
Jas Hammonds

Teoksen We Deserve Monuments tekijä

2 teosta 282 jäsentä 25 arvostelua

Tekijän teokset

We Deserve Monuments (2022) 260 kappaletta
Thirsty: A Novel (2024) 22 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla





This story was incredible—it grabbed my attention right from the first chapter! I couldn't relate to Blake's struggle with alcohol, but the book pulled me into the main character's thoughts and emotions so much that I couldn't put it down for even a minute. The writing style felt honest, raw, and personal.

Blake was a complicated character. I felt and understood her pain, and even though she kept making the same mistakes, I kept rooting for her, hoping she would finally stand up to Ella and put herself first. The strained relationship with her family, especially her mother, was heartbreaking. I felt that they all deeply cared for one another, but at some point, they got lost in their own problems and stopped showing it. I loved Annetta; everyone needs a friend like her, willing to give second chances and speak the truth even when it's hard to hear. I also loved how Blake’s brother never gave up on her. That being said, this book could’ve had many different endings, but the way Jas Hammonds decided to wrap up Blake’s story was just perfect!

I highly recommend this book for both teens and adults! It would be a great addition to every high school classroom library.

Thank you, BookishFirst, the publisher Roaring Brook Press, and author Jas Hammonds for the gifted copy! I received a free copy of this book, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
thehungrymoth | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 14, 2024 |
Emotionally charged

After loving We Deserve Monuments, I knew I had to read this book too. Once again, the authentic point of view character pulled me in and made me feel every emotion she felt. I felt the pain, the desperation, the elation, the self-doubt that often led to self-loathing.

Blake experiences anxiety and often finds herself spiraling, using alcohol to fit in and be seen. Alcohol emboldens her in ways she doesn't know how to do on her own; Blake uses alcohol to mask her desperate fears that her true self will not be loved and accepted without a "confidence" boost from the drug.

But Blake takes alcohol to the extreme and often finds herself making poor choices, some she doesn't even remember doing. I cringed and often had to put down this book to take a break from the painful decisions Blake made to take that first drink of the day and then to continue drinking in excess.

The friendship between Blake and Annetta was one I want in my life--the bond lasted through Blake's lowest point, tested by Blake's addiction, but came out even stronger.

This novel deals with not only the toxicity of alcohol, but also of some relationships. I found myself wanting to reach into the pages and scream at Ella. This is how powerful the writing is in this book.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
DanielleHammelef | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 1, 2024 |
I knew based on the premise that Thirsty would be tugging on my heart, but I'm not sure I knew just how much. Though this book is quite a raw portrayal of its themes of addiction, trying to fit in, and feeling unworthy, it is written in a way that feels well targeted to its YA audience. I would recommend this for older teens as they near the end of high school, and are transitioning into college and adulthood.
Thirsty is great at putting you into the mind of the main character, Blake, including the way it was formatted. I think that attention to detail really added to the experience.
I do definitely urge readers to check the content warnings before reading this story (they are included at the beginning of the book). Hammonds introduced conversations concerning race and gender, and also on attitudes around drinking, so well. Often concerns are dismissed around these topics if someone's life hasn't been completely destroyed yet, and Jas challenges that mindset with this book. I think this story could be a great way to introduce or jumpstart discussions that people (me) have been avoiding with family and friends.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
cohostamy | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 24, 2024 |
Trigger Warnings: (as per beginning of novel) alcohol addiction, self-hatred, suicidal ideation, racial microaggressions, transphobic thetoric, and non-consensual outing

During the summer before college, Blake, her girlfriend, Ella, and their best friend, Annetta have one goal: join the exclusive Serena Society at their college. The sorority promises status and lifelong connections to a network of powerful, trailblazing women of color. Ella’s acceptance is a certainty - so is Annetta really - both of their mothers are Serena’s alum. However, Blake has a lot more to prove.

Blake comes from a working-class background and lacks confidence, nothing like Ella. Luckily, she finds courage with drops of liquor because when she drinks, she becomes Big Bad Bee - funny, bold, and unstoppable. But, as Serena pledging intensifies, so does Blake’s drinking, but it doesn’t stop at just partying. Ella assures Blake that she’s fine; nothing she’s doing isn’t what needs to be done to make the cut.

But the closer she gets to success, the more Blake’s drowning. With her future so bright ahead, Blake must decide how far she’s willing to go and to lose to step into the bright light of her dreams.

I absolutely adored Jas Hammond’s debut novel, We Deserve Monuments, so I’ve been highly anticipating their second novel since they announced it on their Instagram. Goodness, this doesn’t disappoint.

Blake was such a complex character - one that made it so hard to keep rooting for her as she continuously turned to alcohol, but I wanted her happy ending and was proud of her when she really tried. On top of trying to get into the Serena Society, Blake is not only navigating the transition between high school life and college but also her identity, her past, and what that means for her future and her place in the world.

I also love the relationship we see between both Blake and Ella and Blake and Annetta and how both characters interact with her. We see the type of support (or lack of support) that they give Blake and how she responds to it and it gives the characters more depth and realistic interactions.

Overall, this is a wonderful coming of age novel about an 18-year-old and her relationship with both drinking and those around her. I would somewhat argue that this novel could fall under the New Adult genre and not YA, but could see it being either.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
oldandnewbooksmell | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 22, 2024 |




Arvio (tähdet)
½ 4.3

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