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Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution (2016)

Tekijä: Nathaniel Philbrick

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,1682917,242 (4.1)35
Biography & Autobiography. History. Military. Nonfiction. HTML:A New York Times Bestseller
Winner of the George Washington Prize
A surprising account of the middle years of the American Revolution and the tragic relationship between George Washington and Benedict Arnold, from the New York Times bestselling author of In The Heart of the Sea, Mayflower, and In the Hurricane's Eye.

"May be one of the greatest what-if books of the age??a volume that turns one of America??s best-known narratives on its head.???Boston Globe
"Clear and insightful, [Valiant Ambition] consolidates Philbrick's reputation as one of America's foremost practitioners of narrative nonfiction."??Wall Street Journal
In the second book of his acclaimed American Revolution series, Nathaniel Philbrick turns to the tragic relationship between George Washington and Benedict Arnold. In September 1776, the vulnerable Continental army under an unsure George Washington evacuated New York after a devastating defeat by the British army. Three weeks later, one of his favorite generals, Benedict Arnold, miraculously succeeded in postponing the British naval advance down Lake Champlain that might have lost the war. As this book ends, four years later Washington has vanquished his demons, and Arnold has fled to the enemy. America was forced at last to realize that the real threat to its liberties might not come from without but from withinComplex, controversial, and dramatic, Valiant Ambition is a portrait of a people in crisis and the war that gave bir
… (lisätietoja)
  1. 10
    1776 {abridged audiobook} (tekijä: David McCullough) (Anonyymi käyttäjä)
    Anonyymi käyttäjä: 1776 is the view of the Revolution from the perspective of George Washington and the Continental Army battles. Valiant Ambition focuses on Benedict Arnold, who was initially an heroic officer, including a critical role in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga. The two books together give very different perspectives on the Revolutionary War and the factors leading to the final success of the American side.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 35 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 29) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
An excellent historical account of the American Revolution detailing the influences of public and private figures on Benedict Arnold and George Washington, their battles, personalities, failures and heroics. ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
I started this book and read the first 15-20, then put it down to read several others, but finally finished over the last few days. I think this should be required reading for all Americans. In addition to primary sources originating from the usual suspects (Washington, Arnold, official records, etc.), Phillbrick used some interesting primary source materials from people we have not usually heard from, like a conscripted young private and ordinary citizens, which gave this account a richer context. There was at least one quote presented as fact that has been questioned by other historians, i.e., that Nathan Hale uttered the famous, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country," just before he was hanged. No eyewitness written accounts of the hanging reported this statement, and some have speculated it was propaganda coming out of Washington's war council. Nevertheless, an enjoyable read that illuminates the political machinations and petty rivalries that nearly undid the Revolution. ( )
  bschweiger | Feb 4, 2024 |
(2016) Second in the trilogy by the author about the Revolutionary War, this does not disappoint. Philbrick's narrative style is not stilted and very readable or in this case listenable. Basically concentrating on the excellent general Benedict Arnold and how he is inevitably led to treason when he turns coat against the US and becomes a pariah. KIRKUS: A history of the American Revolution, focused on George Washington (1732-1799) and Benedict Arnold (1741-1801), in which the author acknowledges Arnold's good points but does not fully rehabilitate him.National Book Award winner Philbrick (Bunker Hill: A City, a Siege, a Revolution, 2013, etc.) devotes almost equal time to Washington, in his eyes an incompetent general and a slowalthough eventually successful¥learner but a superb judge of talent; he knew Arnold possessed plenty. As a militia captain at the 1775 siege of Boston, Arnold impressed Washington with his energy in capturing the fortress of Ticonderoga. His expedition to Quebec ended in disaster but burnished his reputation. In 1777, fearless leadership played a major role in defeating Gen. John Burgoyne at Saratoga. Arnold's self-regard ensured that success produced more enemies than admirers. Appointed military governor of Philadelphia in 1778, he was a controversial figure and began to profit from a variety of business deals related to his post. In 1779, he offered his services to the British and began sending useful intelligence. Only bad luck derailed his 1780 plot to surrender West Point to the British. In Philbrick's opinion, Arnold was a psychopath. Oblivious to the consequences of his actions, he was incredibly brave under fire. Peculation was common even among loyal Revolutionary officers, but Arnold's stood out. He exhausted his fortune to support his campaigns, lived beyond his means, and used his official position, especially in Philadelphia, to enrich himself. Payment dominated his negotiations with the British. After brilliantly chronicling two obscure voyages (In the Heart of the Sea, Sea of Glory), Philbrick turned to familiar subjects (Mayflower, Bunker Hill) with admirable, if slightly less, brilliance but better sales. Like the latter, Valiant Ambition is solid popular history.A lively account of our Revolution's most reviled figure.Pub Date: May 10, 2016ISBN: 978-0-525-42678-3Page Count: 448Publisher: Viking
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
Nathaniel Philbrick's writing style makes his books easy to follow and enjoyable to read. This book is a great resource for anyone wanting to understand the circumstances surrounding Benedict Arnold and his ultimate demise in the Continental Army and the fledgling United Colonies. ( )
  trueblueglue | Nov 23, 2023 |
The best written of the author’s series on the Revolutionary War. The author’s style is always popular as it is user-friendly, and never forgets the importance of telling a good story while at the same time imparting information. Unlike at least one of his previous books, which I believed sometimes got lost in a necessary detail, this book captures the complex times well and still flows smoothly.

I particularly enjoyed the descriptions of the Saratoga campaign and the machinations involving Benedict Arnold and Major Andre in the West Point debacle.

Recommended. ( )
  la2bkk | Jan 12, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 29) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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As he was valiant,  
I honor him. 
But, as he was ambitious, 
I slew him.

 - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
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To Melissa
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(Preface) We all know the story: how a defiant and undisciplined collection of ctizen soldiers banded together to defeat the mightiest army on earth.
By the spring of 1776, George Washington had established his army's headquarters at New York, then a wedge-shaped labyrinth of streets and lanes at the southern tip of Manhattan Island.
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Biography & Autobiography. History. Military. Nonfiction. HTML:A New York Times Bestseller
Winner of the George Washington Prize
A surprising account of the middle years of the American Revolution and the tragic relationship between George Washington and Benedict Arnold, from the New York Times bestselling author of In The Heart of the Sea, Mayflower, and In the Hurricane's Eye.

"May be one of the greatest what-if books of the age??a volume that turns one of America??s best-known narratives on its head.???Boston Globe
"Clear and insightful, [Valiant Ambition] consolidates Philbrick's reputation as one of America's foremost practitioners of narrative nonfiction."??Wall Street Journal
In the second book of his acclaimed American Revolution series, Nathaniel Philbrick turns to the tragic relationship between George Washington and Benedict Arnold. In September 1776, the vulnerable Continental army under an unsure George Washington evacuated New York after a devastating defeat by the British army. Three weeks later, one of his favorite generals, Benedict Arnold, miraculously succeeded in postponing the British naval advance down Lake Champlain that might have lost the war. As this book ends, four years later Washington has vanquished his demons, and Arnold has fled to the enemy. America was forced at last to realize that the real threat to its liberties might not come from without but from withinComplex, controversial, and dramatic, Valiant Ambition is a portrait of a people in crisis and the war that gave bir

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