we encounter look at least moderately happy on the surface, there's often profound sadness lurking underneath. This is not new territory, suburban dysfunction and familial drama, and while there's nothing special plot-wise it's Strout's skill as a writer that makes this book shine. Each story is a whole unto itself but subtly builds to create a full picture of Olive, her strengths and her flaws. She can be infuriating, as when she deals with the fear from finding herself the victim of a crime by berating her husband, and she can be deeply relatable and sympathetic, like when she overhears her new daughter-in-law mocking the dress she made herself for their wedding. She is stubborn and proud and controlling and rendered with profound emotional truth. Strout never has to explicitly ascribe these qualities to Olive, because she understands the power of showing rather than telling, which she does in spare-yet-lovely prose.

As in any short story collection, some entries are stronger than others. I loved the first one, "Pharmacy" about Olive's husband's long-ago infatuation with a shy technician at his pharmacy, and two where Olive is only a background mention, "Winter Concert" and "Ship in a Bottle". Some others, like "Tulips" and "The Piano Player", failed to move me. But one of the upsides to reading short stories is that even if you don't care for a particular story, it'll be over soon! I'll be honest, I was not looking forward to reading this book, because it felt like I was in a rut of books that were interconnected vignettes without strong central plots and I wanted to read something with more structure. Happily, though, it's good enough that I found myself very much enjoying it and I'd highly recommend it even if you're skeptical of short stories! ( )
  ghneumann | Jun 14, 2024 |
Really liked it at first, and bits of it all along; the writing is very good. But there were no happy characters, it seemed, no one who was contented with their lot. And a whole lot of adulterers. Which sounds like I object on religious grounds--not at all, just on the grounds that there might have been ONE happy couple in the bunch, you'd think. ( )
  Abcdarian | May 18, 2024 |
If ever a book reached into my chest and took my still-beating heart in its fist, this one did. Elizabeth Strout's writing is so evocative I felt like I was standing on a cliff overlooking a pebbled Maine beach and breathing the salt air. (Oh how I wish...!) Her characters are so alive. But now I am bereft. How can Olive be gone from my life? Ah, but there's a new book! Brb just need to add my name to the queue at the library... ( )
  punkinmuffin | Apr 30, 2024 |
Wonderful. Real, compassionate, believable. Reminds me of Michael Cunningham. ( )
  RaynaPolsky | Apr 23, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 628) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Each of the 13 tales serves as an individual microcosm of small-town life, with its gossip, small kindnesses, and everyday tragedies. Not all the minor characters stand out the way Henry and Olive do, and there are a pile of them to keep straight by the end. I also couldn’t quite place how one story, “Ship in a Bottle,” meshed with the rest. But those are small flaws far outweighed by the book’s compassion and intelligence.
The pleasure in reading “Olive Kitteridge” comes from an intense identification with complicated, not always admirable, characters. And there are moments in which slipping into a character’s viewpoint seems to involve the revelation of an emotion more powerful and interesting than simple fellow feeling—a complex, sometimes dark, sometimes life-sustaining dependency on others.
Olive Kitteridge might be described by some as a battle axe or as brilliantly pushy, by others as the kindest person they had ever met. Olive herself has always been certain that she is 100% correct about everything - although, lately, her certitude has been shaken. This indomitable character appears at the centre of these narratives that comprise Olive Kitteridge. In each of them, we watch Olive, a retired schoolteacher, as she struggles to make sense of the changes in her life and the lives of those around her always with brutal honesty, if sometimes painfully. Olive will make you laugh, nod in recognition, as well as wince in pain or shed a tear or two. We meet her stoic husband, bound to her in a marriage both broken and strong, and her own son, tyrannised by Olive's overbearing sensitivities. The reader comes away, amazed by this author's ability to conjure this formidable heroine and her deep humanity that infiltrates every page.

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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Strout, Elizabethensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Burr, SandraKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Castoldi, SilviaKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Farr, KimberlyKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Stjernfeldt, Agnes DorphKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Versluys, Marijkemuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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For my mother
who can make life magical
and is the best storyteller I know
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For many years Henry Kitteridge was a pharmacist in the next town over, driving every morning on snowy roads, or rainy roads, or summertime roads, when the wild raspberries shot their new growth in brambles along the last section of town before he turned off to where the wider road led to the pharmacy.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Olive had sat in her bedroom and wept like a baby, not so much for this country but for the city itself, which had seemed to her to become suddenly no longer a foreign, hardened place, but as fragile as a class of kindergarten children, brave in their terror.
She showed him the library built the year before Henry's stroke, with its cathedral ceiling and skylights. He looked at the books, and she wanted to say, "Stop that," as though he were reading her diary.
Who, who, does not have their basket of trips.
He wanted to put his arms around her, but she had a darkness that seemed to stand beside her like an acquaintance that would not go away. – "Pharmacy"
Angie... felt she had figured something out too late, and that must be the way of life, to get something figured out when it was too late. – "The Piano Player"
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

At the edge of the continent, in the small town of Crosby, Maine, lives Olive Kitteridge, a retired schoolteacher who deplores the changes in her town and in the world at large but doesn't always recognize the changes in those around her.

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Elizabeth Strout's book Olive Kitteridge was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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0.5 3
1 57
1.5 5
2 141
2.5 50
3 540
3.5 184
4 1183
4.5 216
5 821

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