JäsenMartyFried(he, him, it)

Oikea nimi
Marty Fried
About Me

I'm a retired computer programmer and former audio engineer. I still actively follow tech and electronics, but I'm not nearly as active in social networks as I once was, and consider most of them to be a minefield. Goodreads has been one exception, and any other book-related forums. People who read books are generally smarter than those who hang out on Facebook, etc.

I mostly like audiobooks because I can listen while doing other things, and I read ebooks at other times, both on my Android phone. So, I always have books with me.

I mostly read fiction, especially mysteries, Sci Fi, and whatever else catches my interest. I'll even occasionally read YA, some fantasy, but not normally any romance. I have a huge backlog of books I really want to read, so I'm not interested in book suggestions, and probably not book reviews unless they are by authors I especially like.

California Bay Area

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MartyFried antoi tähtiä, tallensi
MartyFried antoi tähtiä, tallensi
MartyFried antoi tähtiä, tallensi
MartyFried antoi tähtiä, tallensi