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Ros Asquith

Teoksen The Great Big Book of Families tekijä

79+ teosta 923 jäsentä 47 arvostelua 1 Favorited

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Sisältää nimen: Ros Asquith


Tekijän teokset

The Great Big Book of Families (2010) — Kuvittaja — 278 kappaletta, 31 arvostelua
Babies (2000) 70 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua
Skitsot veke (1988) 58 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Teenage Worrier's Guide to Lurve (1996) 43 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Toddler Story Book: Ball! (1999) 22 kappaletta
Boo! (2004) 21 kappaletta
Letters from an Alien Schoolboy (2010) 21 kappaletta
Water Boy (1600) 17 kappaletta
It's Not Fairy (2012) 16 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
DK Toddlers: My Do It! (2000) 16 kappaletta
Love, Fifteen (2005) 14 kappaletta
Sleuths and Truths (Girl Writer) (2007) 12 kappaletta
Unbridled Passion (Orchard Red Apple) (1998) 12 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Mrs Pig's Night Out (2003) 9 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Girl Writer: Castles and Catastrophes (2006) 9 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Bad Trousers (2014) 8 kappaletta
Bad Hair Days (Fab Four) (1997) 7 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Big Fib (2015) 6 kappaletta
Make it Me (Orchard Red Apple) (1998) 6 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Spies and Lies (Girl Writer) (2008) 6 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Keep Fat Class (Fab Four) (1998) 5 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Pass the Parcel (2003) 4 kappaletta
Baby! (1988) 3 kappaletta
Fibby Libby Ghost Ate My Toast (2008) 2 kappaletta
Baby's Shoe (2005) 2 kappaletta
Akta usoužené puberťačky (2003) 2 kappaletta
Trixie Gets the Witch Factor (2007) 2 kappaletta
Babyer (2009) 2 kappaletta
Trixie Fights For Furry Rights (2014) 2 kappaletta
La pelota roja (2001) 1 kappale
All for One (Fab Four) (2003) 1 kappale
Teenage Worrier's Diary (2010) 1 kappale
Frock Shock (Fab Four) (2003) 1 kappale
Drama Queen (Fab Four) (2003) 1 kappale

Associated Works

Charm School (1999) — Kuvittaja, eräät painokset134 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua
The Skiver's Guide (1984) — Kuvittaja, eräät painokset50 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Mammoth Book of Best British Crime 11 (2014) — Avustaja — 13 kappaletta
Women Draw 1984 (1984) — Avustaja — 11 kappaletta
The Clever Princess (1983) — Kuvittaja, eräät painokset3 kappaletta
Babies, Babies Everywhere! (2021) — Kuvittaja, eräät painokset3 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu

Merkitty avainsanalla




Independent Reading Level: Preschool - 3rd Grade
Awards: SLA Information Book Award (2010-2011)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
vflore21 | 30 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 5, 2023 |
This book has been banned, so of course I immediately read it. The ban is at least for showing same-sex parents, I don't know if the people who banned it could tolerate anything else, like mixed-race families, etc. There's nothing remotely about sex, let alone is there anything graphic. I had to laugh when I got to the families headed by two women - a friend of mine lived like that, her father died and her aunt lived with them. In those days, her mother and aunt were probably paid less than men who did the same job, because men have to support a family. So did her mother, of course, but that's what she gets for being so careless as to lose her husband. That was back when, as the author and illustrator say, most families in books were a white heterosexual couple with a boy and a girl. It seems to me that there was also usually a baby, who might or might not have had a specified sex or gender.

I think this is terrific. The sooner people recognize that not everyone is like them, the better. Whatever the book banners might prefer, people are extremely varied, and banning this book, or any number of other books is not going to alter the fact that there has never been a time when people conformed, or were able to conform, to their ideal.

The books is charming. The illustrations are lively and expressive, and it covers an enormous range of variety - not just differences in race, gender, and number of parents, but also religion, adoption, hobbies, communication styles. Brava to both the authors.

They also produced the equally charming and also banned, Babies, Babies Everywhere.. Or perhaps that was Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyer.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
PuddinTame | 30 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 25, 2023 |
Okay, this book is adorable. I love seeing all of the diversity in it, and the fact that all families, no matter who they're made up of, do a lot of the same things and have a lot of the same feelings. Awesome celebration of all types of families!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
kerribrary | 30 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 5, 2023 |
Beh, diciamo che non era particolarmente indicato per una bambina di 9 anni! Infatti ricordo che mia mamma aveva tentato (invano) di tagliarlo a metà.. Probabilmente era fatto di acciaio temperato e quindi non ce l'ha fatta a ridurlo in brandelli :D
Sarà, ma a me piaceva leggerlo e "istruirmi", anche se ora non so quanto mi possa esser stato utile ahah :P
Merkitty asiattomaksi
XSassyPants | Jun 11, 2022 |


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