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La Petite Mort

Tekijä: Jasmine Haynes

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2-5,296,144 (2)-
Experience the bold abandon of Jasmine Haynes, a sensational talent "recommended for any reader who likes their stories realistic, hot, [and] captivating" (Road to Romance)... Sophia, a gorgeous cosmetics executive and former supermodel, may appear to live a charmed life but now she's seeing it for what it was: She'd never married, never had children, and above all, had never fallen in love. The time has come for Sophia to live, to do the things she's always wanted--including fulfilling a no-holds-barred sexual fantasy that has occupied her lonely nights. Sophia wants to be worshipped in bed by two men devoted to every sensuous curve of her wanting body. Her boss Ford is only too happy to oblige--a man who has always wanted to please Sophia in any way she wanted. And he has a handsome and willing friend to join them. Together they're making Sophia's fantasy a reality. But are they up to giving Sophia everything she's been denied? Includes a preview of Jasmine Haynes's The Principal's Office La Petite Mort previously appeared in Laced with Desire… (lisätietoja)

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Experience the bold abandon of Jasmine Haynes, a sensational talent "recommended for any reader who likes their stories realistic, hot, [and] captivating" (Road to Romance)... Sophia, a gorgeous cosmetics executive and former supermodel, may appear to live a charmed life but now she's seeing it for what it was: She'd never married, never had children, and above all, had never fallen in love. The time has come for Sophia to live, to do the things she's always wanted--including fulfilling a no-holds-barred sexual fantasy that has occupied her lonely nights. Sophia wants to be worshipped in bed by two men devoted to every sensuous curve of her wanting body. Her boss Ford is only too happy to oblige--a man who has always wanted to please Sophia in any way she wanted. And he has a handsome and willing friend to join them. Together they're making Sophia's fantasy a reality. But are they up to giving Sophia everything she's been denied? Includes a preview of Jasmine Haynes's The Principal's Office La Petite Mort previously appeared in Laced with Desire

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