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Final Girls (2017)

Tekijä: Riley Sager

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2,3791456,618 (3.65)42
If you liked Gone Girl, youll like this.Stephen King

Ten years ago, six friends went on vacation. One made it out alive.
In that instant, college student Quincy Carpenter became a member of a very exclusive cluba group of survivors the press dubbed The Final Girls: Lisa, who lost nine sorority sisters to a college dropout's knife; Sam, who endured the Sack Man during her shift at the Nightlight Inn; and now Quincy, who ran bleeding through the woods to escape the massacre at Pine Cottage. Despite the media's attempts, the three girls have never met.
Now, Quincy is doing wellmaybe even great, thanks to her Xanax prescription. She has a caring almost-fianc; a popular baking blog; a beautiful apartment; and a therapeutic presence in Coop, the police officer who saved her life. Her mind wont let her recall the events of that night; the past is in the pastuntil the first Final Girl is found dead in her bathtub and the second Final Girl appears on Quincy's doorstep.
Blowing through Quincy's life like a hurricane, Sam seems intent on making her relive the trauma of her ordeal. When disturbing details about Lisa's death emerge, Quincy desperately tries to unravel Sam's truths from her lies while evading both the police and bloodthirsty reporters. Quincy knows that in order to survive she has to remember what really happened at Pine Cottage.
Because the only thing worse than being a Final Girl is being a dead one.
… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 42 mainintaa

englanti (142)  hollanti (1)  saksa (1)  Kaikki kielet (144)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 144) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Wow, just...wow. This was such an interesting and gripping read! I was never bored or complacent with this story. I kept trying to race against the story to see if I could figure it out, but no, I did not. *party favor noisemaker blowout noise* I did suspect something amiss with the intentions of some characters, but didn't figure it out before the reveal at the end.

The writing was good and flowed really well. The plot and characters were well thought out and complex; lots of psychological elements to many of the characters as well a the story. Even the characters who aren't "present" throughout the past and present events had more depth than some of the characters I've read in other decent books.

Full review: wanderinglectiophile.wordpress.com/2017/10/23/review-final-girls-by-riley-sager/ ( )
  RochelleJones | Apr 5, 2024 |
A pretty solid mystery, one that definitely reads like a slasher film, and plays around well with the Final Girl trope. I think the biggest downfall for me was that the first half of the novel is super slow. Sager’s writing style is good and very bingable but the plot itself drags awhile. ( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
This book sure had me changing my thoughts of possible outcomes and I still wouldn’t have gotten it right. Some of the characters motives did not take the direction I thought they would. Even my suspicions never panned out. This is my first book read from author Riley Sager, and I will for sure check out more of his work. ( )
  CrystalR68 | Feb 20, 2024 |
Quincy made so many bad decisions, but so many that sometimes it was hard to find her relatable. Still, the misterious night was super interesting to read about and I'm quite satisfied with the conclusion. ( )
  omseijas | Feb 3, 2024 |
I kept hearing things about this book that I had to read it. I think the praise and hype that I kept reading about was well deserved because this was a read i devoured in two days. There are twists and turns every step of the way which made this one of those books I did not what to put down. Quency the only girl to make it out alive from that horrific night ten years ago struggles to put the pieces together not only of what happen but of her life, trying to figure out who she can trust who she can believe and how to move on. All and all I found this first novel thrilling and engaging and will be reading more by Riley Sager in the future. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 144) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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The forest had claws and teeth.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


If you liked Gone Girl, youll like this.Stephen King

Ten years ago, six friends went on vacation. One made it out alive.
In that instant, college student Quincy Carpenter became a member of a very exclusive cluba group of survivors the press dubbed The Final Girls: Lisa, who lost nine sorority sisters to a college dropout's knife; Sam, who endured the Sack Man during her shift at the Nightlight Inn; and now Quincy, who ran bleeding through the woods to escape the massacre at Pine Cottage. Despite the media's attempts, the three girls have never met.
Now, Quincy is doing wellmaybe even great, thanks to her Xanax prescription. She has a caring almost-fianc; a popular baking blog; a beautiful apartment; and a therapeutic presence in Coop, the police officer who saved her life. Her mind wont let her recall the events of that night; the past is in the pastuntil the first Final Girl is found dead in her bathtub and the second Final Girl appears on Quincy's doorstep.
Blowing through Quincy's life like a hurricane, Sam seems intent on making her relive the trauma of her ordeal. When disturbing details about Lisa's death emerge, Quincy desperately tries to unravel Sam's truths from her lies while evading both the police and bloodthirsty reporters. Quincy knows that in order to survive she has to remember what really happened at Pine Cottage.
Because the only thing worse than being a Final Girl is being a dead one.

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1 15
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2 38
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3 178
3.5 35
4 219
4.5 16
5 121

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