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How Did Long John Silver Lose His Leg ?

Tekijä: Dennis Butts, Peter Hunt

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1011,877,666 (3.5)-
How did Long John Silver Lose His Leg? is a wonderfully diverting tour through some of the best-loved classics of children's literature, addressing many of the unanswered questions that inspire intense speculation when the books are laid down. Could Bobbie's train really have stopped in time (The Railway Children)? Did Beatrix Potter have the 'flu in 1909, and did this lead to a certain darkness in her work (The Tale of Mr Tod)? Would the 'rugby football' played by Tom Brown be recognised by sportsmen today (Tom Brown's Schooldays)? Having established the cultural importance of children's books in the modern age, the authors also consider the more serious issues posed by the genre. Why are we so defensive of the idyllic worlds presented in children's books? Why have some of our best-loved authors been outed as neglectful parents to their own children? Should we ever separate the book from its creator and appreciate the works of writers convicted of crimes against children? A treat for any enthusiast of children's literature, this entertaining book provides rich detail, witty explication, and serious food for thought.… (lisätietoja)
Arvostelu (1) Beatrix Potter -- The Tale of Mr Tod -- critical reading (1) books about books-writing-publishing (1) Buckeridge -- Jennings Goes to School -- history and criticism (1) children's literature -- 20th century -- history and criticism (1) children's literature -- history and criticism (1) children's literature -- theoretical readings (1) children's literature criticism (1) children's literature studies (1) English literature -- Alice in Wonderland -- critical reading and teaching approaches (1) English literature -- Alice in Wonderland -- history and criticism (1) English literature -- Beatrix Potter -- history and criticism (1) esseet (1) Fraces Hodgson Burnett -- The Secret Garden -- critical reading (1) Garner -- The Stone Book quartet -- crticial reading (1) Gordon (1) Grahame -- The Wind in the Willows -- critical reading (1) Haggard -- King Solomon's Mines -- history and criticism (1) Jefferies -- Bevis -- critical reading (1) Junior (1) Kipling -- Puck of Pook's Hill -- history and criticism (1) Marryat -- The Children of the New Forest -- critical reading (1) Masefield -- The Box of Delights -- history and criticism (1) Nesbit -- The Railway Children -- history and criticism (1) Orwell -- Boys' Weeklies -- history and criticism (1) Ransome -- Swallowdale -- history and criticism (1) Stevenson -- Treasure Island -- history and criticism (1) Thomas Hughes -- Tom Brown -- critical reading (1) viktoriaaninen (1) Wilder -- Little House series -- history and criticism (1)

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This review appears on the back cover of the book.

"This is a book that wears its learning lightly but offers much in the way of cultural insight and some serious reflections on the condition and future of the children's book in a digital age. "
Professor Kimberley Reynolds
School of English, Language and Linguistitcs, Newcastle University
This review has been flagged by multiple users as abuse of the terms of service and is no longer displayed (show).
  westermanyarns | Jan 23, 2014 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Butts, Dennisensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Hunt, Peterpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään voidaksesi muokata Yhteistä tietoa
Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


How did Long John Silver Lose His Leg? is a wonderfully diverting tour through some of the best-loved classics of children's literature, addressing many of the unanswered questions that inspire intense speculation when the books are laid down. Could Bobbie's train really have stopped in time (The Railway Children)? Did Beatrix Potter have the 'flu in 1909, and did this lead to a certain darkness in her work (The Tale of Mr Tod)? Would the 'rugby football' played by Tom Brown be recognised by sportsmen today (Tom Brown's Schooldays)? Having established the cultural importance of children's books in the modern age, the authors also consider the more serious issues posed by the genre. Why are we so defensive of the idyllic worlds presented in children's books? Why have some of our best-loved authors been outed as neglectful parents to their own children? Should we ever separate the book from its creator and appreciate the works of writers convicted of crimes against children? A treat for any enthusiast of children's literature, this entertaining book provides rich detail, witty explication, and serious food for thought.

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3.5 1

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