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Thomas Nagel is University Professor at New York University.
Image credit: Thomas Nagel teaching an undergraduate course in ethics at New York University.


Tekijän teokset

The View From Nowhere (1986) 539 kappaletta, 6 arvostelua
Mortal Questions (1979) 525 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
The Last Word (1997) 237 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Possibility of Altruism (1970) 169 kappaletta
Equality and Partiality (1991) 104 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Myth of Ownership: Taxes and Justice (2002) 90 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
What is it like to be a bat? (2013) 37 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Equality and Preferential Treatment (1977) — Toimittaja — 36 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Rights and Wrongs of Abortion (1974) — Toimittaja — 33 kappaletta
Marx, Justice and History (1980) — Toimittaja — 23 kappaletta
War and Moral Responsibility (1974) — Toimittaja — 21 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Medicine and Moral Philosophy (1982) — Toimittaja — 14 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
哲學入門九堂課 (2002) 2 kappaletta
Ultimul cuvânt (1998) 1 kappale
Thomas Nagel 1 kappale
O Fiscalismo 1 kappale
What is rude? 1 kappale

Associated Works

The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul (1981) — Avustaja — 2,830 kappaletta, 22 arvostelua
Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings (2002) — Avustaja — 298 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Western Philosophy: An Anthology (1996) — Tekijä, eräät painokset195 kappaletta
The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature (1999) — Avustaja — 184 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Essays on Aristotle's Ethics (1980) — Avustaja — 152 kappaletta
Applied Ethics (1986) — Avustaja — 122 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Theory's Empire: An Anthology of Dissent (2005) — Avustaja — 101 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Metaphysics: A Guide and Anthology (2004) — Avustaja — 74 kappaletta
Materialism and the mind-body problem (1971) — Avustaja — 72 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Grim Reader: Writings on Death, Dying, and Living On (1997) — Avustaja — 61 kappaletta
Philosophical Issues: A Contemporary Introduction (1972) — Avustaja — 16 kappaletta
Reading Ethics (Reading Philosophy) (2008) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Hollander, Anne (wife)
Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
Rolf Schock Prize (Logic and Philosophy, 2008)



Nagel's Mind and Cosmos, Philosophy and Theory (toukokuu 2016)
Plantinga's defence of religion, Let's Talk Religion (syyskuu 2012)


Not about bats!

This is a very academic essay about the problem of the origin nature of consciousness.

Nagel uses bats as an example of a consciousness that we can’t know. But he needn’t have bothered. His point is just as accurate about other humans. It isn’t possible for us to know what it is like to be anyone other than ourselves.

His first point is that consciousness exists, and yet we can not measure it objectively.

He is critical of the physical reductionist theory that consciousness is just an illusion that has physical causes. He advocates for a unified theory that would explain how consciousness can exist. He uses the metaphor of heat and pressure. Pressure creates heat, but heat also creates pressure. They are inherently related, neither necessarily precedes the other. So he says it might be with consciousness. It might be related to matter but not contingent on matter.

He doesn’t propose a theory. We don’t currently have any good theory of consciousness. But we have to start somewhere.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
sheherazahde | Jul 19, 2024 |
This seems more targeted to a highschool crowd who haven't engaged with philosophy at all. It's pedagogically laid out as a journey through most common philosophical topics from how we can know anything at all to theories about life and death.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
A.Godhelm | 10 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Oct 20, 2023 |
Too hard for me! I understood chunks of it, but there was plenty that whizzed past me. Great topics though. Includes the famous “What is it like to be a bat” essay. I guess I need a “Thomas Nagel for Dummies” book.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
steve02476 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 3, 2023 |
It's weird, I like his writing, and I'm very interested in the subject matter, and he doesn't use complex language... but I just don't understand what he's talking about frequently. I don't mind skimming over some stuff if I don't get it, but after about 50 pages I realized I was 'skimming' over entire chapters.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
steve02476 | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 3, 2023 |



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