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Embassytown Tekijä: China Mieville

Embassytown (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2011; vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: China Mieville

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut / Maininnat
3,4412153,823 (3.87)1 / 326
Avice Benner Cho, a human colonist on a distant planet populated by the Ariekei, sentient beings famed for their unique language, returns to Embassytown after many years of deep space exploration to find she has become a living simile in the Ariekei language even though she cannot speak it, and she is torn by competing loyalties when hostilities erupt between humans and aliens.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Embassytown
Kirjailijat:China Mieville
Info:Del Rey (2011), Edition: Book Club Edition, Hardcover, 368 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):***


Embassytown (tekijä: China Miéville) (2011)

  1. 72
    The Sparrow (tekijä: Mary Doria Russell) (BeckyJG)
  2. 40
    Babel-17 (tekijä: Samuel R. Delany) (kevinashley)
    kevinashley: Both these books take the relationship between language and thought as central themes. They explore it in different ways but with a similar thoroughness; both really explore just how 'other' alien can be.
  3. 30
    Foreigner (tekijä: C. J. Cherryh) (PhoenixFalls, electronicmemory)
    PhoenixFalls: Cherryh excels in writing really alien aliens and always focuses on the nuances of languages.
  4. 41
    Pimeyden vasen käsi (tekijä: Ursula K. Le Guin) (santhony)
    santhony: Science fiction as seen through the prism of anthropology and sociology.
  5. 41
    Ancillary Justice (tekijä: Ann Leckie) (electronicmemory)
  6. 64
    Hyperion (tekijä: Dan Simmons) (BeckyJG)
  7. 31
    Anathem (tekijä: Neal Stephenson) (bertilak, g33kgrrl)
    bertilak: Miéville has written a philosophical science fiction novel that rocks and is not bloated: Stephenson please take note.
  8. 31
    Jacob de Zoetin tuhat syksyä (tekijä: David Mitchell) (ansate)
  9. 20
    The Book of Strange New Things (tekijä: Michel Faber) (KatyBee)
  10. 20
    Sokeanäkö (tekijä: Peter Watts) (electronicmemory)
  11. 10
    The Dosadi Experiment (tekijä: Frank Herbert) (santhony)
    santhony: Philosophical Science Fiction
  12. 21
    Osattomien planeetta (tekijä: Ursula K. Le Guin) (sparemethecensor)

Kirjaudu LibraryThingiin nähdäksesi, pidätkö tästä kirjasta vai et.

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 Name that Book: Found: Help find title of sci-fi book3 lukematonta / 3miatria, lokakuuta 2021

» Katso myös 326 mainintaa

englanti (214)  ranska (1)  saksa (1)  Kaikki kielet (216)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 216) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Quite difficult to get into and didn't seem to really go anywhere. Will add to my re-read list and see if I change my mind. ( )
  bookdragon616 | May 15, 2024 |
Wow. As one might expect from China Mieville, this book is not like anything else I've read. It's certainly not an easy read, both conceptually, and linguistically. I've actually had to use the dictionary quite a few times (I'm not a native speaker). But it was well worth the effort. I loved finding out how this world works, and how the Ariekei think. How the humans manage to communicate with them. The Ariekei's biotechnology. There was a part in the second half where the story dragged a bit, a period of makeshift solutions with no deliverance in sight. But I loved the ending. ( )
  zjakkelien | Jan 2, 2024 |
Would have been higher but a really slow difficult book to read. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
I think I would've marked this four stars a year ago, but some parts of my brain have been subsequently squashed flat. There's a few too many ideas packed in here, which normally doesn't trouble me, but felt distracting. Wish it were one of a few novels set in the same universe. ( )
  mmparker | Oct 24, 2023 |
When I was young and read Asimov, it was to imagine creatures and ways of living that I never would have thought up myself. Eventually I stopped being surprised, and switched scifi about how societies grow and change, and what was possible there. Embassytown is both, and shows us a species that is both alien enough to be almost possible, and human enough to be the subject of a story.

If your favorite episode of Star Trek TNG was Darmuk, you have taken the first baby step in this wild linguistic adventure. ( )
  zlinkous | Oct 3, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 216) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Readers who want to delve no further than turning the pages will come away satisfied with "Embassytown," because Mieville's fertile imagination has created a fascinating alien species to go along with plenty of familiar human drama.
It is a miracle of a novel, one where Big Ideas cohabitate with Monsters, and neither is lessened by what academic propriety insists must be capital letters.
Miéville has a muscular intellect, successfully building a science fictional world around semiotics. For some readers, that will be enough.
I don’t hold this will to abstraction against him. Genre writers, and for that matter writers of the well-wrought middlebrow novel, mostly tell the usual stories in the usual way: narrative and character are advanced through conventional action. Miéville is up to something else.
In this sense, Embassytown plays out as a novel of metropolitan-colonial conflict, holding out the hope that language might not serve only as a tool of oppression, but be reclaimed as the instrument that makes resistance possible.

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (8 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Miéville, Chinaensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Drechsler, ArndtKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Hoven, ArnoKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Miller, EdwardKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Uchida, MasayukiKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Tärkeät tapahtumat
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Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
"The word must communicate something (other than itself)."
Walter Benjamin, "On Language as such and on the Language of Man"
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
To Jesse
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The children of the embassy all saw the boat land.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
"I don't want to be a simile anymore," I said. "I want to be a metaphor."
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

Avice Benner Cho, a human colonist on a distant planet populated by the Ariekei, sentient beings famed for their unique language, returns to Embassytown after many years of deep space exploration to find she has become a living simile in the Ariekei language even though she cannot speak it, and she is torn by competing loyalties when hostilities erupt between humans and aliens.

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China Miéville's book Embassytown was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (3.87)
1 22
1.5 2
2 61
2.5 16
3 178
3.5 72
4 371
4.5 67
5 263

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