
SciFi (1,946), Series (1,637), Fantasy (783), Mystery (420), Anthology (272), Humor (262), Collection (250), Military (178), Fiction (164), Omnibus (146), Culinary (133), Myths-Sagas-Tales (131), Graphic (128), History (106), India (78), Contemporary Fantasy (62), Movie (58), Shared World (58), Religion (56), Alternate History (56), TV (53), Biography (51), Philosophy (38), Double (37), Reference (37), Science (34), Espionage (31), Animals (31), Medical (30), Superheroes (27), Television (26), Poetry (26), Satire (24), Socio-political (24), Textbook (23), Adventure (22), Horror (22), Photography (21), Art (20), Language (17), Anthropology (17), Essays (17), Juvenile (16), Culture (13), Play (11), Psychology (9), Craft (9), Pseudoscience (9), Judaism (9), Christianity (9), Games (9), Medieval (8), Law (7), Incomplete (7), Journalism (7), Hinduism (7), Travel (6), Nature (6), Literary History (5), Pets (5), Computers (5), Music (5), Trivia (5), spare (4), Health (4), Lyrics (4), Physics (4), Software (4), Mathematics (4), Paleontology (3), Pamphlet (3), Mystic (3), Commentary (3), LitEval (3), Social Commentary (3), Herbs (3), Historical Fiction (3), Biology (3), Correspondence (3), Self-Help (3), Behavior (2), Historical (2), Astronomy (2), Young Adult (2), Plants (2), Memoir (2), Classic (2), Cosmology (2), Clothing (2), Archeology (2), Manual (2), Apple Macintosh (2), Blank (1), Automobiles (1), Human Relations (1), Movie Soundtrack (1), Inspiration (1), Trilogy (1), Audiobook (1), Folklore (1), Administration (1), Theatre (1), Supernatural (1), Archaeology (1), Western (1), Government (1), Writing (1), Thriller (1), Sports (1), Cookbook (1), Disney (1), Mythology (1), Cullinary (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Feb 12, 2008
Oikea nimi
S. A. Jones
About My Library
I have read most of my books and re-read most of those occasionally. I generally don't buy a book unless I've not only read it but am sure I'll want to do so again.

The few unread books were mostly purchased because of they were at hand, inexpensive, and had a favorable reputation. Occasionally, an added factor is I think the book may be educational in some fashion. Regardless, I'll get around to them eventually.

Most of the duplicate listings are because I have both hardback & paperback editions or when I've purchased a newer edition to avoid adding wear to a valued older one.
About Me
- Book lover most of my life
- Casual student of Hindu culture and Hindi
- Avid talker if you get me started...
- Mostly northern European ancestry

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