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Nick Montfort

Teoksen The New Media Reader tekijä

22+ teosta 1,067 jäsentä 24 arvostelua

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Nick Montfort is Professor of Digital Media at MIT. He is the author of Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction and The Future and the coauthor of Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System and 10 PRINT CHRS(205.5+RND(1)); GOTO 10 (all published by the MIT Press).

Sisältää nimet: N Montfort, Nick Monfort

Image credit: Scott Rettberg , November 12, 2000


Tekijän teokset

Associated Works

First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game (2004) — Avustaja — 169 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1971-1984 (2001) — Avustaja — 164 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media (2007) — Avustaja — 108 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Cambridge Companion to Narrative (2007) — Avustaja — 76 kappaletta
Software Studies: A Lexicon (Leonardo Book Series) (2008) — Avustaja — 64 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory (2005) — Avustaja — 36 kappaletta
A Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2007) — Avustaja — 30 kappaletta
Well Played 1.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning (2009) — Avustaja — 18 kappaletta
Between Humanities and the Digital (2015) — Avustaja — 16 kappaletta
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media (2014) — Avustaja — 15 kappaletta
Time: A Vocabulary of the Present (2016) — Avustaja — 11 kappaletta
Videogame, player, text (2007) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta
IF Theory Reader (2011) — Avustaja — 8 kappaletta
CyberText : Yearbook 2002-2003 (2003) — Avustaja — 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




Merkitty asiattomaksi
filbo_2024 | Apr 25, 2024 |
I like the writing style but found the book inconsistent with its treatment of future. Clearly a vast challenging subject but the author chooses to look at it from a limited set of views without fully explaining any one in particular.

Overall I think the problem is the format, its impossible to address a subject as vast in a small booklet.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
yates9 | 1 muu arvostelu | Feb 28, 2024 |

I know very little about computer games, and still less about the early history of the Atari system; but sometimes it does you good to read about a field of human endeavour with which you are completely unfamiliar. This is a tremendous analysis of how coding is affected by external factors, especially the way in which the business of game development is financed and structured, but also from learning about player preferences and making crazy bets about game features which turn out to pay off (or not).

This slim volume looks in depth at six games, only one of which I had heard of – Combat, Adventure, Pac-Man, Yars’ Revenge, Pitfall and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, but also in passing at the other games developed before or at the same time in each case, to paint a picture of the intellectual moment in which the writing of the game took place. There is a modest amount of machine code, but a lot of analysis of how ideas get turned into player experience. I don’t think I have retained very much of the information, but I come away struck by the cultural profundity of the whole enterprise. Recommended even for those like me who are not immersed in the subject.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
nwhyte | 10 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 7, 2024 |
Super interesting in a nostalgic way, but stretching the analysis of one piece of code a little bit too much (or too academically).
Merkitty asiattomaksi
zeh | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 3, 2023 |


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