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Tekijä: Marisha Pessl

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

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3,2072844,241 (3.76)142
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR * Cosmopolitan * Kirkus Reviews * BookPage A page-turning thriller for readers of Stephen King, Gillian Flynn, and Stieg Larsson, Night Film tells the haunting story of a journalist who becomes obsessed with the mysterious death of a troubled prodigy--the daughter of an iconic, reclusive filmmaker.   On a damp October night, beautiful young Ashley Cordova is found dead in an abandoned warehouse in lower Manhattan. Though her death is ruled a suicide, veteran investigative journalist Scott McGrath suspects otherwise. As he probes the strange circumstances surrounding Ashley's life and death, McGrath comes face-to-face with the legacy of her father: the legendary, reclusive cult-horror-film director Stanislas Cordova--a man who hasn't been seen in public for more than thirty years.   For McGrath, another death connected to this seemingly cursed family dynasty seems more than just a coincidence. Though much has been written about Cordova's dark and unsettling films, very little is known about the man himself.   Driven by revenge, curiosity, and a need for the truth, McGrath, with the aid of two strangers, is drawn deeper and deeper into Cordova's eerie, hypnotic world.   The last time he got close to exposing the director, McGrath lost his marriage and his career. This time he might lose even more.   Night Film, the gorgeously written, spellbinding new novel by the dazzlingly inventive Marisha Pessl, will hold you in suspense until you turn the final page. Includes a bonus PDF of interactive images Praise for Night Film   "Night Film has been precision-engineered to be read at high velocity, and its energy would be the envy of any summer blockbuster. Your average writer of thrillers should lust for Pessl's deft touch with character."--Joe Hill, The New York Times Book Review   "Mysterious and even a little head-spinning, an amazing act of imagination."--Dean Baquet, The New York Times Book Review   "Maniacally clever . . . Cordova is a monomaniacal genius who creeps into the darkest crevices of the human psyche. . . . As a study of a great mythmaker, Night Film is an absorbing act of myth-making itself. . . . Dastardly fun . . . The plot feels like an M. C. Escher nightmare about Edgar Allan Poe. . . . You'll miss your subway stop, let dinner burn and start sleeping with the lights on."--The Washington Post   "Haunting . . . a suspenseful, sprawling page-turner."--USA Today   "Entrancing and delightful . . . [a] whipsmart humdinger of a thriller . . . It feels, above all things, new."--The Boston Globe   "Gripping . . . a masterful puzzle . . . Pessl builds up real suspense."--Entertainment Weekly   "A very deeply imagined book . . . sprints to an ending that's equal parts nagging and haunting: What lingers, beyond all the page-turning, is a density of possible clues that leaves you leafing backward, scanning fictional blog comments and newspaper clippings, positive there's some secret detail that will snap everything into focus."--New York   "Hypnotic . . . The real and the imaginary, life and art, are dizzyingly distorted not only in a Cordova night film . . . but in Pessl's own Night Film as well."--Vanity Fair… (lisätietoja)
  1. 11
    The Supernatural Enhancements (tekijä: Edgar Cantero) (dizzyweasel)
    dizzyweasel: Ephemera, found footage, photos, scripts add to the narrative to unfold the mystery.
  2. 00
    Hors de moi (tekijä: Didier van Cauwelaert) (beyondthefourthwall)
    beyondthefourthwall: Tense, twisty psychological thrillers. Just who is pulling the strings here, and why?
  3. 00
    The Hazel Wood (tekijä: Melissa Albert) (beyondthefourthwall)
    beyondthefourthwall: Two enjoyably creepy novels featuring young people trying to figure out what's up with elderly genius recluses who may or may not be dead and whose eerie, inaccessible Upstate New York estates may or may not be supernaturally dangerous.
  4. 00
    The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone (tekijä: Adele Griffin) (beyondthefourthwall)
    beyondthefourthwall: Multimedia-based investigations into the mysterious, premature death of brilliant, troubled young women - in both cases, there may or may not be anything supernatural going on.
  5. 00
    As Simple As Snow (tekijä: Gregory Galloway) (beyondthefourthwall)
  6. 00
    The House That Horror Built (tekijä: Christina Henry) (Litrvixen)
  7. 00
    Harrow Lake (tekijä: Kat Ellis) (Litrvixen)
  8. 01
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  9. 01
    Bellevue Square (tekijä: Michael Redhill) (beyondthefourthwall)
    beyondthefourthwall: Fast-paced, clever, multilayered thrillers with an edge of horror, open to interpretation, which end up playing extensively with reliability and the nature of reality.

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» Katso myös 142 mainintaa

englanti (277)  saksa (2)  ranska (2)  hollanti (2)  italia (1)  ruotsi (1)  norja (1)  Kaikki kielet (286)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 286) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
A very interesting concept for the storyline, but again 200 less pages would have accomplished the same. ( )
  kwagnerroberts | Jun 24, 2024 |
i wish i could erase my memory and read this for the first time again...such a fantastic mystery that creates an incredibly, unsettling tone throughout. i also LOVE a good fake media tie-in with screenshots of websites, paparazzi photos, newspaper clippings etc. to truly immerse yourself ( )
  bisexuality | Mar 6, 2024 |
This was a very atmospheric novel. Her language, imagery, and the multimedia clips created a spooky and paranoia driven world. i was disappointed with the ending. ( )
  devilhoo | Jan 3, 2024 |
Oh, how I LOVED this book. It was exactly what I needed after being in a reading slump for so long. Spellbinding, beautifully written, with amazingly vivid characters that leapt off the page. I wanted to live in this world, and when I turned the last page, I was heartbroken because I didn’t want it to end. I was a little disappointed in the ending, but I think my feelings about it had less to do with the story itself and more with the fact that I just wanted to keep reading. I would have gladly read 600 more pages about Scott, Nora, Hopper, Ashley and Cordova - not to mention the myriad walk-on roles that were at times repulsive, fascinating, and endearing. I adored NIGHT FILM. It reminded me that there are amazing books out there for me, and there’s no need to slog through the ones that don’t captivate me like this one did. ( )
  Elizabeth_Cooper | Oct 27, 2023 |
Had really high hopes, but for some reason I just couldn't get through it. ( )
  nogomu | Oct 19, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 286) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This book is like a big fun-house — Pessl lets you decide if you want to believe its magic. I probably won't remember all that much of the plot a few weeks from now and the characters are basically vehicles for an overarching idea more than anything else. But Marisha Pessl had an extremely cool and intricate idea for a novel, and ultimately it works. I was totally happy to sit in the darkness until the very last page, and I didn't move a muscle until the lights came up.
lisäsi zhejw | muokkaaNPR, Meg Wolitzer (Aug 22, 2013)
By the time you’ve fallen halfway down this rabbit hole, the plot feels like an M.C. Escher nightmare about Edgar Allan Poe. What’s best, some of the folks whom Scott interviews tell such incantatory tales about Cordova’s grotesque antics that you’ll miss your subway stop, let dinner burn and start sleeping with the lights on.
Ms. Pessl seems to take it on faith that her readers will want more than the page provides. But that’s hardly guaranteed. This is a book that plods along for 500 pages without developing any momentum at all. It gathers steam only in a string of excitingly fake endings that contradict one another. Most of it is a halfhearted film noir pastiche with amusing period-piece characters (one is a perky hatcheck girl) and an array of different settings. But exploring them feels like roaming the endless domains of a video game, not like reading a book.

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (10 mahdollista)

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Pessl, Marishaensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Garton, RekhaKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Äärimmäinen pelko on yhtä keskeinen asia elämässämme kuin rakkaus. Se viiltää olemuksemme ytimeen asti ja näyttää meille millaisia me olemme. Peräännymmekö ja peitämmekö silmämme? Vai onko meillä rohkeutta kävellä jyrkänteen reunalle ja katsoa alas? Haluammeko tietää mitä alhaalla on, vai elää siinä synkässä harhakäsityksessä, että tämä kaupallinen maailmaa vaatii meitä pysyttelemään tiukasti koteloissamme kuin sokeat toukat? Pystymmekö murtautumaan ulos ja lentämään? Vai käperrymmekö silmät ummessa koteloihimme kuolemaan?

— Stanislas Cordova,
Rolling Stone, 29. joulukuuta 1977
(1910-2011) muistolle
Ensimmäiset sanat
Kaikilla on jokin tarina Cordovasta, halusivatpa he tai eivät.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
...indicator of the problems of today's youth; raised by the Internet, they flitted from one fixation to the next with all the gravity of a mouse-click...
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (3)

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR * Cosmopolitan * Kirkus Reviews * BookPage A page-turning thriller for readers of Stephen King, Gillian Flynn, and Stieg Larsson, Night Film tells the haunting story of a journalist who becomes obsessed with the mysterious death of a troubled prodigy--the daughter of an iconic, reclusive filmmaker.   On a damp October night, beautiful young Ashley Cordova is found dead in an abandoned warehouse in lower Manhattan. Though her death is ruled a suicide, veteran investigative journalist Scott McGrath suspects otherwise. As he probes the strange circumstances surrounding Ashley's life and death, McGrath comes face-to-face with the legacy of her father: the legendary, reclusive cult-horror-film director Stanislas Cordova--a man who hasn't been seen in public for more than thirty years.   For McGrath, another death connected to this seemingly cursed family dynasty seems more than just a coincidence. Though much has been written about Cordova's dark and unsettling films, very little is known about the man himself.   Driven by revenge, curiosity, and a need for the truth, McGrath, with the aid of two strangers, is drawn deeper and deeper into Cordova's eerie, hypnotic world.   The last time he got close to exposing the director, McGrath lost his marriage and his career. This time he might lose even more.   Night Film, the gorgeously written, spellbinding new novel by the dazzlingly inventive Marisha Pessl, will hold you in suspense until you turn the final page. Includes a bonus PDF of interactive images Praise for Night Film   "Night Film has been precision-engineered to be read at high velocity, and its energy would be the envy of any summer blockbuster. Your average writer of thrillers should lust for Pessl's deft touch with character."--Joe Hill, The New York Times Book Review   "Mysterious and even a little head-spinning, an amazing act of imagination."--Dean Baquet, The New York Times Book Review   "Maniacally clever . . . Cordova is a monomaniacal genius who creeps into the darkest crevices of the human psyche. . . . As a study of a great mythmaker, Night Film is an absorbing act of myth-making itself. . . . Dastardly fun . . . The plot feels like an M. C. Escher nightmare about Edgar Allan Poe. . . . You'll miss your subway stop, let dinner burn and start sleeping with the lights on."--The Washington Post   "Haunting . . . a suspenseful, sprawling page-turner."--USA Today   "Entrancing and delightful . . . [a] whipsmart humdinger of a thriller . . . It feels, above all things, new."--The Boston Globe   "Gripping . . . a masterful puzzle . . . Pessl builds up real suspense."--Entertainment Weekly   "A very deeply imagined book . . . sprints to an ending that's equal parts nagging and haunting: What lingers, beyond all the page-turning, is a density of possible clues that leaves you leafing backward, scanning fictional blog comments and newspaper clippings, positive there's some secret detail that will snap everything into focus."--New York   "Hypnotic . . . The real and the imaginary, life and art, are dizzyingly distorted not only in a Cordova night film . . . but in Pessl's own Night Film as well."--Vanity Fair

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