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Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom

Tekijä: bell hooks

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302288,293 (4.27)-
In Teaching Critical Thinking, renowned cultural critic and progressive educator bell hooks addresses some of the most compelling issues facing teachers in and out of the classroom today. In a series of short, accessible, and enlightening essays, hooks explores the confounding and sometimes controversial topics that teachers and students have urged her to address since the publication of the previous best-selling volumes in her Teaching series, Teaching to Transgress and Teaching Community. The issues are varied and broad, from whether meaningful teaching can take place in a large classroom setting to confronting issues of self-esteem. One professor, for example, asked how black female professors can maintain positive authority in a classroom without being seen through the lens of negative racist, sexist stereotypes. One teacher asked how to handle tears in the classroom, while another wanted to know how to use humor as a tool for learning. Addressing questions of race, gender, and class in this work, hooks discusses the complex balance that allows us to teach, value, and learn from works written by racist and sexist authors. Highlighting the importance of reading, she insists on the primacy of free speech, a democratic education of literacy. Throughout these essays, she celebrates the transformative power of critical thinking. This is provocative, powerful, and joyful intellectual work. It is a must read for anyone who is at all interested in education today.… (lisätietoja)

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La búsqueda del pensamiento libre es una actividad constante. En Enseñar pensamiento crítico, hooks considera el aprendizaje el primer espacio para defender la diversidad, la igualdad y, en definitiva, la democracia.Si la enseñanza es el espacio donde desarrollar el pensamiento crítico, y el aprendizaje es una actividad que dura toda una vida, este libro aborda algunos de los problemas más urgentes que debemos enfrentar hoy en día dentro y fuera del aula. Enseñar pensamiento crítico es un libro imprescindible para cualquier persona que vea la educación como práctica de la libertad.Además de ser un manual para encontrar herramientas atrevidas con las que enfocar la enseñanza, también intenta cambiarlo todo, incluso a nosotros mismos. Hooks cuestiona cómo hemos aprendido hasta ahora, cuestiona los referentes y cuestiona el complejo equilibrio que nos permite enseñar, valorar y aprender a partir de obras escritas por autores racistas y sexistas, entre otros.Con esta obra intelectual, provocadora y alegre la autora celebra y reivindica el poder del pensamiento crítico. Sin duda, propone un cambio de paradigma en la educación, el aprendizaje y la transformación social. ( )
  MigueLoza | Feb 16, 2022 |
Reviewed here.
  scott.neigh | Aug 26, 2012 |
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In Teaching Critical Thinking, renowned cultural critic and progressive educator bell hooks addresses some of the most compelling issues facing teachers in and out of the classroom today. In a series of short, accessible, and enlightening essays, hooks explores the confounding and sometimes controversial topics that teachers and students have urged her to address since the publication of the previous best-selling volumes in her Teaching series, Teaching to Transgress and Teaching Community. The issues are varied and broad, from whether meaningful teaching can take place in a large classroom setting to confronting issues of self-esteem. One professor, for example, asked how black female professors can maintain positive authority in a classroom without being seen through the lens of negative racist, sexist stereotypes. One teacher asked how to handle tears in the classroom, while another wanted to know how to use humor as a tool for learning. Addressing questions of race, gender, and class in this work, hooks discusses the complex balance that allows us to teach, value, and learn from works written by racist and sexist authors. Highlighting the importance of reading, she insists on the primacy of free speech, a democratic education of literacy. Throughout these essays, she celebrates the transformative power of critical thinking. This is provocative, powerful, and joyful intellectual work. It is a must read for anyone who is at all interested in education today.

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