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A Queer Trade (2015)

Tekijä: KJ Charles

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
11813238,644 (4)7
Apprentice magician Crispin Tredarloe returns to London to find his master dead, and his papers sold. Papers with secrets that could spell death. Crispin needs to get them back before anyone finds out what he's been doing, or what his magic can do. Crispin tracks his quarry down to waste paper dealer Ned Hall. He needs help, and Ned can't resist Crispin's pleading-and appealing-looks. But, can the waste-man and the magician prevent a disaster and save Crispin's skin? A 16,000 word story set in the Charm of Magpies world, and a prequel to the novel Rag and Bone.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
4.5 stars

Read as part of [b:Charmed and Dangerous: Ten Tales of Gay Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy|25912719|Charmed and Dangerous Ten Tales of Gay Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy|Jordan Castillo Price|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1437488487s/25912719.jpg|45800532] ( )
  Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
(Rag and Bone 0.5) The author packs a lot of world into 59 pages, including why the series has that title, and has completely sold me on reading the series. I've read entire novels with less plot than this story. ( )
  terriaminute | Dec 4, 2022 |
A Queer Trade this is the short prequel story in the ‘Rag and Bone’ series which takes place in the same world as the ‘Charm of Magpies’ series. In this book we find out how the main characters meet. One is Apprentice magician Crispin Tredarloe, and the waste paper dealer Ned Hall. The story is told in third person from both MCs povs.

4.5 Stars

I’ve read The Magpie Lord and this book pulled me right back into the same world. We find Crispin desperately trying to track down his Master’s old papers. He goes to Ned Hall who does have them, or at least some of them. Things only go downhill from there and we find out that the papers aren’t the worst of it.

I had a little more trouble keeping the characters straight in this book than when I read the ‘Magpie Lord.’ In Magpie, the MCs had a much stronger difference in manners and speech but not so much in this story.

The pace is good even when Crispin and Ned are only looking for the papers, and the book is a good lead-in to the next story, Rag and Bone. I enjoyed this fast, entertaining read, the only thing is that it was too short. I give A Queer Trade, 4 Stars.

( )
1 ääni Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
This was a nice introduction to these characters, this particular plot was just okay, but overall I'm pleased to have read it. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Dec 3, 2021 |
Between this:
Hall really was rather handsome. It hadn’t quite struck him at first, in the unfamiliarity of looking at a man of colour. He’d noticed brown skin, broad nose, not much more. After three hours of surreptitious glances and casually exchanged words, though, he was seeing deep-set dark brown eyes with creases that suggested Hall laughed a lot, and a bottom lip that dipped in the middle to devastating effect when he smiled. Crispin had always had a weakness for smiles.

“Well, I mean… the thing is…” Crispin took a step forward. “You said we’d be magnificent, you and me. I wondered if you’d like to see if you were right.”
Ned didn’t move, didn’t smile, but the skin round his eyes creased, giving them all the welcome Crispin needed to see. “Pretty sure I didn’t say that, Freckles.”
“Yes, you did. In the house.”
“I said we’d be all right. I said I couldn’t promise magnificent.”
Crispin found he was smiling now. “No, that’s right. And you said you couldn’t promise magic either, before. Now I think of it, I’m not sure why I bothered coming.”
“Low expectations.” Ned took a step forward, lips curving, and then Crispin was in his arms, kissing him, tasting dust on his mouth and feeling it under his fingers.

I think it's obvious why I loved this short story. ( )
  Jonesy_now | Sep 24, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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“O, it's a queer trade, but there's many worse.”
– Of the Street-Buyers of Waste Paper
London Labour and the London Poor
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Marleigh was dead: to begin with.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Apprentice magician Crispin Tredarloe returns to London to find his master dead, and his papers sold. Papers with secrets that could spell death. Crispin needs to get them back before anyone finds out what he's been doing, or what his magic can do. Crispin tracks his quarry down to waste paper dealer Ned Hall. He needs help, and Ned can't resist Crispin's pleading-and appealing-looks. But, can the waste-man and the magician prevent a disaster and save Crispin's skin? A 16,000 word story set in the Charm of Magpies world, and a prequel to the novel Rag and Bone.

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