
Tom Mead

Teoksen Death and the Conjuror tekijä

11+ teosta 260 jäsentä 14 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Associated Works

Detective Thrillers Short Stories (Gothic Fantasy) (2020) — Avustaja — 33 kappaletta
Bodies in the Library: Short Stories (2020) — Avustaja — 33 kappaletta
Cosy Crime Short Stories (2019) — Avustaja — 32 kappaletta
Detective Mysteries Short Stories (Gothic Fantasy) (2019) — Avustaja — 29 kappaletta

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Pitch-perfect, entertaining mystery in the Golden Age tradition. Three impossible crimes rolled into one good book.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
theofaurez | 10 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 23, 2024 |
I wanted to like this but the ending was too overly complicated. I liked the book until the reveal and then it got a bit too much for me.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Katmoreid | 10 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 1, 2024 |
Thus far, Tom Mead has only written two volumes in his Joseph Spector mystery series. Let us all hope that he will produce many, many more. If I weren't aware that this novel is coming out in July 2023, I would be absolutely convinced The Murder Wheel came from the "golden age" of detective fiction. The puzzles are wonderfully puzzling. Joseph Spector, the central character, is a former stage magician who now works informally with Scotland Yard's Inspector George Flint as a consultant on particularly outré cases, the kind of cases that seem as if they could involve magic—though they don't because Spector is as devoted to rationcination as was Holmes.

The Murder Wheel begins with a confounding murder. A man has been shot at an amusement park while riding the Ferris wheel. His wife, who was with him, insists that a) he hadn't brought a gun with him, b) that she did not kill him, and c) that he did not commit suicide. Edmund Ibbs, a lawyer and amateur magician is working for the defense on this case. As the narrative grows more complex, readers discover that there must be a connection of some kind between this murder and criminal activity within The Pomegranate, a variety theatre.

Ibbs is in The Pomegranate's audience watching a performance by Professor Paolini and finds himself called on stage to serve as the shooter in a bullet trick. All goes well with that trick, but shortly after events turn deadly. Inspector Flint arrives at the scene of the crime. He'd met Ibbs prevously due to Ibbs' work on the Ferris wheel case, and viewed him as, if not an ally, then a honest man going about the work involved in his job. But encountering Ibbs again, Flint grows increasingly suspicious of Ibbs. Spector joins Flint, making Ibbs an awkward, and possibly criminal, third wheel in the Pomegranate investigation.

Besides the inexplicable shooting at the amusement park, other conundrums abound. There's a locked room, a mysterious man who appears inexplicably backstage—as a corpse, multiple interlocking witness statements, and so much more. If you're a lover of "old school" mysteries, The Murder Wheel will absolutely delight you. Even if you have no idea what the "golden age" of mysteries is, if you're a reader who enjoys puzzles of any kind, you'll want to pick up a copy of this book.

I received a free electronic review copy of this title from the publisher; the opinions are my own.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
Sarah-Hope | May 27, 2023 |
Death and the Conjuror - T. Mead
Audio performance by Jake Ruddle
3 stars

Joseph Specter is a retired illusionist. He is drafted to assist Scotland Yard with an apparently inexplicable locked room murder. A locked room murder which coincides with a seemingly impossible art theft and an additional ‘locked elevator murder’. It’s a complicated plot with many of the classic suspects of vintage murders. There’s great 1930’s London atmosphere. Poirot would have been in his element.

There was nothing original to the plot or the setting to make this book a standout. It was a good puzzle and entertaining in that way. The book lacked any humor or emotional connection between the characters. The audio performance was soporific. Jake Ruddle did nothing to increase the tension or keep my interest. If I try the next book in this series, I will read it.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
msjudy | 10 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 12, 2023 |


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