
Chelsea Sedoti

Teoksen The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett tekijä

4 teosta 696 jäsentä 73 arvostelua

Tekijän teokset

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett (2017) 334 kappaletta, 42 arvostelua
As You Wish (2018) 213 kappaletta, 23 arvostelua
Four Came Back (2022) 97 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua
It Came from the Sky (2020) 52 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua

Merkitty avainsanalla





I don't even know where to begin with this, ever read a book that you know you like but at the same time your not 100% sure if you really loved it because somehow that was not what you expected and in hindsight seemed kind of dumb? Well that is how I am feeling about this book, and without giving any spoilers I guess I will break it down the best way that I can.

I like and dislike the way the book is written. What I mean by this is the book is written in the form of an interrogation, each chapter begins with the detective asking a question, then each of the four teenagers give their response (their side of the story). What I dislike about this is that the detective was never introduced, most interrogations begin with " I am detective so and so, in the room with me is, today's date and yada yada, we all seen enough crime shows to know, so I'm sure you get where I am going with this) anyway I feel that should have been added only to make me drawn more into the interrogation.

It isn't a fast paced book as described but it isn't slow paced either, the story does pull you in regardless of my forementioned comment(s), I couldn't put the book down, my eyes however couldn't stay awake so unfortunately I couldn't finish it in a day lol.

You have these five friends that go camping and one does not come back, now the four are all suspects and we all know the longer a person is gone missing the chances of finding them gets harder. The whole time I am trying to guess who is lying and I really couldn't. I will say this closer to the end I had figured it out but this is where I am on the fence about what rating to give. It's like okay I figured it out and its hard to explain without giving spoilers but here is the thing it almost felt anti climatic but at the same time the ending I would've thought would probably have been more predictable and similar to so many other thrillers, so I see why the author went this route.

Overall I enjoyed this book, it definitely was a good read. I keep trying to think of what it reminds me of but at this time I cannot remember.
highly recommend if you like Thrillers with an unexpected but someone expected end. The ride was good.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
Enid007 | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 18, 2024 |
Really ended up enjoying this one. Glad I stuck it out. Looking forward to more of her books.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
DKnight0918 | 41 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 23, 2023 |
A recent rainy Sunday activated my 'sloth mode'. Which is comprised of lazy day, a comfy couch, sweat pants and a YA novel.

I've been looking forward to Chelsea Sedoti's new book - Tell Me What Really Happened. One of my favorite styles of storytelling is epistolary. In this case it's a series of police interviews with each member of a group of teens.

Five teens who went camping:
- on a rainy night
- in an area where young women have died or gone missing
- one of the group does go missing
- and every police interview with the remaining four points the finger of blame on someone else

Who is telling the truth? Can you ferret out the whodunit before the last chapters? I have to say that I didn't see Sedoti's ending coming - it's nice to be surprised.

The cast of campers are well defined, giving us six very different personalities. Sedoti captures the joys of high school angst. She also throw in a number of horror movie tropes that add to the overall feel of the book. Seriously- what's the first rule? Uh huh, don't go into the woods

Tell Me What Really Happened is just plain fun to read.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
Twink | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 5, 2023 |
So Hawthorne seems to be an awful person.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Summer345456 | 41 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 25, 2023 |



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