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Screen Schooled: Two Veteran Teachers Expose How Technology Overuse Is Making Our Kids Dumber

Tekijä: Joe Clement

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
321771,385 (4.33)-
Over the past decade, educational instruction has become increasingly digitized as districts rush to dole out laptops and iPads to every student. Yet the most important question, "Is this what is best for students?" is glossed over. Veteran teachers Joe Clement and Matt Miles have seen firsthand how damaging technology overuse and misuse has been to our kids. On a mission to educate and empower parents, they show how screen saturation at home and school has created a wide range of cognitive and social deficits in our young people. They lift the veil on what's really going on in schools: teachers who are often powerless to curb cell phone distractions; zoned-out kids who act helpless and are unfocused, unprepared, and unsocial; administrators who are influenced by questionable science sponsored by corporate technology purveyors. They provide action steps parents can take to demand change and make a compelling case for simpler, smarter, more effective forms of teaching and learning.… (lisätietoja)

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Both the qualitative and quantitative data here match my own experiences with technology in the classroom, and my interactions with virtually everyone who uses tech on a daily basis, regardless of age. It's sad and scary how obsessed and obtuse people have become.

This book is aimed at parents, primarily, which I thought was a slightly weird choice.

It was repetitive at times, and could have been more succinct in many ways. But the message is one I definitely agree with. I do wish there had been a little more time spent on positive examples of tech-free instruction and more explicit action points at the end of the book, instead of at the ends of chapters. ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
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Over the past decade, educational instruction has become increasingly digitized as districts rush to dole out laptops and iPads to every student. Yet the most important question, "Is this what is best for students?" is glossed over. Veteran teachers Joe Clement and Matt Miles have seen firsthand how damaging technology overuse and misuse has been to our kids. On a mission to educate and empower parents, they show how screen saturation at home and school has created a wide range of cognitive and social deficits in our young people. They lift the veil on what's really going on in schools: teachers who are often powerless to curb cell phone distractions; zoned-out kids who act helpless and are unfocused, unprepared, and unsocial; administrators who are influenced by questionable science sponsored by corporate technology purveyors. They provide action steps parents can take to demand change and make a compelling case for simpler, smarter, more effective forms of teaching and learning.

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