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Susie Steiner (1971–2022)

Teoksen Missing, Presumed tekijä

4 teosta 1,878 jäsentä 162 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Susie Steiner


Tekijän teokset

Missing, Presumed (2016) 1,247 kappaletta
Persons Unknown (2017) 440 kappaletta
Remain Silent (2020) 166 kappaletta
Homecoming (2013) 25 kappaletta

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Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
It's not just us in the US, apparently, that everyone loses their minds when a pretty young white lady goes missing. In Susie Steiner's Missing, Presumed, the pretty young white lady, Edith Head, is also posh (her father is a physician for the Royal family and connected to top government officials), which means that things really go bonkers. The book isn't really about Edith, though. It's about how the way she suddenly vanishes one night after going out for drinks with her boyfriend and best friend sends shockwaves through a whole host of people: her mother (whose own medical career was forced into the backseat by her husband's), the aforementioned best friend (who worships her), and of course the police, particularly Manon Bradshaw, the detective assigned to the case and her sweet-natured partner Davy. When a seemingly unconnected body turns up in a river nearby not too long after the disappearance, Manon can't shake her sense that the two cases are somehow connected and she doggedly fights to find out what links them.

Steiner has done one of my favorite things with Manon: she's written a strong female character who's a bit of a mess without losing her strength. Manon's about to turn 40, desperate for a family, and can't quite seem to stop sleeping with just about every dude she meets from internet dating sites, no matter how terrible the date. She's not written as an out-of-control sad sack, though, just lonely and wanting a family of her own and having no idea how to get there. When she finally does find herself in a relationship, though, the way it plays out is so cringeworthily realistic to anyone who's ever been unhappily single (I have definitely been in that category before): how fast she falls, ignoring warning signs, and how gut-wrenching it is when it comes apart. I did find myself wishing that Steiner had either centered the entire story on Manon or made more use of the other narrators...Manon is by far the dominant voice, and the others are used so relatively little, that it feels like Steiner couldn't make up her mind which way she wanted it to go and tried to have it both ways.

The mystery part of the plot, which is secondary to the character development part of things, was suitably well-done for me in terms of not being really obvious (I'm not much of a mystery reader so your mileage may vary) but I found myself questioning the motivation behind the eventual solution: I didn't think that the driving character would have behaved in the way that they did and thought it all wound up a little too neatly tied in a bow. But since the focus was really on the characters and the characters were well-written, I really enjoyed it.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
ghneumann | 119 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 14, 2024 |
I really loved this.

The characters - Manon and Davy and Miriam in particular - and the mystery was good. It was slow and plodding - the grind of chasing every lead and going over things so many times, the impatience of upper management, the aggravation of the press. But it didn’t feel too slow, it just seemed pretty realistic.

I also liked that the author didn’t give Manon an easy out. She has so many bad dates, and then meets Alan. She likes him! And then she falls really hard and it’s over. Instead, she commits to a 10yo orphan Fly and reconnects with her sister. So a HEA of sorts, but not romantic!… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
BeckiMarsh | 119 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 2, 2024 |
Merkitty asiattomaksi
BooksInMirror | 119 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 19, 2024 |
A police procedural set in Cambridgeshire England, with DI Manon Bradshaw. The character still grates on me because she is so unhappy in her own life. She alternately wants to be free of her relationships and family and desperately wants them to never go away. I found myself frequently thinking "stop waffling and commit" because of how much time the text spends inside her head.

However, I love her as a police detective, and I loved this particular crime-solving tale. Lukas and Matis are undocumented Lithuanian immigrants to England, living in squalor in effective slavery. The townsfolk hate them because they think the Lithuanians are taking their jobs and women. The neighbor particularly hates Lukas because he has been sleeping with his wife, and another hates Matis because he's spent time with his impressionable daughter. The Lithuanian bosses use them ruthlessly and are apt to disappear them if trouble arises. One fellow resident of the house gets sick. Rather than get medical care for him, they let him die and disappear his body.

All of these people are viable suspects when Lukas body is found hanging from a tree with a note reading "Mirusieji negali kalbėti" attached.

What I loved most about this is that the crime & investigation doesn't involve a bunch of improbable coincidences, and that the investigation is basic police legwork: interviews, reviewing surveillance video, reviewing logs of phone calls & license plate readers, etc. It's a mark of a good writer that Susie Steiner was able to craft a compelling story with twists & turns and do it without the improbable crutches so prevalent in the genre. It's a shame she died, as this book was the best of the series and I would have eagerly snapped up new entries.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
KingRat | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 29, 2023 |



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