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Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution (1989)

Tekijä: Simon Schama

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut / Maininnat
3,173364,393 (4.05)1 / 138
From one of the truly preeminent historians of our time, this is a landmark book chronicling the French Revolution. Simon Schama deftly refutes the contemporary notion that the French Revolution represented an uprising of the oppressed poor against a decadent aristocracy and corrupt court. He argues instead that the revolution was born of a rift among the elite over the speed of progress toward modernity and science, social and economic change. Schama's approach, weaving in and out of private and public lives in the fashion of a novel, brings us closer than we have ever been to the harrowing and seductive French Revolution.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatEvan_Edlund, michgada, Cruelgirl, Kestrel77, osunale, RWCarswell, jason.bell, yksityinen kirjasto, tperdue
PerintökirjastotGillian Rose
  1. 10
    The French Revolution: A History (tekijä: Thomas Carlyle) (Cecrow)
  2. 00
    Twelve Who Ruled: The Year of the Terror in the French Revolution (tekijä: R. R. Palmer) (Luchtpint)
  3. 00
    The Life and Times of Robespierre (tekijä: Luigi Mario Pizzinelli) (Luchtpint)
  4. 00
    The Terror: The Shadow of the Guillotine: France 1792-1794 (tekijä: Graeme Fife) (Luchtpint)
  5. 00
    The Jacobin Republic Under Fire: The Federalist Revolt in the French Revolution (tekijä: Paul R. Hanson) (Luchtpint)
  6. 00
    Vrijheid, gelijkheid en de broederschap van Kain en Abel: Getuigenissen en documenten over de Franse Revolutie (tekijä: E.M. Janssen Perio) (Luchtpint)
  7. 00
    Orphans on the Earth: Girondin Fugitives from the Terror, 1793-94 (tekijä: Bette W. Oliver) (Luchtpint)
  8. 00
    Murder in Aubagne: Lynching, Law, and Justice during the French Revolution (tekijä: D.M.G. Sutherland) (Luchtpint)
  9. 00
    The Guillotine and the Terror (tekijä: Daniel Arasse) (Luchtpint)
  10. 00
    Last Letters: Prisons and Prisoners of the French Revolution 1793-1794 (tekijä: Olivier Blanc) (Luchtpint)
  11. 00
    A New Dictionary of the French Revolution (tekijä: Richard Ballard) (Luchtpint)
  12. 00
    The Sans-Culottes (tekijä: Albert Soboul) (asukamaxwell)
  13. 00
    The Unseen Terror: The French Revolution in the Provinces (tekijä: Richard Ballard) (Luchtpint)
  14. 00
    The Terror: The Merciless War for Freedom in Revolutionary France (tekijä: David Andress) (Luchtpint)
  15. 00
    The Giant of the French Revolution: Danton, A Life (tekijä: David Lawday) (Luchtpint)
  16. 00
    Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution (tekijä: Ruth Scurr) (Luchtpint)
  17. 00
    Godfather of the Revolution: The Life of Philippe Egalite, Duc d'Orleans (tekijä: Tom Ambrose) (Luchtpint)
  18. 11
    The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture In the Golden Age (tekijä: Simon Schama) (John_Vaughan)
  19. 00
    Liberty The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France (tekijä: Lucy Moore) (PaolaF)
  20. 01
    Yhdeksänkymmentäkolme (tekijä: Victor Hugo) (rebeccanyc)
    rebeccanyc: Hugo's work is largely fictional; Schama presents a fascinating historical and cultural history of the French revolution.

(katso kaikki 21 suositusta)


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» Katso myös 138 mainintaa

englanti (34)  ranska (1)  hollanti (1)  Kaikki kielet (36)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 36) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Not quite half the way through -- couldn't quite make it to the pictures. I recently read about Madame de Stael and am interested in the French Revolution. But there was too much detail in this book and somehow not enough about people. Or maybe too much about too many people. In any case, I couldn't connect. What made me finally give up was getting to 14 July. Now that the blood was beginning to flow and heads being put up on pikes and carried around town, I decided it was only going to get worse and so I stopped. To be picked up and tried again another time, perhaps?
  dvoratreis | May 22, 2024 |
Compulsively readable. Erudite yet clear. Vivid, entertaining, chilling, and accessible. One of the best works of history I've ever read. ( )
  BeauxArts79 | May 16, 2023 |
1000-page book that can be overdone at times, but also can be tremendously eye-opening in its discussion of the culture prior to the killings. Somehow no history class I ever took didn’t basically condense the French Revolution into the taking of the Bastille and the killing of the royals. This book blows that apart and gives a wonderful background to all the various moves amongst all the various players that went on for years. I never knew that the King was considered by the populace for quite a while to be an essential part of the Revolution.

The hysterical hatred for the Queen prior to her killing (pamphlets were voraciously consumed across the nation that portrayed ‘the Austrian Bitch’ being constantly engaged in orgies and sexual depravities of all kinds, sometimes including her own children) mimics the current hysterical hatred for Trump now. Smears ran rampant, with no concern for whether they were true or not.

“This is not to imply however that nothing of consequence changed as a direct result of the first phase of the French Revolution. The liberties enshrined in the Declaration of the Rights of Man for the protection of free speech
publication and assembly had brought forth a political culture in which the liberation of disrespect literally knew no bounds. It was by far the most dramatic creation of the Revolution.” ( )
1 ääni br77rino | Dec 10, 2022 |
Covers the French Revolution from preconditions to the death of Robespierre. The subject is practically custom-made for this reader-friendly narrative format: a series of key plot points with spectacular imagery including the Tennis Court Oath, the Bastille, various marches and riots, the guillotine, the fate of the royal family, Marat in his bath, etc. Schama layers in several asides that add flavour and a strong sense of the period such as Jean Jacob, a spectacularly old man being hailed as the spirit of the nation, and Theroigne de Mericourt dressed in flamboyant red, marshalling the women's march. Eight hundred pages makes for a long saga but it is never stale, and the many inserted images (paintings, portraits, propaganda) help break things up.

In high school I'd imagined the Revolution as the act of a united people claiming their rights and freedoms, a designed and concerted effort to establish something new and modern - a mirror image of the American Revolution from a decade earlier. Now I see a monarchy overthrown almost haphazardly when it didn't deliver on promises that it didn't realize it was making; first by a nobility grown heady on Rousseau with visions of a utopian society, and second by population that perceived themselves the victims of royalist conspiracy - a designed-to-be-poor economy that starved them, backed with inconsistent taxation policies inconsistently applied.

When the new government - almost entirely composed of the upper classes - tried to right these wrongs, only then did they perceive the difficulties involved. Their solutions were more drastic than anything the king had tried, leading to finger pointing and recriminations among themselves as foreign powers threatened and the economy only worsened. The population remained restless, swayed by whoever accused loudest. One at a time weaker opponents were eliminated in the Revolution's name - royalists first, then moderates - until only those extremists were left who were willing to create a police state that at last harnessed violence. Eventually the monster ate itself, and it only remained for a man like Napoleon Bonaparte to pick up the pieces.

Schama wears his opinions on his sleeve, sometimes in flat assertions that he boldly states run counter to prevailing views, sometimes in amusing sarcasm when noting strategic errors: "If [the king] had wanted to invent reasons for journalists to accuse him of considering the rights of foreign dynasts over French patriots, he could hardly have done a better job." Being a bit too demanding for an introduction to the subject, my highschool memories provided just enough background. Where those lessons offered the bare bones, this book is the muscle. ( )
1 ääni Cecrow | May 8, 2022 |
One of the most enjoyable history books I have ever read, although I have heard rumours that Schama may not be one hundred per cent correct with some of the history. Citizens covers the French Revolution, from the spark to its place in history and involving all the major figures, including the great Talleyrand, surely everyone’s favorite historical figure. ( )
  MiaCulpa | Sep 27, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 36) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Recumbent readers beware. Those who like to do their poring lying down will scarcely rush to take up this book. It is monumental. Once hefted, however, and well balanced on lap, knee or chest, ''Citizens'' will prove hard to put down. Provocative and stylish, Simon Schama's account of the first few years of the great Revolution in France, and of the decades that led up to it, is thoughtful, informed and profoundly revisionist. Mr. Schama, who teaches history at Harvard University, has committed other large and readable tomes. But nowhere more than here does he challenge enduring prejudices with prejudices of his own. His arguments, though, are embedded in narrative. Above all, he tells a story, and he tells it well.

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (9 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Simon Schamaensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Davidson, FrederickKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Kirjaan liittyvät elokuvat
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Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
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For Jack Plumb
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Between 1814 and 1846 a plaster elephant stood on the site of the Bastille.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
German translation has title "Der zaudernde Citoyen : Rückschritt und Fortschritt in der Französischen Revolution"; Hungarian translation has title "Polgártársak : A francia forradalom krónikája"
Kirjan kehujat
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC
From one of the truly preeminent historians of our time, this is a landmark book chronicling the French Revolution. Simon Schama deftly refutes the contemporary notion that the French Revolution represented an uprising of the oppressed poor against a decadent aristocracy and corrupt court. He argues instead that the revolution was born of a rift among the elite over the speed of progress toward modernity and science, social and economic change. Schama's approach, weaving in and out of private and public lives in the fashion of a novel, brings us closer than we have ever been to the harrowing and seductive French Revolution.

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