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Two Wicked Desserts

Tekijä: Lynn Cahoon

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
444581,379 (3.33)3
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:Mia Malone conjures up delicacies while casting about for clues in New York Times bestselling author Lynn Cahoon's Two Wicked Desserts, continuing her Kitchen Witch Mystery series . . .

Magic Springs, Idaho, may be a small town, but Mia Malone is living an enchanted life running her own catering business and cooking school. And while she's teaching the locals culinary craft, her grandmother is teaching her witchcraft for the day she inherits the family magical spells that have been passed down for generations. Unfortunately, all that knowledge is not helping Mia or her grandmother in removing the spirit of warlock Dorian Alexander from Mia's cat Mr. Darcy.

But even though Dorian hasn't yet left this earthly plane, his spells have already been transferred to his daughter Cindy's grimoire. An actress looking for her big Hollywood break, Cindy is hoping there's something in her father's bag of tricks to make her a star. But playing with magic has only resulted in a trip to Idaho where Cindy finds herself the number one suspect in the murder of a hitman whose body was found in the garden of Mia's Morsels. Now it's up to Mia to conjure up a killer before everything she's worked so hard for vanishes with a poof!

Includes Recipes!

Praise for Lynn Cahoon

"A cozy lover's dream come true."
â??Susan McBride, author of The Debutante Dropout Mysteries
on The Tourist Trap Mysteries… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 3 mainintaa

Quick, fast read. ( )
  cfulton20 | Nov 13, 2023 |
Two Wicked Desserts by Lynn Cahoon is the 2nd book in A Kitchen Witch Mystery series. It can be read as a standalone, but I suggest reading One Poison Pie first. It gives you the backstory on Magic Springs, Idaho. Mia Malone is getting Mia’s Morsels up and running with help from her grandmother and ex-fiancé’s sister, Christina. Mia is also learning about magic and spells. I find the characters to be developed and realistic. We get to follow Mia as they go about her everyday life (cooking, eating, learning magic, shopping, making menus, going out with Levi). A stranger is found dead behind Mia’s new residence. Mia finds herself once again dealing with Detective Mark Baldwin. When Baldwin becomes fixated on Dorian’s daughter, Cindy as the guilty party, Mia works to prove she is innocent. The mystery was light. It was not the central focus of the story. There are a limited number of suspects which makes solving it a cinch. I believe more time was spent helping Cindy figure out which spell she activated than on the mystery. The paranormal element is sprinkled throughout the story. We get to learn more about kitchen witches and how they are different from other witches in town. The school may also have a dark history. Mia is trying to learn more about the school and the witches who helped build it. Mary Alice, Mia’s grandmother, and Mia spend time trying to find the correct spell to free Dorian from Mr. Darcy’s body. Dorian is not enjoying his time in a cat’s body. Gran, though, does not seem to be giving it her best effort. The grandmother has something she wishes to discuss with Mia, but she never gets out the full story. I hope we get closure on this issue soon. Christina is having relationship issues plus problems with her new friend. I found the pacing to be mixed (sometimes the story moved along at a good pace and other times it was slow) and the ending was anticlimactic. Two Wicked Desserts is a charming story with fun characters, but I felt it needed a little more work. I am, though, curious to find out what happens next with Mia and the gang especially as to why Trent can hear Gloria. Two Wicked Desserts is a magical tale with a spell gone amiss, a gifted grimoire, a selfish friend, a covert room, a deceased stranger, and mouthwatering meals. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Sep 11, 2021 |
I normally really like this author's books, and I very much enjoyed the first one in this series, but this one I just wasn't enamored with. As with the first book, all the great characters were there, but the plot felt a bit non-existent and almost an after thought. When a dead body is found in the MC's backyard I thought, given she is the amateur sleuth in this cozy series, that she would have shown some serious interest in snooping into the details. Instead she seemed more interested in mundane daily activities. But as with all this author's books, she writes great characters and great dialogue, both of which were present in this book. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me read an advanced copy and provide my honest opinion. ( )
  Kathl33n | Jul 22, 2021 |
Mia Malone is working hard to get her cooking school/ catering business off to a good start when a body is found at the back of her property. The body turns out to be a hitman, and the only connection that can be found is a witch who is staying with Mia and grandmother. Was the hitman going to kill her or was there another reason that he was there?

This s a fun new series by one of my favorite authors. The magical elements are entertaining and the characters are delightful! ( )
  cyderry | May 5, 2021 |
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:Mia Malone conjures up delicacies while casting about for clues in New York Times bestselling author Lynn Cahoon's Two Wicked Desserts, continuing her Kitchen Witch Mystery series . . .

Magic Springs, Idaho, may be a small town, but Mia Malone is living an enchanted life running her own catering business and cooking school. And while she's teaching the locals culinary craft, her grandmother is teaching her witchcraft for the day she inherits the family magical spells that have been passed down for generations. Unfortunately, all that knowledge is not helping Mia or her grandmother in removing the spirit of warlock Dorian Alexander from Mia's cat Mr. Darcy.

But even though Dorian hasn't yet left this earthly plane, his spells have already been transferred to his daughter Cindy's grimoire. An actress looking for her big Hollywood break, Cindy is hoping there's something in her father's bag of tricks to make her a star. But playing with magic has only resulted in a trip to Idaho where Cindy finds herself the number one suspect in the murder of a hitman whose body was found in the garden of Mia's Morsels. Now it's up to Mia to conjure up a killer before everything she's worked so hard for vanishes with a poof!

Includes Recipes!

Praise for Lynn Cahoon

"A cozy lover's dream come true."
â??Susan McBride, author of The Debutante Dropout Mysteries
on The Tourist Trap Mysteries

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