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Capturing a Colton

Tekijä: C. J. Miller

Sarjat: The Coltons of Shadow Creek (Aug 2017 - 6), The Coltons (67)

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812,179,371 (4)-
The most lethal Colton is out for revenge in the conclusion of The Coltons of Shadow Creek! Real-estate tycoon Declan Sinclair has a score to settle with on-the-run felon Livia Colton. He can't change his tragic past, but he can demolish her onetime estate. But while coming to terms with his most hated enemy, Declan bumps heads with Livia's youngest daughter, the alluring Jade Colton... Having always felt isolated from her own family, Jade finds satisfaction in rescuing and rehabilitating Thoroughbred racehorses. And when she finds herself in Livia's crosshairs, Jade turns to Declan for comfort and protection. Can she really trust a man who's sworn to take down the entire Colton clan--once and for all?… (lisätietoja)

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Good continuation of the series. It is now known that Livia Colton was hiding out in her old estate, but she has eluded capture once again. Declan bought the estate as a step in his revenge against the Coltons, but now that he has it he's not quite sure what to do with it. Even his hatred of the Colton family undergoes some changes now that his foster sister is marrying a Colton. He is also intrigued by Jade Colton.

Jade is another Colton who feels out of step with her family. Affected by the abuse received from her mother and witnessing the death of her father, she tends to hold herself apart from other people. She even keeps a distance from her siblings, though since Livia's escape from prison that has begun to change a little. Her life revolves around the horses that she rescues and rehabilitates.

I enjoyed seeing the relationship develop between Jade and Declan. Both of them have suffered because of Livia, and it is that commonality that provides a base for their relationship. It doesn't take long before they spend as much time together as possible, each one intrigued by the other. I especially liked how Declan quickly realized that Jade is nothing like her mother. Getting to know her better also opened his eyes to the fact that the other Coltons are also good people. I loved Declan's protectiveness toward Jade, not just because of what is going on, but also because he sees and appreciates how hard she works. It was really sweet to see how Declan takes care of her. Jade is also protective of Declan and steps way outside her comfort zone to take care of him in his New Orleans home after he is shot. It was an eye opener for both of them when she had to go home without him, and they realized how much they missed each other. As events in Shadow Creek heated up, they grew ever closer. I loved Declan's big moment and the surprise he had for Jade.

The suspense of the story was good. All of the Coltons were on edge, certain that Livia was still in the area and biding her time. Though she wasn't seen, she still made her presence known at Edith and River's wedding, and again after Maggie had her baby. The Coltons also had to deal with a protest group called Victims of Livia Colton and the way that it was trying to drive them all out of town. There were some very unpleasant confrontations, with people accusing the siblings of hiding Livia or knowing where she is. The final showdown with Livia was intense, as she finally tried to get what she had come back for. I loved the teamwork that brought her down. Even so, there are still some unanswered questions at the end of the book.

I continued to enjoy the importance of family. The siblings have been brought closer together by their need to stand against both Livia and public opinion. Each one has learned the importance of being able to support and be supported by the others. It hasn't always been an easy lesson, but once learned it isn't forgotten. The relationship between Declan and River was also part of this book. I loved Declan's stunned surprise at the action that finally brought them together. Declan was also able to face another part of his past and ended up with more than he expected. ( )
  scoutmomskf | May 20, 2018 |
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The most lethal Colton is out for revenge in the conclusion of The Coltons of Shadow Creek! Real-estate tycoon Declan Sinclair has a score to settle with on-the-run felon Livia Colton. He can't change his tragic past, but he can demolish her onetime estate. But while coming to terms with his most hated enemy, Declan bumps heads with Livia's youngest daughter, the alluring Jade Colton... Having always felt isolated from her own family, Jade finds satisfaction in rescuing and rehabilitating Thoroughbred racehorses. And when she finds herself in Livia's crosshairs, Jade turns to Declan for comfort and protection. Can she really trust a man who's sworn to take down the entire Colton clan--once and for all?

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