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Shifter's Wolf

Tekijä: Patricia Briggs

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Aralorn (1-2), Sianim: Publication Order (1 & 4), Sianim: Chronological Order (1-2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1751160,974 (3.89)1
A breathtaking epic fantasy adventure from the bestselling Patricia Briggs, author of the Mercy Thompson novels. After an upbringing of proper behaviour and oppressive expectations, Aralorn fled her noble birthright for a life of adventure as a mercenary spy. But her latest mission involves more peril than she ever imagined. Agents of Sianim have asked her to gather intelligence on the increasingly popular and powerful sorcerer Geoffrey ae'Magi. Soon Aralorn comes to see past the man's striking charisma - and into a soul as corrupt and black as endless night. And few have the will to resist the sinister might of the ae'Magi and his minions. So Aralorn, aided by her enigmatic companion, Wolf, joins the rebellion against the ae'Magi. But in a war against a foe armed with the power of illusion, how do you know who the true enemy is - or where he will strike next? This omnibus edition contains the two titles MASQUES and WOLFSBANE. Books by Patricia Briggs: Books three and four in the Sianim series Steal the Dragon When Demons Walk Hurog Dragon Bones Dragon Blood Raven duology Raven's Shadow Raven's Strike Mercy Thompson Moon Called Blood Bound Iron Kissed Bone Crossed Silver Marked Frost Burned Night Broken Fire Touched Silence Fallen Storm Cursed Smoke Bitten Alpha and Omega Alpha & Omega Cry Wolf Hunting Ground Fair Game Dead Heat Burn Bright… (lisätietoja)

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One of Briggs' first novels, slightly edited and released with it's sequel. I'm never quite sure what to make of authors doing this - but on this occasion I really enjoyed it, and shows that Briggs has had a powerful talent across the genre, not just for werewolves. It is occasionally slightly rough in places, with a few awkward scene transitions, but generally works very well. The pacing a description evoke a fascinating and well thought through world.

Aralorn is a half-blood, mostly human but part true green mage shapechanger. Mostly she's just a storyteller who happens to be lithe, fast and skilled and doesn't reveal her heritage doing odd spying and thieving jobs. Along the way she rescues an abnormally intelligent wolf who'd managed to fall into a pit trap. The wolf seems to recognise her non-human half and although frequently disappearing for long times always reappears. Aralorn is sent to spy on the ruling human mage (a very different branch of magic) and realises that something isn't quite right. He is supposed to be guarding all the lands from the vile dark magic practises that caused such destruction centuries ago, but in his presence she can sense that he's been subtly influencing everyone and seeking to extend his powers through forbidden means. Aralorn meets a band of rebels and when Wolf finally reveals his true nature, comes up with a sort of plan to save the world.

In the sequel we get to visit both sides of her family and explore some of the consequences of her actions. It si shorter than the original.

I'm only aware of Brigg's werewolf novels which I've enjoyed. This encourages me to seek out her other writings. ( )
  reading_fox | May 20, 2024 |
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Patricia Briggsensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Delon, MelanieKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Aralorn (1-2)

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A breathtaking epic fantasy adventure from the bestselling Patricia Briggs, author of the Mercy Thompson novels. After an upbringing of proper behaviour and oppressive expectations, Aralorn fled her noble birthright for a life of adventure as a mercenary spy. But her latest mission involves more peril than she ever imagined. Agents of Sianim have asked her to gather intelligence on the increasingly popular and powerful sorcerer Geoffrey ae'Magi. Soon Aralorn comes to see past the man's striking charisma - and into a soul as corrupt and black as endless night. And few have the will to resist the sinister might of the ae'Magi and his minions. So Aralorn, aided by her enigmatic companion, Wolf, joins the rebellion against the ae'Magi. But in a war against a foe armed with the power of illusion, how do you know who the true enemy is - or where he will strike next? This omnibus edition contains the two titles MASQUES and WOLFSBANE. Books by Patricia Briggs: Books three and four in the Sianim series Steal the Dragon When Demons Walk Hurog Dragon Bones Dragon Blood Raven duology Raven's Shadow Raven's Strike Mercy Thompson Moon Called Blood Bound Iron Kissed Bone Crossed Silver Marked Frost Burned Night Broken Fire Touched Silence Fallen Storm Cursed Smoke Bitten Alpha and Omega Alpha & Omega Cry Wolf Hunting Ground Fair Game Dead Heat Burn Bright

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Keskiarvo: (3.89)
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3 4
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4 7
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5 4

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