The Indie Book Award (Australia)
Given by Australian Independent Bookseller
455 teosta / 456 Items 150,506 kirjaa 7,802 arvostelua 3.9
The Indie Book Awards were established in 2008 with the aim of creating a unique award recognising and rewarding the best Australian writing as chosen by Australian independent booksellers. The näytä lisää Awards celebrate the enormous depth and range of literary talent in this nation.
The Indie Book Awards differ from other literary awards because they are chosen by independent booksellers who are renowned for their love of books and reading, support new and emerging Australian authors and foster a love of quality writing. näytä vähemmän
The Indie Book Awards differ from other literary awards because they are chosen by independent booksellers who are renowned for their love of books and reading, support new and emerging Australian authors and foster a love of quality writing. näytä vähemmän
Winner 76
Shortlist 183
Longlist 196
No Stage 1
Teos | Kategoria | Vuosi |
Devotion (tekijä: Hannah Kent) | Fiction | 2022 |
The Indie Book Awards were established in 2008 with the aim of creating a unique award recognising and rewarding the best Australian writing as chosen by Australian independent booksellers. The Awards celebrate the enormous depth and range of literary talent in this nation.
The Indie Book Awards differ from other literary awards because they are chosen by independent booksellers who are renowned for their love of books and reading, support new and emerging Australian authors and foster a love of quality writing.
(English, Award granter)URL:
Australian Independent Bookseller Awards, (English, Member-written)
jean-sol (114 teosta), NBBooklovers (113), HelenBaker (102), RLNunezKPL (97), winteralli (95), lucy.depalma (93), phoebekw (91), eatsnacksreadbooks (90), upancholi (90), KylieDuncan (89), Chris-86 (85), Steven1958 (82), tuppence14 (81), lesleynicol (79), VirginibusPuerisque (79), punkinmuffin (75), skullduggery (75), judylou (74), emmybee (72), bujeya (71), crimson-tide (71), jody12 (71), Colesa (70), Maroochyquays (69), Shugsdite (68), ClarendonLibrary (67), Milly72 (67), Carole888 (65), petergw (65), AnnetteFreeman (64), Cfraser (64), gimboid13 (64), emaestra (63), apkl4350 (62), Faradaydon (62), Jodimiller37 (62), marnie05 (62), Robert3167 (62), shelleyraec (62), ChipsandThings (61), jenyt (61), ogreatwebbo (61), thewordygecko (61), JennyPocknall (60), LadiesClub (60), Mercef (60), elkiedee (59), martinh1 (59), sarahhayman (59), tandah (59), Hansford (58), snowyzoe8 (58), TrishRicci (58), cerievans1 (57), alo1224 (56), anzlitlovers (56), ltcl (54), rhian_of_oz (54), rowenah (54), crgalvin (53), debbiew (53), SueD (53), georgebexley (52), MiriamSaunders (52), benitastrnad (51), Nerena (51), RobinDawson (51), aeclark (50), Amzzz (50), Ellen.Styles (50), Jullou (50), craignew (49), ndyso8 (49), nytbestsellers (49), caroleriley (48), Kateinoz (48), littlesquirrel (48), petit.small (48), scm_library (48), smik (48), SWade0126 (48), JaneAvril123 (47), PennyAnne (47), vff (47), aliklein (46), buriedinprint (46), Catchlightning (46), e-zReader (46), harrietlouise (46), jarfield (46), K8Rogers (46), KathrynEastman (46), siri51 (46), therebelprince (46), vietnambutterfly2 (46), waltonlibrary (46), aabdelrahmanm (45), AlisonPhillips (45), COMReadersGroups (45), Elcee (45), Janzz (45), jess64au (45), lizziebiz (45), michelestjohn (45), RalphKiel (45), Carpe_Librum (44), gjky (44), KarynB (44), Lidbud (44), bookswithbrownies (43), Chatterbox (43), heycart (43), LolaReads (43), Scotch_College (43), anniww (42), Conway_Library (42), HColquhoun (42), JekyllTeaBear (42), littleread (42), noellib (42), ocher (42), polyreaderamy (42), Sharkell (42), jenmitchell53 (41), kiwifoster (41), Lee-AnneCarton (41), littlel (41), ltfl_isblib (41), Lucy_Mitchell (41), PaulCranswick (41), teenybeanie25 (41), TheArmchairLibrary (41), charl08 (40), karenob (40), pamelad (40), pilgrimess (40), shawjonathan (40), wookiebender (40), avatiakh (39), Brewerlibrary (39), davlap (39), ElizaBev (39), GeoffSC (39), katrinagb (39), nikkibaker (39), SamanthaD-KR (39), sangreal (39), dmit131 (38), hivetrick (38), michryder (38), onceinabluemoon (38), pruthomas (38), sarahhepworth (38), socialpages (38), StanSmith108 (38), TamaraReadsBooks (38), wendyle (38), adrianjameskoorn (37), aemoore (37), belindav (37), Bookish59 (37), Canaanlibrary (37), Figgy87 (37), jeaniemonstra (37), JolieJacq (37), LindaEdwards (37), margen (37), nicsreads (37), secondhandrose (37), Tess_W (37), whitreidtan (37), woodney (37), CatieN (36), LitlMouse (36)
Tämä sivusto käyttää evästeitä palvelujen toimittamiseen, toiminnan parantamiseen, analytiikkaan ja (jos et ole kirjautunut sisään) mainostamiseen. Käyttämällä LibraryThingiä ilmaiset, että olet lukenut ja ymmärtänyt käyttöehdot ja yksityisyydensuojakäytännöt. Sivujen ja palveluiden käytön tulee olla näiden ehtojen ja käytäntöjen mukaista.