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The Fortune Teller (2017)

Tekijä: Gwendolyn Womack

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1909145,310 (3.94)7
"Semele Cavnow appraises antiquities for an exclusive Manhattan auction house, specializing in deciphering ancient texts. And when she discovers a manuscript written in the time of Cleopatra, she knows it will be the find of her career. Its author tells the story of a priceless tarot deck, now lost to history, but as Semele delves further she realizes the manuscript is more than it seems. Both a memoir and a prophecy, it appears to be the work of a powerful seer, describing devastating wars and natural disasters in detail thousands of years before they occurred. The more she reads, the more the manuscript begins to affect Semele's entire life. But what happened to the cards? As the mystery of her connection to it deepens, Semele can't shake the feeling that she's being followed. Only one person can help her make sense of it all: her client, Theo Brossard. Yet Theo is arrogant and elusive, concealing secrets of his own, and there's more to Semele's desire to speak with him than she would like to admit. Can Semele even trust him? The auction date is swiftly approaching, and someone wants to interfere--someone who knows the cards exist, and that the Brossard manuscript is tied to her. Semele realizes it's up to her to stop them: the manuscript holds the key to a two-thousand-year-old secret, a secret someone will do anything to possess"--… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 7 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
  CasSprout | Dec 18, 2022 |
The Fortune Teller is the story of Semele, an antiques translator and assessor who has been sent to appraise a manuscript collection to prepare for auction. Semele however whilst translating the manuscript discovers her name mentioned in the script which is supposedly from the age of Cleopatra. The premise sounds intriguing, but for me the book is disappointing. The events throughout history are interesting to note, as was the history of tarot cards. but the story itself is farfetched , and the writing, colourless. Semele, who is supposedly an educated professional in her work, seemed to me , shallow, petulant and self absorbed, in fact none of the other characters had much depth. I kept reading though, to see how things ended. ( )
  PriscillaM | Feb 21, 2022 |
Silly, trite, and facile. ( )
  Charon07 | Nov 22, 2021 |
A ,little formulaic but still really enjoyable. Solid summer read. ( )
  ReaderWriterRunner | Jul 27, 2021 |
The Fortune Teller
Gwendolyn Womack

MY RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
PUBLISHER Blackstone Audio
PUBLISHED June 8, 2017
NARRATED Lisa Flanagan, Robin Miles

A fascinating mystery involving libraries, ancient manuscripts and an woman who can see both the past and the future.

Semele Cavnow appraises artifacts for an prestigious New York auction house. In Switzerland, at the home of a recently deceased manuscript collector she discovers an ancient manuscript written in the time of Cleopatra. The manuscript’s author, the daughter of a librarian, tells the story of her decendents forward in time along with a priceless deck of tarot cards. As Semele translates the manuscript she realizes it is so much more than she originally thought. She discovers she is personally connected to both the manuscript and the cards. Her name is in the manuscript. How can that be? Once she is back in the United States, Semele feels that she is being followed, and may be in danger, but she is determined to figure out the mystery of her connection. When bad things start happening around her, she knows there may be only one person that can help. Theo Bossard is her client, his family owned the manuscript and he should know what it means. Will he help her? Can she trust him?

“Whatever the cards show you, always trust the words that well inside you. The truth is waiting to be heard. Never doubt it.”

The Fortune Teller is a fascinating travel through history from the time of the Library of Alexandria to the conclusion of World War II. The story creatively alternates back and forth through time, from what Semele is reading in the manuscript to the mystery she is experiencing in the present. Semele’s character is a bluestocking strong women, who doesn’t back down from a fight. Gwendolyn Womack has created another irresistible story to follow her gripping debut novel The Memory Painter (2015). Her writing is engaging and captivating. The Fortune Teller should not be missed, it’s a fabulous read. ( )
  LisaSHarvey | Mar 9, 2018 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Some future acts are so inevitable they have been written on the Wall of the World. Like a scribe's words carved in stone on a temple doorway, nothing we can do will change the story. - The Oracle of Wadjet
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For Kurando and Kenzo
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The fireplace stood like a sentry in the room.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Semele Cavnow appraises antiquities for an exclusive Manhattan auction house, specializing in deciphering ancient texts. And when she discovers a manuscript written in the time of Cleopatra, she knows it will be the find of her career. Its author tells the story of a priceless tarot deck, now lost to history, but as Semele delves further she realizes the manuscript is more than it seems. Both a memoir and a prophecy, it appears to be the work of a powerful seer, describing devastating wars and natural disasters in detail thousands of years before they occurred. The more she reads, the more the manuscript begins to affect Semele's entire life. But what happened to the cards? As the mystery of her connection to it deepens, Semele can't shake the feeling that she's being followed. Only one person can help her make sense of it all: her client, Theo Brossard. Yet Theo is arrogant and elusive, concealing secrets of his own, and there's more to Semele's desire to speak with him than she would like to admit. Can Semele even trust him? The auction date is swiftly approaching, and someone wants to interfere--someone who knows the cards exist, and that the Brossard manuscript is tied to her. Semele realizes it's up to her to stop them: the manuscript holds the key to a two-thousand-year-old secret, a secret someone will do anything to possess"--

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