
Diana Wynne Jones

Teoksen Drowned Ammet: The Dalemark Quartet, Book 2 tekijä

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Associated Authors

Neil Gaiman Introduction, Foreword
Jane Yolen Contributor
Patricia C. Wrede Introduction, Contributor
Helen Cresswell Contributor
Ursula Jones Co-author
Ruth Sanderson Cover artist
Noel Langley Contributor
Andre Norton Contributor
C. S. Lewis Contributor
E. Nesbit Contributor
Rudyard Kipling Contributor
Wilhelm Grimm Contributor
John Masefield Contributor
L. Frank Baum Contributor
Katharine Briggs Contributor
Joan Aiken Contributor
Norton Juster Contributor
Elizabeth Goudge Contributor
Eva Ibbotson Contributor
Tove Jansson Contributor
Jacob Grimm Contributor
Andrew Lang Contributor
Charles Butler Introduction
Terry Pratchett Contributor
Mary Rayner Contributor
Geraldine Harris Contributor
Garry Kilworth Contributor
Douglas Hill Contributor
Lisa Tuttle Contributor
Robert Westall Contributor
Emma Bull Contributor
Tanith Lee Contributor
Roger Zelazny Contributor
David Wyatt Cover artist, Illustrator
Jos. A. Smith Cover artist
Tim Stevens Illustrator, Foreword
Dan Craig Cover artist
Paul Zakris Cover designer, cover design
Greg Newbold Cover artist
John Rocco Cover artist
Jenny Sterlin Narrator
Brandon Dorman Cover artist
Paul Slater Cover artist
Duncan Smith Cover artist, Illustrator
Gerard Doyle Narrator
Geoff Taylor Cover artist
Greg Call Cover artist
Joseph A. Smith Cover artist, Illustrator
John Sessions Narrator
Tom Stimpson Cover artist
Ionicus Cover artist
Jon Sullivan Cover artist, Illustrator
Tony Sahara Illustrator, Design, Cover design and illustration
David Bowers Cover artist
Ville Viitanen Translator
Julia Noonan Cover artist
Mary-Alice Harel Illustrator
Mark Zug Cover artist, Illustrator
Marikki Makkonen Translator
Paul Campion Cover artist
Susanna Paarma Translator
Darryl Zudeck Cover artist
Garth Nix Introduction
Doug Beekman Cover artist
Steve Crisp Illustrator
Douglas Carrel Illustrator
Walter Velez Cover artist
Dave Senior Illustrator
Miles Short Map artist
Gitte Spee Illustrator
Gerald Doyle Narrator
Jon Foster Cover artist
Chad W. Beckerman Cover designer
Emilia Fox Narrator
David Tennant Narrator
Julie Bell Cover artist
Peter Mennim Cover artist
Charles Vess Cover artist
Gemma Dawson Narrator
Melvyn Grant Cover artist
Philippe Lardy Cover artist
Derek Collard Cover designer
Ursula K. Le Guin Introduction
Les Edwards Cover artist
David O'Connor Cover artist
Donato Giancola Cover artist
David Smee Cover artist
Marion Lindsay Illustrator
Brad Weinman Cover artist
Neal McPheeters Cover artist
Lisa Falkenstern Cover artist
Terese Nielsen Cover artist
Victoria Poyser Cover artist
Pamela Goodchild Cover artist
Peter Whiteman Cover artist
Lori Thom Cover designer
Rick Berry Cover artist
Christopher Stengel Cover designer
Matt Stawicki Cover artist
Maggie Heslop Cover artist
Dennis Anderson Cover artist
Yvonne Gilbert Cover artist
Paul Hess Illustrator
David K. Stone Cover artist
Stuart Trotter Cover artist
Julia Rodber Illustrator
Sylvie Le Floc'h Cover & book designer
Sally Taylor Cartographer
Betsy Peterschmidt Cover artist
Robin Lawrie Illustrator
Chris Mould Illustrator
Paul O. Zelinsky Illustrator
Nenad Jakesevic Illustrator
Anthony Branch Illustrator
Frazer Shaw Cover artist
Ros Asquith Illustrator