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Elly Griffiths

Teoksen Risteyskohdat tekijä

52+ teosta 18,642 jäsentä 1,322 arvostelua 30 Favorited
There is 1 open discussion about this author. See now.

Tietoja tekijästä


(eng) Domenica de Rosa writes both under her own name and under the pseudonym Elly Griffiths.


Tekijän teokset

Risteyskohdat (2009) 2,339 kappaletta
Januksen kivi (2010) 1,454 kappaletta
Jyrkänteen reunalla (2011) 1,322 kappaletta
Käärmeen kirous (2012) 1,093 kappaletta
Muukalaisen päiväkirjat (2019) 1,068 kappaletta
Korppikuningas (2012) 977 kappaletta
Kadonneet ja kuolleet (2014) 846 kappaletta
Aavekentät (2015) 801 kappaletta
Maan alla (2017) 771 kappaletta
Siniviittainen nainen (2016) 756 kappaletta
Musta enkeli (2018) 680 kappaletta
The Zig Zag Girl (2014) 661 kappaletta
Murhan käsikirjoitus (2021) 650 kappaletta
Kivikehä (2019) 609 kappaletta
Lyhdynkantajat (2020) 584 kappaletta
Yöhaukat (2021) 545 kappaletta
The Locked Room (2022) 491 kappaletta
The Last Remains (2023) 418 kappaletta
Särkyneen sydämen murhat (2022) 387 kappaletta
Smoke and Mirrors (2015) 368 kappaletta
The Blood Card (2016) 284 kappaletta
The Vanishing Box (2017) 260 kappaletta
Ruth Gallowayn joulu (2012) 254 kappaletta
Now You See Them (2019) 223 kappaletta
The Midnight Hour (2021) 188 kappaletta
The Last Word (2024) 128 kappaletta
Villa Serena (2007) 64 kappaletta
Summer School (2008) 64 kappaletta
A Girl Called Justice (2019) 59 kappaletta
The Great Deceiver (2023) 53 kappaletta
ABC (2003) 36 kappaletta
The Italian Quarter (2004) 33 kappaletta
The Eternal City (2005) 29 kappaletta
The Children's Book of Books 1999 (1999) 27 kappaletta
The Smugglers' Secret (2020) 24 kappaletta
Ruth Galloway: The Early Cases (2014) 24 kappaletta
A Ghost in the Garden (2021) 16 kappaletta
The Man in Black (2020) 10 kappaletta
The Spy at the Window (2022) 10 kappaletta
Elly Griffiths' Norfolk (2023) 8 kappaletta
Turning Traitor 1 kappale

Associated Works

Merkitty avainsanalla


Virallinen nimi
Rosa, Domenica de
Muut nimet
Griffiths, Elly
Maa (karttaa varten)
England, UK
London, England, UK
Brighton, Sussex, England, UK
Kings College, London (B.A.) (English)
publishing editor
Rebecca Carter
Kirby Kim (US)
Lyhyt elämäkerta
Domenica de Rosa was born in London. She lives in Brighton with her husband, Andrew, and two children, Alex and Juliet.
Domenica de Rosa writes both under her own name and under the pseudonym Elly Griffiths.



Chat, Book Discussion : The Night Hawks by Elly Griffiths (marraskuu 2023)
Chat, Book Discussion : The Lantern Men by Elly Griffiths (tammikuu 2023)
Let’s Meet the Author, Book Discussion : The Lantern Men by Elly Griffiths (tammikuu 2023)
Chat, Book Discussion : The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths (helmikuu 2020)
Let’s Meet..., Book Discussion : The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths (helmikuu 2020)
Chat, Book Discussion : The Dark Angel by Elly Griffiths (kesäkuu 2019)
Meet the Author, Book Discussion : The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths (kesäkuu 2018)
Chat , Book Discussion : The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths (kesäkuu 2018)
Pre Group Read Discussion, Book Discussion : The Woman in Blue by Elly Griffiths (syyskuu 2016)


Another great read from Elly Griffiths. This one made me want to visit Stanton Drew Circle, not in Norfolk but a stone circle they made a trip to in the novel.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
CarolKub | 48 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 20, 2024 |
Harbinder Kaur has been promoted to DI and moved to London where she shares a flat with two other women. One of her subordinates, Cassie, is at her 21st high school reunion when a classmate is found dead. At the center of the investigation is the death of another classmate on the last day of A Levels 21 years ago. That death was ruled as misadventure, though the classmates believed it was murder in revenge for rapes he committed.

This is the third of the series and it's nice to see Harbinder hit her stride as far as character development goes. I look forward to the next installment.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
tangledthread | 25 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 19, 2024 |
I read the first in the Ruth Galloway series and enjoyed it, so I was glad to follow up with The Janus Stone. It delivered the same intriguing murder mystery with interesting characters as the first. Ruth is such a focused and independent professional woman that it's a little difficult to buy into a romantic relationship with DCI Nelson, but while their attraction may seem a little thin, I'm interested to see how it plays out in the next volume of the series when a baby will definitely complicate the personal side of things. It was endearing to me that Ruth genuinely liked Nelson's wife and respected his family commitments. On the professional side, I enjoyed the background info on ancient gods and rituals and some of the ins-and-outs of archeological digs. The crime plot was certainly complicated enough to hold my interest (I'm not good at figuring out "who done it" before the end), but it was a little short on suspects this time. Maybe it was a bit too similar to the first book in the series, and I hope the author can branch out a bit in subsequent editions. Overall, however, it was an enjoyable read.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
NMBookClub | 117 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 13, 2024 |
I read this in December 2023 and inadvertently again in June 2024!

I was half way through before I realised it was a repeat, but I was enjoying the way it simply flowed easily that I continued till the end.

This is tenth in the series, and I would not start here. Each in the series is half the crime investigation and half the ever-evolving personal lives of the core group of characters. As to the latter, there are some dramatic developments but oddly they don't fall into the 'I never thought that was possible". And it is a little disappointing that there is one major cliff hanger left dangling. It is not unexpected, but it seems (the use of a cliff hanger as opposed to how the cliff hanger turns out) a little cheap (if that is the right word).

I suspect that both anyone still reading this series, and those who have already given up, will not be swayed by anything I say, so I will stop here.

Big Ship

12 June 2024
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
bigship | 44 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 12, 2024 |



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