Chesley AwardNomineeInterior Illustration1993

Given by Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA)

5 teosta 200 kirjaa 3.5
The Chesley Awards are run by the members of the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA). Originally called the ASFA Awards, they were renamed for the artist Chesley Bonestell. näytä lisää The Chesleys were started as peer awards to acknowledge works and achievements not covered by the Hugo Awards.

No awards were given in 2022.
näytä vähemmän
Kaikki, Winner (158), Nominee (795)
Kaikki, Interior Illustration (5)
Kaikki, 2023 (7), 2021 (7), 2020 (5), 2019 (5), 2018 (6), 2017 (5), 2016 (3), 2015 (6), 2014 (6), 2013 (4), 2012 (4), 2011 (5), 2010 (5), 2009 (5), 2008 (10), 2007 (6), 2006 (3), 2005 (5), 2004 (6), 2003 (5), 2002 (5), 2001 (4), 2000 (4), 1999 (5), 1998 (5), 1997 (6), 1996 (5), 1995 (5), 1994 (5), 1993 (5), 1992 (5), 1991 (5), 1990 (5), 1989 (5), 1988 (2), 1985 (3)
maaliskuu 29: Winner2023 Viimeksi


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