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Uwe Timm (1) (1940–)

Teoksen The Invention of Curried Sausage tekijä

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32 teosta 1,980 jäsentä 50 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Image credit: Photo by Hans Weingartz / Wikimedia Commons.

Tekijän teokset

The Invention of Curried Sausage (1993) 620 kappaletta, 24 arvostelua
In My Brother's Shadow: A Life and Death in the SS (2003) 317 kappaletta, 6 arvostelua
Rot (2001) 140 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Midsummer Night (1996) 89 kappaletta
Morenga (1978) 88 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Pikasika Köpi Kärsäkäs (1989) 86 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Vogelweide: Roman (2013) 72 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Icarië (2017) 71 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua
Heisser Sommer (1974) 63 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Halbschatten: Roman (2008) 59 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
The Snake Tree (1986) 54 kappaletta
Der Freund und der Fremde (2005) 45 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Freitisch (2011) 41 kappaletta
Der Schatz auf Pagensand (1995) 39 kappaletta
Der Mann auf dem Hochrad. (1984) 34 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua

Merkitty avainsanalla




Historische roman. Icarië. UWE TIMM.
Historisch : knap is de studie die ontspruit uit de gesprekken tussen Hansen en de ex-onderduiker Wagner. Deze laatste praat over Prof. Ploetz. Deze Prof. is de eigenlijke ontwerper van de eugenetische rassenhygiëne; dus de ‘bedenker’ van de massamoorden op zieken, gestoorden, Joden, en de niet-Arische mens. Dus de bedenker van de übermensch. De oorsprong lag in het communisme waar gelijkheid een belangrijk begrip was….
Roman : Tussen de verhoren en de gesprekken door van Hansen en Wagner, is de romanvorm aangaande de Amerikaan in Duitsland zonder betekenis. Bovendien brengt het boek ook niets bij over hoe de geallieerden het verslagen Duitsland vonden…
Mijn score is toch nog 3/5.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
gielen.tejo | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 27, 2023 |
A perfectly readable book that is less about the invention of curried sausage than about one woman's end-of-WW2 experiences in Hamburg, Germany.

My copy of this book (New Directions paperback, the edition I have chosen here) says this is a novel. Yet googling suggests this is more of a memoir, that Timm does not believe the standard story the curried sausage (aka currywurst) was invented in the 1950s in...Berlin. He remembers it from the 194os in Hamburg. I neighbor had a stand and sold it there. Even the back of the book says this--while also classifying it as a novel.

So, I'm confused and a bit annoyed LOL.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Dreesie | 23 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 17, 2022 |
In the hot summer of 1967, the student Ullrich is struggling to finish a dissertation on Hölderlin he needs to submit to complete his German degree at Munich University. The professor transparently doesn't like him and there are so many distractions on offer to take him out of his sweltering attic room in Schwabing, especially girls, bathing-lakes, and beer-gardens. And then the news comes through that a student called Benno Ohnesorg has been shot by a policeman during a demo against the Shah's visit to Berlin, and Ullrich finds himself caught up in a wonderful new world of leaflets, leather jackets, sheepskin waistcoats, "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh," communes, sit-ins, pot-smoking and more girls. Hölderlin is set aside for good, and Ullrich moves to Hamburg in time to get involved in the anti-Springer protests that followed the shooting of Rudi Dutschke.

This was obviously written from direct personal experience and before the dust had settled, and it's a very vivid evocation of the excitement of those times, and the width of the generation gap that was opening between the students and their parents. He has a lot of fun showing us what the parents' middle-class lifestyle looks like from the perspective of a young person home for a couple of days (oh, that German furniture of the sixties!). He also enjoys mocking the pomposity and incomprehension of the university authorities.

But it's not an uncritical account: Timm clearly feels that the students were dissipating a lot of their revolutionary energy in undirected and often pointless actions. With their comfortable middle-class families behind them to pick up the pieces, most have only a limited stake in the revolution (he couldn't know then how many 68-ers would turn into ultra-respectable establishment figures later, but he seems to have had at least an inkling). He deliberately contrasts the studdents' situation with that of people a generation earlier facing Nazi terror, or with that of industrial workers for whom a strike means a real sacrifice for their families.

As you might expect from a novel of the time, Timm's ideas about gender are not quite up to modern scrutiny, although he does make a couple of gestures in the right direction, as when he describes the needless unpleasantness involved in procuring an abortion when one of Ullrich's girlfriends becomes pregnant, or when he has Ullrich notice the way the crowd at a demo stops listening when a male speaker is followed by a woman at the microphone. But apart from that, young women come and go in the plot almost unnoticed, and they rarely get to talk about politics or whatever they are studying.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
thorold | Jul 17, 2022 |
Such a sweet and tender book. It's not a love story - apart from anything else love would be too grand for this book - although it is infused with care and affection. This is a book about an ordinary, but extremely talented and perceptive, woman, remembering a few weeks in her life at the end of the war in Hamburg. It is lovely to read and very satisfying in a warm way. It is comfort food of the highest order.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Estragon1958 | 23 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 23, 2022 |



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Arvio (tähdet)
½ 3.7

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