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The Charlie Parker Collection: Books 1-4

Tekijä: John Connolly

Sarjat: Charlie Parker (Omnibus 1-4)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2211,033,496 (4.25)-
Former NYPD Charlie Parker first appears in EVERY DEAD THING on a quest for the killer of his wife and daughter. He is a man consumed by violence, guilt and the desire for revenge. When his ex-partner asks him to track down a missing girl, Parker embarks on a grim odyssey through the bowels of organised crime to a unique serial killer: The Travelling Man. In DARK HOLLOW, Private detective Charlie Parker embarks on a nerve-shredding manhunt and closes in on his prime suspect. But someone else is tracking them both. Parker's empathy with the powerless victims of crime is growing ever stronger. It makes him a natural choice to investigate the death of Grace Peltier in THE KILLING KIND - a death that appears to be a suicide. Genial killers Angel and Louis join Parker again as he descends into a honeycomb world populated by dark angels and lost souls. In THE WHITE ROAD, a black youth faces the death penalty for rape and murder; his victim, the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in South Carolina. It is a case with its roots in old evil, and old evil is Charlie Parker's speciality. Evil men from his past unite to exact a terrible revenge on the private detective.… (lisätietoja)

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Of the book series I have read, the start of this series is hard for me to offer a review.

The main character is a former New York homicide detective that now is a private investigator. The opening novel involves the main character Charlie Parker searching for a serial killer named the The Traveling Man.

I grow weary of fictionalized serial killers that are diabolical geniuses that seem to leave bodies in more of a fashion found in that of psychopathic spree killers.

These books are really good, but for me, they do not grab me like they are certain to grab other readers.

In some ways, these four novels resemble the books of James Lee Burke involving the Dave Robicheaux character. The opening group of novels involve settings of the American south and of our country's past involving race and class.

The story lines are complex and sometimes convoluted in their progression through the novels. John Connolly also has a tendency to introduce a large number of characters and is not shy when it comes to the back stories of his characters.

If I had to suggest one thing when reading these books, it would be to read them through - do not pick them up and read them in segments. When my reading was delayed, I had to pause to remind myself of each characters.

Still, this should not be seen as a negative review. These books just aren't my cup of tea, but they still are very good and others should give the a try.

Also, eading method when reading these books is to . ( )
  EricEllis | Sep 2, 2017 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Charlie Parker (Omnibus 1-4)
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Former NYPD Charlie Parker first appears in EVERY DEAD THING on a quest for the killer of his wife and daughter. He is a man consumed by violence, guilt and the desire for revenge. When his ex-partner asks him to track down a missing girl, Parker embarks on a grim odyssey through the bowels of organised crime to a unique serial killer: The Travelling Man. In DARK HOLLOW, Private detective Charlie Parker embarks on a nerve-shredding manhunt and closes in on his prime suspect. But someone else is tracking them both. Parker's empathy with the powerless victims of crime is growing ever stronger. It makes him a natural choice to investigate the death of Grace Peltier in THE KILLING KIND - a death that appears to be a suicide. Genial killers Angel and Louis join Parker again as he descends into a honeycomb world populated by dark angels and lost souls. In THE WHITE ROAD, a black youth faces the death penalty for rape and murder; his victim, the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in South Carolina. It is a case with its roots in old evil, and old evil is Charlie Parker's speciality. Evil men from his past unite to exact a terrible revenge on the private detective.

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