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Pickman's Model (1927)

Tekijä: H. P. Lovecraft

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1621,337,161 (3.78)8
A young man named Thurber befriends Richard Upton Pickman, a painter of detailed and exquisite scenes of horror and evil. Rejected by the art community because of the content of his work, Pickman is only too happy to show Thurber some of the more shocking works that he keeps hidden. But when Thurber accompanies Pickman to his gallery, he discovers the horrible truth about Pickman's uncanny ability to paint life-like horrors. H.P. Lovecraft's writing served as the basis for what is now called "The Cthulhu Mythos," a universe created by Lovecraft and subsequent writers--most famously Lovecraft's publisher August Derleth--that centered around the horror of "The Great Old Ones." The Cthulhu Mythos has become influential in popular culture and has inspired numerous books, comics, films, and games. HarperCollins brings great works of literature to life in digital format, upholding the highest standards in ebook production and celebrating reading in all its forms. Look for more titles in the HarperCollins short-stories collection to build your digital library.… (lisätietoja)

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Lovecraft once again points out the fallacy of human curiosity and makes it very clear how we are all going to go the way of the dodo and just want to lay down and die. Some of his characters are little stubborn and their nosing gets them in the end. This is probably one of his more visceral stories. It is about evil and evil being more evil than evil. Netflix recently released a short film version of this and while the stories differ slightly it was well done. It seems Hollywood has a monster of a time attempting to translate this mans work onto film. ( )
  Joligula | Nov 23, 2022 |
Short story, narrated by main character Thurber, who tells his friend Eliot why he dropped an artist he admired named Pickman. It seems Pickman fell out of favor with society after he created some extremely gruesome paintings. But Thurber still remained fascinated, until the day Pickman took him to his “secret place” where he has been working on his latest paintings…

A really creepy, atmospheric, and riveting tale. ( )
  SandraLynne | May 27, 2020 |
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A young man named Thurber befriends Richard Upton Pickman, a painter of detailed and exquisite scenes of horror and evil. Rejected by the art community because of the content of his work, Pickman is only too happy to show Thurber some of the more shocking works that he keeps hidden. But when Thurber accompanies Pickman to his gallery, he discovers the horrible truth about Pickman's uncanny ability to paint life-like horrors. H.P. Lovecraft's writing served as the basis for what is now called "The Cthulhu Mythos," a universe created by Lovecraft and subsequent writers--most famously Lovecraft's publisher August Derleth--that centered around the horror of "The Great Old Ones." The Cthulhu Mythos has become influential in popular culture and has inspired numerous books, comics, films, and games. HarperCollins brings great works of literature to life in digital format, upholding the highest standards in ebook production and celebrating reading in all its forms. Look for more titles in the HarperCollins short-stories collection to build your digital library.

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