Locus AwardNomineeFantasy Novel1995

Given by Locus Magazine

Muut nimet: Locus Poll Award (englanti)
2 teosta 14,734 kirjaa 128 arvostelua ½ 3.8
The Locus Awards are presented to winners of Locus Magazine's annual readers' poll, which was established in the early '70s specifically to provide recommendations and suggestions to Hugo Awards näytä lisää voters. Over the decades the Locus Awards have often drawn more voters than the Hugos and Nebulas combined. In recent years Locus Awards are presented at an annual banquet, and unlike any other award, explicitly honor publishers of winning works with certificates. The finalists and nominees are also tracked. näytä vähemmän
Kaikki, Winner (517), Finalist (1,740), Nominee (427)
Kaikki, Fantasy Novel (2)
Kaikki, 2012 (1), 2009 (13), 2008 (10), 2005 (2), 2004 (1), 2003 (1), 2002 (1), 2001 (3), 1999 (3), 1998 (1), 1996 (3), 1995 (2), 1994 (1), 1993 (2), 1991 (2), 1990 (1), 1989 (1), 1988 (5), 1987 (4), 1986 (2), 1985 (5), 1984 (5), 1983 (4), 1982 (3), 1981 (3), 1980 (3), 1978 (1)
toukokuu 9: Finalist2024 Viimeksi


adventure(2,709) apocalypse(843) audiobook(1,290) Belgariad(1,405) British(999) children(1,194) children's(2,023) children's literature(1,145) Dark Tower(2,317) ebook(2,319) England(1,103) epic(1,625) epic fantasy(1,861) fantasy(69,276) fantasy fiction(1,321) favorites(1,480) fiction(36,365) goodreads(1,378) hardcover(1,438) Harry Potter(5,034) high fantasy(1,229) horror(10,102) humor(3,297) Incarnations of Immortality(944) Kindle(1,127) magic(7,332) novel(4,005) own(2,610) owned(1,609) paperback(2,222) read(7,271) religion(1,105) science fiction(6,693) Science Fiction/Fantasy(1,612) series(5,566) sf(1,547) sff(2,879) speculative fiction(999) Stephen King(2,117) supernatural(852) thriller(1,010) to-read(14,526) unread(1,590) urban fantasy(907) Wheel of Time(4,592) witches(1,185) wizards(1,862) Xanth(1,766) ya(1,920) young adult(3,624)


jcm790 (62 teosta), bookstopshere (60), goobertellii (57), randys_bookbuzz (57), xofelf (57), TaraWood (56), StormRaven (55), fitzwater (54), EmScape (53), tootstorm (53), SFF1928-1973 (52), bryfrawood (51), Dureo (51), Markober (50), mvuijlst (50), JaredMcLaine (49), Leischen (49), TerryWeyna (48), antqueen (47), LadyDita (47), Larou (47), maribou (47), Oryphany (47), saulegriza (47), iz (46), Jay-Freeman (46), Sungil (46), calm (45), krobinett (45), murfman (45), pandr65 (45), Rynosseros (45), sangreal (45), alareth1976 (44), andrew.j.stephens (44), egb (44), LegoDruid (44), nelsam (44), paulhurtley (44), ScarletBella (44), jrr731 (43), KittyCunningham (43), levlazarev (43), Musereader (43), ringman (43), sarah4uk (43), Sterling4589 (43), agille37 (42), Areopagite (42), Ashlar- (42), bradleyhorner (42), cdaley (42), CoreyScott (42), erichtwade (42), iftyzaidi (42), Jon_Hansen (42), mclay2007 (42), mick745 (42), Rynemonn (42), sdobie (42), Serinde24 (42), Snukes (42), steelprimate (42), danielskatz (41), dpeace (41), GeekLair (41), gordon.krefting (41), G_Riv (41), LoveKarlsson (41), martinb1 (41), Marz38 (41), wm3395 (41), wpisfs (41), buffygurl (40), duncjo (40), emanhaud (40), Fisherhawk (40), LibrarianFu (40), PaulWood (40), renbedell (40), Scottneumann (40), Serrana (40), stephanie_M (40), alaskabookworm (39), amuskopf (39), DavidCraddock (39), howie (39), ljw87505 (39), MattieShoes (39), minahoney (39), mrsnout (39), odinblindeye (39), raduvalteros (39), Rtrace (39), spereira82 (39), vicwong (39), wiggle363 (39), yossarians (39), Archren (38), DynatoxIndustries (38), Ed_Gosney (38), iluvvideo (38), JohnKeats (38), Kaethe (38), Karlstar (38), macsbrains (38), paperclypse (38), reecejones (38), rittermitfahrer (38), SampleAndy (38), scottyn73 (38), trevor68 (38), UBC_SFS (38), ashleytylerjohn (37), cattermune (37), Crow_Station (37), detritus (37), dltucker (37), Enigma_Library (37), grant.libby (37), griffinel (37), joe.basile.5 (37), JoeKrause (37), kpevjen (37), lorikitty (37), MaikoKirana (37), paupersgrave (37), PRDurham2 (37), Randki (37), Scathfell (37), stacieadavis (37), tglovell (37), thramser17 (37), tr10pt1c0n (37), TwilightBlue (37), wyvernfriend (37), al.vick (36), alanahawk (36), ChrisChalmers (36), DGD (36), Fidelias (36), fyrefly98 (36), hohosmurf (36), jezrah68 (36), kamintra (36), mffowler (36), rabbinero (36), RaggedyMandy (36), TadAD (36), tempus1234 (36), tetujin (36), Thunem (36), timjdarling (36), weber93 (36), acaruthers (35), blacktavish (35), BrianKSmith (35), bruceandceals (35), bulzi (35), CrazySpringsteen (35), crosma (35), divinenanny (35), gokuthemighty (35), joiedelivre (35), kursaal (35), lcd (35), Murphyslawyer (35), Natt90 (35), profcobra (35), Royt440 (35), Sethvir (35), Spoto-Media (35), srkal (35), trantor (35), Tropical-Library (35), UnicornArcher (35), WingedWolf (35)