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1521,391,154 (3)-
Terran child psychologist Bryn Haslund has her hands full, treating youngsters from war-torn planets. Arthur Nagy, the brutal dictator of the interplanetary Star Alliance, ruthlessly suppresses dissent, launching increasingly devastating military campaigns. Once idyllic worlds are embargoed or bombed into ashes, and Nagy's StarOps secret police lurk everywhere. Bryn has tried to stay out of politics, leaving that to her charismatic statesman father, Ernst, the only one with the stature to stand up to Nagy. Despite her efforts to remain neutral, Bryn gets caught in the crackdown of a protest-turned-riot and only her status as her father's daughter keeps her out of jail. Ernst makes a speech in which he is expected to condemn the violence but instead, he issues his whole-hearted support for Nagy's policies and then goes missing under mysterious circumstances. With the Alliance's secret police hot on her heels, Bryn locates her father in the research labs of Alpha. Here she discovers that Nagy's scientists have implanted a mechanical mind-control device in Ernst's brain. In her search to disable the device, she finds the records of a remote, almost-forgotten planet where psychic powers have been developed to an extraordinary degree...Cottman IV, known as Darkover. In the desperate hope that Darkover's powerful natural telepaths can free her father's mind, Bryn and her father arrange transport on a smuggler's ship. Powerful winds knock their shuttle off course when they try to land on Darkover, and send it spinning out of control. Bryn cries out for help...and someone answers her telepathic plea.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
If you really must re-visit Darkover, you get the chance for a short stay with Bryn in a very contrived plot, but really no one you cared much for is still around and you have to get past the dreadful space tyrant fist. ( )
  quondame | Jan 17, 2023 |
Darkover returns

Deborah J Ross has written a Darkover tale that has no trouble fitting seamlessly into the arc of novels created by Marion Zimmer Bradley.
Terran child psychologist, Bryn Haslund is fleeing the star alliance with her Senator father Ernst and her teacher and mentor Felicity Sage. Her father has had a mind control device inserted into his brain and Bryn’s research has found allusions to a lost planet world out on the galactic arm that mentions psychic abilities and telepathy.
Bryn herself has strange precognitions about danger, enough to evade capture by the Alliance dictator’s heavy, Black.
The fight for freedom continues and Bryn has a dangerous part to play. She meets Desiserio a matrix technician whose help is essential.
It was warming to once again tread the literary ground of Darkover, bathe in the light of the four ? moons and have Darkover come to life. Very enjoyable and prompted me to go to my paperback collection and revisit some of my favorites.

A Victory ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher. ( )
  eyes.2c | Nov 8, 2022 |
näyttää 2/2
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Terran child psychologist Bryn Haslund has her hands full, treating youngsters from war-torn planets. Arthur Nagy, the brutal dictator of the interplanetary Star Alliance, ruthlessly suppresses dissent, launching increasingly devastating military campaigns. Once idyllic worlds are embargoed or bombed into ashes, and Nagy's StarOps secret police lurk everywhere. Bryn has tried to stay out of politics, leaving that to her charismatic statesman father, Ernst, the only one with the stature to stand up to Nagy. Despite her efforts to remain neutral, Bryn gets caught in the crackdown of a protest-turned-riot and only her status as her father's daughter keeps her out of jail. Ernst makes a speech in which he is expected to condemn the violence but instead, he issues his whole-hearted support for Nagy's policies and then goes missing under mysterious circumstances. With the Alliance's secret police hot on her heels, Bryn locates her father in the research labs of Alpha. Here she discovers that Nagy's scientists have implanted a mechanical mind-control device in Ernst's brain. In her search to disable the device, she finds the records of a remote, almost-forgotten planet where psychic powers have been developed to an extraordinary degree...Cottman IV, known as Darkover. In the desperate hope that Darkover's powerful natural telepaths can free her father's mind, Bryn and her father arrange transport on a smuggler's ship. Powerful winds knock their shuttle off course when they try to land on Darkover, and send it spinning out of control. Bryn cries out for help...and someone answers her telepathic plea.

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