
Henkilöön/hahmoon liittyvien kirjojen kansikuvat

Teokset (42)

Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (tekijä: Northrop Frye)
The Antigone and Its Moral (tekijä: George Eliot)
Antigone's Wake (tekijä: Nicholas Nicastro)
Aristotle, containing selections from seven of the most important books (tekijä: Aristotle)
Athens: A Portrait of the City in Its Golden Age (tekijä: Christian Meier)
The Book of Lost Books: An Incomplete History of All the Great Books You'll Never Read (tekijä: Stuart Kelly)
Bred for War (tekijä: Michael A. Stackpole)
The Cambridge History of Classical Literature: I - Greek Literature (tekijä: P. E. Easterling)
Classical Mythology: The Greeks (The Modern Scholar) (tekijä: Peter Meineck)
Creation (tekijä: Gore Vidal)
The Crown of Violet [adapted - Oxford Bookworms] (tekijä: John Escott)
Dark Age (tekijä: Pierce Brown)fox
Death Ex Machina (tekijä: Gary Corby)A playwright/Author of Sisyphus
Drama: principles & plays (tekijä: Theodore W. Hatlen)
Edmund Wilson: Literary Essays and Reviews of the 1920s & 30s: The Shores of Light / Axel's Castle / Uncollected Reviews (tekijä: Edmund Wilson)
Fabulae (Oxford Classical Texts) (tekijä: Sophocles)
The First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Our Primate Ancestors to Modern Humans (tekijä: Stanley I. Greenspan)
Golden Son (tekijä: Pierce Brown)fox
The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception: A Companion (tekijä: Marco Fantuzzi)
Greek tragedy (tekijä: Gilbert Norwood)
Greek Tragedy (tekijä: H. D. F. Kitto)
The Greek Way (tekijä: Edith Hamilton)
Het Griekse treurspel Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides : een keuze uit vertalingen van hun werken (tekijä: G. F. Diercks)
A Handbook of Greek Literature: From Homer to the Age of Lucian (tekijä: H. J. Rose)
A history of ancient Greek literature (tekijä: Gilbert Murray)
The Modern Scholar - Ancient Greek Drama - Audiobook (tekijä: Peter Meineck)
Morning Star (tekijä: Pierce Brown)fox
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist (tekijä: Walter Arnold Kaufmann)
Olemisen sietämätön keveys (tekijä: Milan Kundera)
Our Great Heritage Volume 2 (tekijä: Lyle W. Lange)496-406 BC/BCE
Political Leadership: Stories of Power and Politics from Literature and Life (tekijä: Robert Coles)
Political Theory: The Classic Texts and Their Continuing Relevance (tekijä: Joshua Kaplan)
Readings on Sophocles (tekijä: Don Nardo)
Selected Essays, Poems and Other Writings (tekijä: George Eliot)
Sophocles : an interpretation (tekijä: R. P. Winnington-Ingram)
Sophocles Revisited: Essays Presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones (tekijä: Jasper Griffin)
Sophocles: Ajax (tekijä: Jon Hesk)
Status Anxiety (tekijä: Alain De Botton)
The Symposion in Ancient Greek Society and Thought (tekijä: Fiona Hobden)
Tragic Posture and Tragic Vision: Against the Modern Failure of Nerve (tekijä: Louis A. Ruprecht)
Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions (tekijä: Martha Nussbaum)
Which Way to a Free World?: A Consideration of the Difference Between the Natural and Supernatural, with Reasons why the Former is the Better Way to Go (tekijä: Robert G. Ingersoll)