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The Mountain Master of Sha Tin (2019)

Tekijä: Ian Hamilton

Sarjat: Ava Lee (12)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
455570,358 (3.37)2
"Ava is in Shanghai with Pang Fai to visit her ailing friend Xu when a triad war breaks out in Hong Kong. Sammy Wing, an old enemy of Ava's who has twice tried to kill her, has enlisted the aid of his nephew Carter - the new Mountain Master of Sha Tin - to reclaim control of his old territory, Wanchai, from Xu's men.There is nothing subtle about the Wings' methods. Xu's most trusted enforcer, Lop, has been shot, and six of his street soldiers kidnapped. The Wings threaten to execute them unless Xu's men vacate Wanchai immediately. Ava steps in to broker a settlement, and the Wings respond by sending her a box containing six fingers - and a twelve-hour deadline.As the violence and tension mount, Ava is driven to the edge, and she is forced to devise a plan that will bring her face-to-face with Sammy and Carter Wing. The only question left unanswered is who will pull the trigger first?"--Publisher description.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
I'm a big fan of Ava Lee, but this one disappointed me. Ava is in Shanghai with Pang Fai to visit 'big brother' Xu, who is recovering from meningitis when a violent triad war breaks out between Xu's gang and an old foe (and his nephew), for control of the Wanchai territory in Hong Kong. There is resentment over the Xu's "mainland" roots, and Ava must step in to help negotiate a settlement. However, things escalate quickly, when Xu's captain is shot, and six others are taken as hostages. Ava and Sonny have to assemble a committed team, and Ava has to develop a strategy. My issue is that we've seen most of this before, and it's a bit stale now. Readers also don't need a summary of all of the prior books, even when they are brief. Finally, Fai's voice is wrong: she is demure and her dialogue is overly masculine -- she would not call Ava "babe." ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
This is a "bang bang shoot-it-up" story in the Ava Lee action adventure series. Ava finds herself back in Hong Kong helping to quell a rebellion in her Big Brother's triad operation there. Yu, her Big Brother, is recovering from a near fatal bout of meningitis and is confined to hospital in Shanghai. Ava goes to Hong Kong to lead a counterattack. She is faced by an old enemy as well as an ambitious young relative of his, the Mountain Man of Sha Tin. Action gets ratcheted up when some of Yu's men are kidnapped, one is killed and the rest are tortured. Without giving too much away, things do not end well for the Mountain Master of Sha Tin.

The storyline in this book lacks some of the depth of others in this series, although the action and sheer bloodiness match the earliest books. All in all, it's good but not the best of the series. It can be read as a standalone because there is sufficient explanation of Ava's backstory to give a new reader the necessary background to understand relationships and so on. ( )
  BrianEWilliams | Mar 14, 2020 |
I always enjoyed an Ava Lee book but since she's left her forensic accounting gig "with an attitude" she's lost her magic for me. Playing in the fashion industry with her Chinese friends realy doesn't do much for me. Anyway I tried this new one and was quite disappointed. Of course, it's Mr Hamilton's choice to write about that he wishes but now she's essentially an armed killer thug didn't work. I also found the plot a veneer and most of the book's content is dialogue substantiates this. Too bad. ( )
  martinhughharvey | Oct 24, 2019 |
小老闆 / Xiao Lao Ban (Little Boss) is on the case!
Review of the House of Anansi Spiderline paperback edition (2019)
There is a French* saying that applies to my situation: 'Be careful of that animal - it is very vicious. When you attack it, it defends itself.’ - Ava Lee (in "The Water Rat of Wanchai")

Ava Lee is forced by circumstances to step up when her ailing business partner Xu's businesses in Hong Kong are under attack by her old enemy Sammy Wing and his vicious nephew, the Mountain Master of the local Sha Tin triad. Ian Hamilton's latest Ava Lee suspense thriller steps back into the criminal underworld after the last several adventures have been in the worlds of high fashion and film (which of course held their own relentless enemies). Ava tries her negotiation and bribery techniques that she learned from her old mentor Uncle Chow, but is still forced into a brutal confrontation, fortunately with her old allies from the Uncle days at her side.

A teaser for the next episode in the series hints at a return to hometown Toronto.

*"Cet animal est si féroce qu’il se défend quand il est attaqué." ( )
  alanteder | Sep 21, 2019 |
Book #12, in the Ava Lee series

Ava is in Shanghai with Pang Fai to visit her ailing friend Xu when a violent triad war breaks out between two feuding gangs vying for control of the Wanchai territory in Hong Kong. Ava steps in to broker a settlement.

This 12th novel does not disappoint. The turf war between the Wings clan who is trying to take back power from Xu, the head of triads, is mixed with cold brutality and provides a fascinating peek into a disturbing world we hear of but hopefully never see. Nothing is subtle with their methods…..

When Xu’s soldiers are kidnapped and the Wings threaten to execute them after sending a box containing six fingers and a twelve hour deadline, Ava is driven to the edge and devises a plan that only death will solve…but who will fall first.

I love Ava Lee she is a female sleuth extraordinaire. In this latest she steps away from recuperating stolen cash and other business ventures to concentrate on being the negotiator between two fearless gangs and help Xu regain full control. The plot is suspenseful and intriguing of course we find lots of violence to make us cringe. Ava is at her best, the challenges she faces are intriguing. The action never ends, move fast and is very captivating, quite a page turner. No worries if you pick up this series here, there is enough backstories to situate the new comers and not too many details to overwhelm the avid fans…..

Once again, Mr. Hamilton has penned a great thriller for our enjoyment and he surely hit the button with this one. . Well-done as usual I love this series.

Many thanks to the publisher House of Anansi Press and to Edelweiss for this ARC ( )
  Tigerpaw70 | May 22, 2019 |
näyttää 5/5
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Ava Lee (12)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Ava is in Shanghai with Pang Fai to visit her ailing friend Xu when a triad war breaks out in Hong Kong. Sammy Wing, an old enemy of Ava's who has twice tried to kill her, has enlisted the aid of his nephew Carter - the new Mountain Master of Sha Tin - to reclaim control of his old territory, Wanchai, from Xu's men.There is nothing subtle about the Wings' methods. Xu's most trusted enforcer, Lop, has been shot, and six of his street soldiers kidnapped. The Wings threaten to execute them unless Xu's men vacate Wanchai immediately. Ava steps in to broker a settlement, and the Wings respond by sending her a box containing six fingers - and a twelve-hour deadline.As the violence and tension mount, Ava is driven to the edge, and she is forced to devise a plan that will bring her face-to-face with Sammy and Carter Wing. The only question left unanswered is who will pull the trigger first?"--Publisher description.

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