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Laced with Desire

Tekijä: Jaci Burton (Avustaja)

Muut tekijät: Jasmine Haynes (Avustaja), Joey W. Hill (Avustaja), Denise Rossetti (Avustaja)

Sarjat: Four-Sided Pentacle (Book 250), Knights of the Board Room ("Honor Bound", # 3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
572461,173 (4.23)-
Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

What a hot foursome! The authors of Unlaced returns in an all-new anthology of stories about corsets, and un-corseted desires.

Rough hands rounding the curves of a soft warm body-caressing, stroking, edging her toward exquisite pleasure. Seduction is a cinch in these four sizzling stories from the hot authors of Unlaced. And that's not just talk. These women deliver...

Jaci Burton breaks the rule about mixing business with pleasure...Jasmine Haynes explores the lust of a former supermodel who needs to finally fulfill a no-holds-barred sexual fantasy...Joey W. Hill reveals the erotic bond between a master and the beautiful submissive who stole his heart...And Denise Rossetti goes beyond the limits of desire when she pairs a battle-scarred veteran of love and war with a woman who's just as fearless and twice as dangerous.

… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2

I was very pleased with this story. It is nice to see an author write a story about someone that isn't perfectly beautiful. This is about a disabled veteran and the man that loves her. Actually both main characters are veterans but only one is wounded badly while being deployed in Iraq. Anyone that has read the earlier stories knows that Peter Winston is part of the National Guard and has already serviced one tour of duty. The story picks up as the guys are throwing a farewell party for Peter just before he is deployed for the second time. They are in a club called the Zone owned my none other than Tyler Winterman from THE ICE QUEEN and MIRROR TO MY SOUL which is part of Joey W. Hill’s Nature of Desire series. Tyler introduces Peter to a young woman that catches his imagination immediately. Dana Smith is at the Zone on leave from her unit that is stationed in Iraq. She has been looking a Master that will take control and leave her sated. She hasn’t found that person yet. Both of these people aren’t really looking for a permanent connection yet. They would like to find that special other one day but they neither think it will be this night. Peter and Dana share a night of amazing passion. The next morning Peter realizes that he has let someone go that he should have made a connection with. The rest of the story is about the two of them finding each and overcoming the obstacles of Dana’s disability.

For a short story this has quite a bit of emotion packed into it. I guess no one that has read Joey W. Hill's other work would be surprised by this. While there is resolution at the end of the story it leaves you wanting more. Maybe that is just a good story that you never want to end.

Peter is the hands on person in the team. He is a problem solver and 100% dominant male. When he finds out about Dana he starts finding ways to get to his home and one the road to being independent. One of the things that I love about Joey’s heroes is that they are all honorable, compassionate, possessive and protective of not just their woman and family but of the other women in the group. I have to approve of the methods that Peter used to get Dana out of her apartment and back to Baton Rouge. I am a little surprised he wasn’t arrested at some point but I guess that is the advantage of having a private jet. This project isn’t easy and it requires patience and understanding. It also requires a certain amount of tough love. I know that this wasn’t easy on a man that loves someone so much but he does what has to be done so Dana will become better able to take care of herself in any situation.

Dana is a product of the person that raised her. She is the oldest of three children raised by her grandmother. Her younger brothers were killed in gang violence but she was determined to make something of her life. She enjoyed the Army and rose to the rank of Sergeant. Her grandmother died before the start of this story so she is all alone when she is injured. She is like so many of those that are injured in war there is anger and uncertainty with coming to terms with injuries that have changed a life. Blindness and deafness are not easy things to get used to. As Dana says in the story we are a society that is use to using sight and sound. It is refreshing to read about someone that can be reasoned with and shown that things can be made better. At the beginning that is some feeling sorry for herself but Peter pushes her past that and shows her that she can still do things for herself.

There are so very intense BDSM sessions in this story. Peter is just as hard core as the Lucas and Matt. He is also more of a 24/7 Master/salve type than the other two seemed to be. It was sad to see that Jeremy, Cassie’s brother from CONTROLLED RESPONSE, has come down with AIDS and isn’t doing well. I had hoped that he would turn his life around. I will warn that there is public nudity, public sex, and spankings with a switch, bondage and toys used in this story. This is an m/f story. I love how Joey continues to interweave her stories even across series lines. You never know when you will run into a character from a previous book. To those that love the BDSM genre you can’t find a better author than Joey W. Hill. ( )
  LadyIsis | Jun 2, 2015 |
Joey W. Hill - Honor Bound (Knights of the Boardroom #3)

Sizzling hot, heart breaking, snot sobbing good! This story should come with a tissue warning. The best KotB yet. ( )
  MsRomanticReads | Apr 12, 2013 |
näyttää 2/2
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Burton, JaciAvustajaensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Haynes, JasmineAvustajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Hill, Joey W.Avustajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Rossetti, DeniseAvustajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

What a hot foursome! The authors of Unlaced returns in an all-new anthology of stories about corsets, and un-corseted desires.

Rough hands rounding the curves of a soft warm body-caressing, stroking, edging her toward exquisite pleasure. Seduction is a cinch in these four sizzling stories from the hot authors of Unlaced. And that's not just talk. These women deliver...

Jaci Burton breaks the rule about mixing business with pleasure...Jasmine Haynes explores the lust of a former supermodel who needs to finally fulfill a no-holds-barred sexual fantasy...Joey W. Hill reveals the erotic bond between a master and the beautiful submissive who stole his heart...And Denise Rossetti goes beyond the limits of desire when she pairs a battle-scarred veteran of love and war with a woman who's just as fearless and twice as dangerous.


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