
C. J. MillerKirja-arvosteluja

Teoksen Colton's Texas Stakeout tekijä

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Good continuation of the series. It is now known that Livia Colton was hiding out in her old estate, but she has eluded capture once again. Declan bought the estate as a step in his revenge against the Coltons, but now that he has it he's not quite sure what to do with it. Even his hatred of the Colton family undergoes some changes now that his foster sister is marrying a Colton. He is also intrigued by Jade Colton.

Jade is another Colton who feels out of step with her family. Affected by the abuse received from her mother and witnessing the death of her father, she tends to hold herself apart from other people. She even keeps a distance from her siblings, though since Livia's escape from prison that has begun to change a little. Her life revolves around the horses that she rescues and rehabilitates.

I enjoyed seeing the relationship develop between Jade and Declan. Both of them have suffered because of Livia, and it is that commonality that provides a base for their relationship. It doesn't take long before they spend as much time together as possible, each one intrigued by the other. I especially liked how Declan quickly realized that Jade is nothing like her mother. Getting to know her better also opened his eyes to the fact that the other Coltons are also good people. I loved Declan's protectiveness toward Jade, not just because of what is going on, but also because he sees and appreciates how hard she works. It was really sweet to see how Declan takes care of her. Jade is also protective of Declan and steps way outside her comfort zone to take care of him in his New Orleans home after he is shot. It was an eye opener for both of them when she had to go home without him, and they realized how much they missed each other. As events in Shadow Creek heated up, they grew ever closer. I loved Declan's big moment and the surprise he had for Jade.

The suspense of the story was good. All of the Coltons were on edge, certain that Livia was still in the area and biding her time. Though she wasn't seen, she still made her presence known at Edith and River's wedding, and again after Maggie had her baby. The Coltons also had to deal with a protest group called Victims of Livia Colton and the way that it was trying to drive them all out of town. There were some very unpleasant confrontations, with people accusing the siblings of hiding Livia or knowing where she is. The final showdown with Livia was intense, as she finally tried to get what she had come back for. I loved the teamwork that brought her down. Even so, there are still some unanswered questions at the end of the book.

I continued to enjoy the importance of family. The siblings have been brought closer together by their need to stand against both Livia and public opinion. Each one has learned the importance of being able to support and be supported by the others. It hasn't always been an easy lesson, but once learned it isn't forgotten. The relationship between Declan and River was also part of this book. I loved Declan's stunned surprise at the action that finally brought them together. Declan was also able to face another part of his past and ended up with more than he expected.
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scoutmomskf | May 20, 2018 |
Good book. Marissa is a supermodel, at the top of career. During a live fashion show her former best friend is murdered. Worried about Marissa's safety, her sister Kit (Delta Force Desire) asks fellow West Company employee, Jack, to serve as Marissa's bodyguard until the killer is caught. Jack is currently on medical leave after being injured on his last mission. Marissa isn't all that thrilled about having a 24/7 bodyguard. She has security that goes with her when she's out, but she prefers her privacy at home. That changes when she is attacked in her own home, and only saved because Jack was there.

I liked Marissa. She may be incredibly beautiful and famous, but she's a nice person. She doesn't go all diva on people and she looks out for her friends. She's attracted to Jack, but she's been through that before. She's already been married and divorced twice, and no longer trusts herself when it comes to men. She's looking seriously at moving on from modelling because she feels that she is missing out on too much of life.

I liked Jack, too. He's good at what he does and doesn't let things distract him. He's been burned in love before, by a woman who had fame on her mind rather than her feelings for him. Plus, he's still recovering from the betrayal of his partner on his last mission. He's been spending time on his family's farm while on leave, and looking forward to the time when he retires and becomes a farmer for real.

I loved watching their relationship develop. Marissa is attracted and fascinated by him, especially by the fact that he seems unaffected by her looks. She believes that he doesn't like her. To the contrary, he is bowled over by her beauty, but doesn't want to look like it, so he remains aloof, and believes that she's certain to be self-centered. It doesn't take him long to realize that her inside is even more beautiful than her outside. They give in to the attraction, though Jack tries to fight it, feeling that he can't protect her properly if he does. I loved how sensitive each of them was to the other's problems. I especially loved seeing Marissa's support of Jack during his inquiry and how she was ready for as little or as much as he wanted to talk about. Their feelings for each other grew, and each reacted differently thanks to their pasts. Marissa isn't sure if she can trust herself to know if it's really love. Jack isn't sure if Marissa would want the same things that he does. Each has their moment of clarity and I liked seeing how they came together in the end.

The suspense of the story was good. I liked the background of the fashion industry, it seemed pretty ripe for the kind of trouble this was. The murder of Avery, with the almost immediate attack on Marissa had everyone on edge, wondering who had done it and why. The intensity increased with the shooting at the photo shoot, and later what happened at the auction. I had several possibilities in mind for the killer and it was interesting to see who it ended up being and why. The final confrontation was certainly an unusual kind of attack.
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scoutmomskf | May 13, 2017 |
Great conclusion - - knew they would be a great team!!!!
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phtochic | Aug 15, 2016 |
Very good book with great suspense and an emotional romance. Kit Walker is a computer hacker who had worked on a highly classified government project. Happy when it was over with, she has avoided any kind of computer job ever since. Then she is attacked by cyberterrorists who need her expertise to gain access to that project. She's saved by Griffin Brooks, but gets the feeling she's gone from the frying pan to the fire.

Griffin works as a "retriever" for the West security company. He's good at getting people out of danger, then turning them over to someone else to do the actual protecting. Years earlier his wife had been killed, and he blames himself for not keeping her safe. Because of it he refuses to have anything to do with the protection side of the business, feeling that he is not qualified. But when Kit refuses to have anyone except Griffin taking care of her, he has no choice.

I liked Kit. She's incredibly smart, but also socially awkward. She has always felt overshadowed by her supermodel sister, especially when it comes to attention from men. Her relationships have been online only, except for one that ended up being all on her side. She is attracted to Griffin, but has no confidence in her ability to attract him. I liked Griffin also. He has been hurt by the death of his wife and protects himself by keeping his emotions well buried. He's attracted to Kit, but getting involved with her would be a bad idea.

I enjoyed the development of their relationship. They strike sparks from the first, as Kit initially resists Griffin's attempts to get her to safety. Once she has accepted her danger, she is determined to keep Griffin at her side, as she trusts him. As they work together, the attraction between them grows, but it is not a simple thing. Kit wants him, but has no idea how to go about taking advantage of the heat between them. Her attempts are awkward, adding to her feelings of inadequacy. Griffin's reactions are actually pretty sweet. He's honest about her effect on him, but also that doing anything about it is a bad idea. He is pretty sensitive to her feelings and does his best to protect them. The scene after the rave shows just how much effort he puts into that. I loved the way that they grew to understand each other and how that brought them closer. By the end of the book, Griffin has to decide if his need to have Kit in his life can overcome the fears that are holding him back.

The suspense of the story was great and felt like a fairly realistic scenario. From the first chapter, as the cyberterrorists try to capture Kit, the intensity continues to build. Once Kit understands the danger, she is determined to do her part. It often seems as if Kit and Griffin are barely one step ahead of the bad guys. I really liked the way that she and Griffin balanced each other. Her expertise is mental, dealing with the intricacies of the computer, while Griffin's is more physical. There are several situations where I wasn't sure how they were going to get out of it. The final confrontation was intense, and I loved seeing how Kit pulled off a couple of great surprises. While this story came to a successful conclusion, there were a couple loose threads that may lead into another adventure.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
scoutmomskf | Jun 1, 2016 |
Good book with plenty of suspense and terrific chemistry between Annabel and Jesse. The search for the serial killer continues, and has been tentatively identified as Regina Willard. She is half-sister to Jesse, who hasn’t seen or heard from her in six years. However, the local cops aren’t convinced and Jesse remains a person of interest to them.

When Jesse and Annabel meet, he has just finished a conversation with her brothers, trying to convince them to leave him alone. Their frequent visits and accusations against his sister are wrecking his business. As Jesse leaves in frustration, he bumps into Annabel. Both of them feel a sizzle of attraction, but doing anything about it would be a bad idea. Annabel is a cop who is involved in the investigation of the Alphabet Killer, and can’t get involved with a suspect’s brother. Jesse just wants them all to leave him alone.

Annabel is new on the police force, and with brothers who are also cops, is suffering from too much overprotectiveness. She's really tired of getting assigned to the missing animals and other nuisance calls. Her persistence finally gets her a shot at doing the surveillance at Jesse's farm. This leads to a confrontation with him, as he vents to her about his frustration with the whole issue, and his belief that there's no way his sister could be a murderer. He counters her arguments with comments about her connection to her father, another infamous serial killer. When she goes back later to try to mend fences, she and Dylan come under fire from an unknown assailant. He gets away, but in the meantime Annabel and Jesse have formed a connection that both want to pursue, in spite of the obstacles.

I liked watching their relationship develop. Annabel tries to resist because of what she sees as a potential conflict of interest, but she just can't do it. Despite her previous all-work attitude, her attention is now divided between work and Jesse. Both of them have issues from their pasts that have affected who they are today. Being the daughter of a serial killer has Annabel determined to show the world that she is nothing like him. It makes her very focused on doing everything right. Jesse came from an abusive father, whom he and his mother escaped from, but had to leave his half-sister behind. The hardships he and his mom faced have made him very sensitive to the difficulties of others. There are several places where his caring nature really shows, and adds to what Annabel is beginning to feel for him. One of the things I really liked about Jesse was the way that he respected Annabel's capabilities. Since she is still fighting for that respect from her brothers, it makes her feel really good. He still becomes very protective of her, but it isn't the same as the smothering she feels from her brothers. I loved their way of working through the problems and coming out the other side without any major drama. The scene outside her house at the end was perfect for them.

The suspense of the story was really good. The search for Regina goes on as there is another attack. Some more information comes from this one, leading them to believe they are on the right track. When Annabel and Jesse are on the receiving end of gunfire at his house, and then her house is bombed, they must figure out if it is the Alphabet Killer or someone else. The pursuit of leads continued to increase the danger. The final confrontation is intense, and I loved seeing Annabel finally earn the respect of her brothers and coworkers. However, there are still unanswered questions that will carry over into the next book.

There are also ongoing issues within the Colton family. All of them are still dealing with the effects of what their father has done, and now have to go along with his latest whim. He has agreed to give each sibling a clue to where their mother is buried, but is really obnoxious about it. There is also the issue of what happened to their youngest sister Josie, who ran away at the age of seventeen. There have been several sightings of a woman that some of them believe is Josie, but others are skeptical. I suspect that it is, and I am looking forward to her story.
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scoutmomskf | May 21, 2016 |
Excellent blend of action, suspense and emotion. Iliana and Demetrius made their first appearances in the first book of the series, The Secret King. Iliana is cousin, friend, and secretary to Queen Serena, and Demetrius is president of Icarus and friend to Casimir the secret heir to a rival kingdom. They are drawn to each other in spite of their vastly different roles in life. In that book, Demetrius spends a lot of time cultivating a friendship with Iliana, though there is a definite feeling that he has ulterior motives.

At the beginning of this book, Demetrius has arrived at Iliana's home, determined to advance their relationship after their disagreement at the end of the previous book. He wants to protect her from the trouble he sees coming her way, and feels that getting closer to her is the way to do it. He arrives just in time to save her from an assassin, and whisks her off to his home on Icarus to ensure her safety. Their attraction to each other explodes into a passionate night together, and Demetrius talks Iliana into a quick marriage. Only then does he reveal his knowledge of her true background - that she is one of the heirs to the throne of a nearby kingdom. Iliana is no longer sure if he married her because he cares or because he needs her connection to the throne.

The relationship between Demetrius and Iliana becomes a rocky one. Iliana is well aware of his reputation as a cold and ruthless leader. She has seen him in action and knows that it is true. But she has also seen a more caring side of him. There are times when she believes that he really does care for her, but then he will do something that makes her feel that he is just using her. As she learns more about him, his background and his motivations, her feelings for him deepen. But if she can't feel that he wants her for herself, can she believe that they have a chance for a real marriage? Demetrius has spent most of his life keeping his emotions under tight control. Once he became president, he made careful, well reasoned decisions that brought the country back to prosperity. There is one driving goal behind almost everything he does and his relationship with Iliana is a huge part of it. Accustomed to keeping his thoughts and feelings to himself, he doesn't know how to deal with her demands that he actually talk to her. Her openness conflicts with his reticence and she isn't sure that their marriage can withstand it. It was hard to see him struggle with trying to figure out just what it is she wants from him. He wants to make her happy, he just doesn't know how to do it. By the time he figures it out, will it be too late?

The action and suspense of the story revolves around the death of the king of Valencia. Someone is attacking and killing his heirs, and no one knows who or why. As a previously unknown heir, Iliana is in line to receive a title that carries a great deal of power with it, and someone doesn't want her to live to get it. Demetrius is determined to protect her, both because he cares and because he needs her to use that power for his purposes. As the story progresses, secrets are revealed that have unexpected consequences. There are several possibilities for who is behind the assassination attempts, and the final revelation has some interesting twists.
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scoutmomskf | Feb 5, 2016 |
Good book that starts with a bang and keeps the suspense level high. Serena is at a birthday celebration for her father, the king, when the lights go out and gunfire erupts. As her father and older sister fall, Serena is determined to get them to safety. As she attempts to do so, she is faced with a man with a gun and is certain she is about to die, when another man saves her life.

Casimir is at the party to kill the other king in attendance, King Warrington. Before he can do so, the room erupts in chaos and his chance is lost. He sees that Serena is in trouble, and though she is no part of his plan, he can't stand by and watch a woman in distress. He arrives at her side in enough time to save her life, then disappears to avoid questions. It is later suggested to him that he use his new acquaintance with Serena to get closer to King Warrington.

With the deaths of her father and sister, Serena is next in line to be Queen, which terrifies her. She has always been the quiet one who avoids the limelight. She's had no experience in dealing with the politics of her country and is afraid that she doesn't have what it takes to rule. This feeling is reinforced by her uncle and the council members, who encourage her to take her sister's place and marry King Warrington and form an alliance that way to protect her country. What she really wants is to see the mysterious stranger who saved her life, and who gave her a feeling of safety as soon as she saw him.

When Casimir reappears, that sense of safety and trust continues. He's the only one who seems to have confidence that she can do the right things for her country. She is also very attracted to him, something she knows is wrong with her impending engagement to King Warrington. But she can't stay away from him, and is determined to enjoy a bit of time for herself while she still can. She also can't help but compare Casimir to the king, who comes up short every time. She'd like to be able to stay with Casimir, but duty to her country pushes her at the king.

Casimir had started his relationship with Serena for one reason - to further his own goals. It didn't take very long for him to start to care for her for herself. The closer he got to her, the more he wanted to protect her from getting involved with the king. He has personal experience with just how bad the king is, but he can't tell Serena the truth.

I really liked seeing the relationship develop between Serena and Casimir. It was wonderful to see someone who believed in her and had no trouble showing it. I really liked his protectiveness and how he tried to take care of her without getting her into trouble. It was very hard for him to accept the idea that she could contemplate marrying the king, though he knew that she was determined to do what was right for her country. It took him a while to accept the truth of his feelings for her. Serena is drawn to Casimir from the beginning. She is physically attracted to him and his confidence in her makes her feel that she can handle anything, at least when he is near. It gets harder for her to accept the idea of marrying the king as her feelings for Casimir continue to grow. When certain information about him is revealed, she feels hurt and betrayed. She must decide how to deal with it and if she can trust in their feelings.

The suspense of the story was good. We learn from the beginning just what Casimir has against King Warrington and what his intentions are. His friendship with the president of the other country plays an important part in the process. There are further attacks on Serena, and the question is who is behind them and why. The king and his mother are certainly suspects, given their attitudes and history. But there is also the question of whether President DeSante is on the side of good or bad, given his own actions and attitude. The final confrontation was pretty intense with a surprise player showing up. The conclusion was quite satisfying. I'm looking forward to the next book, and the complication that is hinted at for Serena's cousin Iliana.
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scoutmomskf | Aug 17, 2015 |
Good book that started with a bang and never really let up. Autumn owns and runs a campground near the Appalachian Trail. Her business is suffering because there has been a serial killer along the trail for several weeks. While out in the woods with her dog, Autumn discovered another victim, putting her right in the middle of the investigation.

Nathan is an FBI agent who shows up shortly after the body is found. He is not part of the team officially investigating, as he is too close to it. His sister was one of the early victims of the killer and he is determined to find him. When he meets Autumn he sees that she matches the killer's profile and is equally determined to keep her safe. He rents one of her cabins, which keeps him close to her and to the investigation.

There is a definite attraction between Autumn and Nathan, but neither one is completely comfortable with it. Nathan doesn't want Autumn to distract him from his mission, and it becomes far too easy for him to think of her first. He also has a failed marriage in his past that makes him reluctant to get involved again. Autumn has spent most of her life protecting her heart. Her mother abandoned Autumn and her brother and father, her uncle walked off and left the family later, and her father died recently. Even the man she had been engaged to cheated on her with another. She's wary of the way that Nathan makes her feel, but she's also glad that he's there. When Autumn's brother is suspected of being the killer, she becomes as emotionally invested in finding the killer as he is. As they work together the stresses of the situation increase the intensity of the feelings growing between them. But telling each other how they feel is something that is going to take something big to break through the walls they have protecting their hearts.

The suspense of the story was very good and the scenario was quite believable. I found the interactions between Nathan and Ford to be very interesting. They are both after the same thing but have different attitudes about how to get there. The personal connection between them adds to the tension. As far as the killer goes, I was definitely creeped out by his methods, and then by his intrusion at the campground itself. Autumn's insistence about her brother's innocence made me fairly certain of it, but there were enough questions to throw some doubt. As more information was discovered, the culprit came closer to being identified. The question was if they could find him before he struck again. The ending was quite intense, and the final confrontation was an edge of my seat read until it was all over.
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scoutmomskf | May 17, 2015 |
Good story. Lucia and Cash have been assigned to work together to help catch an embezzler. Lucia isn't very happy about it at the beginning. She is a stickler for following the rules and Cash sees rules pretty much as guidelines that can be worked around if necessary. Both of them have reason to want this case to end well.

Lucia is from a wealthy family, one she has never felt she fit into. She has always wanted to be an FBI agent. She was recently transferred from the violent crimes department to white collar crimes and is anxious to prove herself. Working with an ex-con is not her idea of how to do it. He's a criminal and she isn't sure that she can trust him. There's also a very inconvenient attraction that has a tendency to scramble her brain when she's around him.

Cash is the son of a con man, but he never wanted that life for himself. He stayed away from it, found a good woman to marry and had a son. When that son developed a rare cancer, the only thing that might help was an experimental treatment that was very expensive. The only way that he was able to raise the money was by running a con of his own. He was successful and the treatment worked, but Cash got caught and sent to prison. He hasn't seen his son in three years and is desperate to put his life back together and regain custody of his son. When the FBI offered to parole him from prison, on the condition he help them, he accepted. He has to succeed and behave himself, or he could end up back in prison. Working with Lucia is his ticket to freedom. That she is a beautiful and sexy woman is a definite bonus.

There were sparks between Lucia and Cash from the very beginning. Lucia tried hard to bury them, dismayed by the distraction Cash posed. She also can't believe she's attracted to someone like him, so different from the men she's been around before. Getting involved with any coworker is a bad idea, but this one would be wrong on many levels. Cash is also surprised by the attraction, but he's much more open to following up on it. He senses that there's a passionate woman under the layers of rules and regulations.

Working together allows them to combine their strengths and pretty soon they start to make headway in their investigation. A couple of attacks on them have Cash's protective instincts up in arms, and Lucia begins to see Cash as someone she can trust after all. She sees that in spite of past mistakes Cash is a honorable man, intent on doing what is right. Her fears cause her to make a couple of bad decisions regarding Cash, but she quickly sees the error of her ways and moves to correct it. Cash sees that under her surface confidence, Lucia also has vulnerabilities. He sees her need to be accepted for who she is and tries to show her that he does. I loved how her growing relationship with Cash gave her the courage to stand up to her family's attitudes. That was a great scene and I was rooting for her all the way.

The search for the embezzler and attempts to capture him have a building intensity. Cash and Lucia have to go through several layers to get to him. There's a personal link between him and Cash that adds an extra motivation to Cash's desire to catch him. The teamwork between Cash and Lucia was great, especially in their undercover work. I liked seeing how their attraction added authenticity to their roles. The final showdown was pretty intense with a couple very interesting twists to it. One of those twists I never saw coming, and I loved seeing how Lucia handled it.

The wrapup of the story was great. The scene in the FBI office was sweet between Cash and Lucia, and I loved their coworkers' reactions. The last part at Lucia's parents' house was wonderful. I loved seeing the changing relationships, and Cash's son was adorable.
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scoutmomskf | Feb 24, 2015 |
Very good book that kept me involved from beginning to end. Connor is a retired agent who left Sphere because he didn't like some of the things he saw. His younger brother was also an agent who was reported killed six months earlier. Connor feels guilty for being the one who got Aiden involved in the agency. When Kate shows up at his remote cabin claiming that Aiden is alive, he's reluctant to believe her, but he has to take the chance.

Kate has received some information leading her to believe that her friend and coworker Aiden is alive but a prisoner. The agency they work for insists that he is dead so she takes time off and searches out Aiden's brother for help. She needs his help, but she also knows enough about him that if she tells him everything she knows at the beginning he'll refuse to take her along. She makes it clear to him that he has to take her along. What he doesn't know is that she feels partly responsible for Aiden's capture so it's up to her to make sure he's rescued.

The initial meeting between Connor and Kate was pretty rough. Connor doesn't trust anyone, and having someone from Sphere show up unannounced sets off all his warning bells. He wants to believe that Aiden is alive, but he also thinks that it could be a setup. He wants Kate to tell him what she knows so that he can go off and do his thing by himself, and is furious when she won't cooperate. Kate refuses to be left behind, so they reach a tentative agreement and leave for Tumara.

Almost immediately upon arriving in the country they are followed by agents wanting to stop them from looking for Aiden. At that point it's Connor's skills that help them escape and get them on the road to finding out what happened to Aiden. Kate discovers she isn't quite as prepared for fieldwork as she thought she was and has to depend on Connor to survive in the jungle. By this point, they both realize that they are attracted to each other, but try to bury it for the sake of the mission. It's easier said than done.

Kate was familiar with Connor's reputation as an agent, but had been surprised by her immediate attraction to him. She's mostly annoyed by his paranoid attitude toward her, but sometimes she gets the feeling that he's attracted too. She also has moments where he's actually nice to her. Because of her friendship with Aiden she's aware of some of the things in his past that have made him the way he is. She would really like to get him to trust her.

Connor's distrust of people runs very deep and he starts out not trusting Kate at all. If she's not the one setting him up, then she's being used to do so. He's attracted to her almost from the beginning, but he also thinks that she belongs to Aiden, so he isn't going to give in to it. By the time she convinces him the she and Aiden are just friends, that attraction has a good hold on him. Once they are in the jungle searching for news of Aiden, Connor begins to develop some respect for Kate, as she does whatever is needed for them to survive. That respect grows the further into the mission they get, especially when her mad computer skills are called for. He also finds himself beginning to trust her more than he's trusted anyone other than his brother, and feelings start to grow from that.

I loved the intensity of their mission. From their escape at the airport to the trek through the jungle to their arrival in the city, the action never stopped. There were people they encountered along the way that you weren't sure whether they were good guys or bad guys, and some you suspect right off are not to be trusted. I couldn't get through the last part of the book fast enough I was so involved in whether or not they were going to be able to save Aiden, and if they were going to make it out themselves. I thoroughly enjoyed that last confrontation and the way it all happened.

The epilogue was a highly satisfactory wrap up. It was great to see the changes that happened to everyone, but especially to Connor. I wonder if we will see them again in a later book. I'd also like to see more of Finn and Alex Hyde.
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scoutmomskf | Apr 26, 2014 |
Very good book. I liked the suspense of the story with Laila and Harris fighting their feelings as well as trying to investigate without getting caught. I liked Laila's determination to do whatever she had to in order to protect the people of her country. She may have led a sheltered life before going to college in America, but she's not as naive or clueless as she could be. When Harris explains the problem to her she is very willing to help him investigate the claims. She has been drawn to him during the times he has been to the coffeehouse where she works, so pretending that he is her boyfriend will not be a problem for her. In fact, it will be all too easy. Because of the cultural rules of her country being alone with him is impossible so they have to meet in secret. Those secret meetings bring her growing feelings more to the surface, even though she knows that a future between them is unlikely. I really enjoyed seeing her develop her own opinions of what she wants in her future as opposed to what is expected of her. I loved the way that she and Harris worked together after the bombing.

Harris is assigned to work with Laila in a joint venture with the CIA to find out the truth about her brother's involvement with a terrorist. He is attracted to Laila, but having been burned by falling for a woman during another operation he is fighting the feelings. It doesn't take long once they've reached Qamsar for him to realize that he can trust her completely. He also knows that once the investigation is over it is unlikely he will be allowed to see her again. I really liked seeing his protectiveness toward Laila. There were several situations where he had to fight his natural inclinations so that he wouldn't offend their customs. I also enjoyed seeing the way that he stood up for her against the opinions of some of the local men. He also discovered that being around her brought a balance to his life that he hadn't had before.

I really enjoyed the storyline also. Tracking down terrorists usually makes for good action, both physical and mental and this had both. I liked seeing the differences between Laila's two brothers and how those differences affected the action. There was plenty going on as the search for the bad guy went on. There was an interesting twist to the conclusion that I started to suspect near the end, but the details were surprising.
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scoutmomskf | Nov 24, 2013 |
Wow! Lots of drama, action, love scenes. Every time you think they are safe something else happens. I like Brady and his brothers. They want to do what is right. Help others.
Brady was in the military and now he is hurt. He can't go back. He is lucky that he can even walk again. He walks with pain, he is still going to physical therapy weekly. He keeps feeling sorry for himself, but when his brother the police detective is in trouble, His ex girlfriend is being questioned at the murder of her fiancé. Brady steps up to the plate to help them.
Susan does not remember what happen on Justin's yacht. She woke up with blood on her hands and no Justin. The first policeman on scene was Reily. He called for different officers when he realized who was missing.
Now someone is after Susan and the police think she is guilty. They don't believe she is in danger. Brady is stepping up to the plate to protect her. He knows she would not have done anything to Justin.
Brady hates Justin and Justin hated Brady back. Justin's dad is a three star and has a lot of power. He believes Susan is guilty of murdering his son.
The problems with the book is unanswered questions. How did they keep finding Brady and Susan so fast? What was Justin really up to? The questions just did not totally get answered to my liking.
I want to know more about Connor too?
Lots of action scenes, They were always running away from the bad guys. Car chases, fire. Everyone was looking for Susan and Brady including the police.
I would like to read more from C.J. Miller in the future.
I was given this ebook to read and asked in return to give honest review of it by Netgalley.
September 3rd 2013 by Harlequin Romantic Suspense 288 pages ISBN 9780373278404
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rhonda1111 | Sep 3, 2013 |