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Charles Fourier (1772–1837)

Teoksen The Theory of the Four Movements tekijä

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(eng) Full name: François Marie Charles Fourier

Image credit: from History of the World, H. F. Helmholt (ed.) (1901)

Tekijän teokset

The Theory of the Four Movements (1808) 120 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Le nouveau monde amoureux (1972) 13 kappaletta
Vers la liberté en amour (1975) 12 kappaletta
L'armonia universale (1971) 5 kappaletta
World War of Small Pastries (2015) 5 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Passions of the Human Soul (1968) 4 kappaletta
L’Attraction passionnée (1967) 3 kappaletta
Elogio de la poligamia (2005) 3 kappaletta
Stammefællesskabet (1972) 2 kappaletta
Contro la civilta 2 kappaletta
Griffe au nez 1 kappale
Gelecegin Ask Dunyasindan (2000) 1 kappale
El extravío de la razón (1974) 1 kappale
El Falansterio (2021) 1 kappale
Aus der neuen Liebeswelt (1977) 1 kappale
Histoire de l'homme — Tekijä — 1 kappale
Citerlogue (1994) 1 kappale
Fourrier — Tekijä — 1 kappale
Le Charme composé (1976) 1 kappale

Associated Works

Aurora Leigh [Norton Critical Edition] (1996) — Avustaja — 174 kappaletta
The Utopia Reader (1999) — Avustaja — 113 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Utopiasosialistit (2009) 9 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Kanoninen nimi
Fourier, Charles
Virallinen nimi
Fourier, François Marie Charles
Cimetière de Montmartre, Paris, France
Maa (karttaa varten)
Besançon, Doubs, France
Paris, France
Lyon, France
Paris, France
Collège de Besançon, Doubs
Full name: François Marie Charles Fourier




Well that was mostly terrible but not entirely so. I'll try to break this down.
We have about 5% cult-leader style self-promotion and praise, the author compares himself to Columbus and Hercules at various points.
About 10% wacky interpretive fiction, something along the lines of Phrenology or Astrology but he applies it to everything in his 7000 year old universe. From peacocks to the northern lights to the fact Earth doesn't have cool rings like Saturn (he seems particularly bitter about that :P ), in the authors view these are all symbols placed by a god to tell us we're doing things wrong.
Another 5% is fairly well aimed critique of civilization and capitalism, the critique is far longer than 5% of the book but only about 5% is not tedious.
So i think we're up to 25%, now, add 65% mind numbing tedium and we're left with a 10% golden nugget of wisdom.

The authors utopian ideas are not terrible, his attempt being to create a system in which peoples greed, jealousy, ambition, sexual passions etc. are beneficial rather than destructive. Using a sort of rival club system combined with the usual commune idea.
However the real highlight is the authors views on slavery and especially the role of women in society. Frankly in some ways his views are more advanced than those of today. Although he doesn't go into too much detail, meaning his views on female equality may not entirely be the same as a modern view of female equality.

Nevertheless some really interesting stuff, like i say a lot of the time after reading an old book, nothing much seems to have changed :( , the authors critique of capitalism and gender equality still being annoyingly relevant.
Overall though still boring as hell :) .
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
wreade1872 | 1 muu arvostelu | Nov 28, 2021 |
This little book is a translated excerpt from Le Nouveau Monde Amoureux--a compendious early-19th-century envisioning of Harmony, i.e. the social conditions to supersede and abrogate Civilization. If Harmony had come quickly, the World Wars of European hegemony might have been replaced with the gargantuan conflict of petits patés described here. The ur-socialist Charles Fourier (called by his later detractors "utopian") proposed the wholesale replacement of what we have come to know as the military-industrial complex by a gastronomic-passional enterprise, where food, sex, and humane service would be the channels by which "the omnimode play of the passions" might be developed in honorable competition among empires.

Peter Lamborn Wilson's brief introduction supplies a sense of the relation of Fourier to the history of ideas, along with some information on the value of the present text (not published even in the original French for nearly a century and a half after his death). Translators Shawn P. Wilbur and Joan Roelofs offer a reasonably approachable English for this material that is somewhat mystifying regardless, taking for granted as it does the reader's appreciation of Fourier's passional calculus along with a future history in which the human population of the globe has reached an abundantly-supplied and sustainable four billion.

There are lacunae and interruptions in the text, which I take to be artifacts of the emergence from manuscript in 1967. These enhance its perversely oracular character with something like the documentary conceit common to older adventure fantasies and science fiction. The basic social unit of Harmony, known in other texts as a phalanstery, is here called a tourbillon. As the translator-editors note, this name "suggests the constant, restless movement by which communities in Harmony find the means of satisfying all the passions" (18 n.).
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2 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
paradoxosalpha | Feb 20, 2020 |
Best introduction ever. (1808 version)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
jaime_d | 1 muu arvostelu | Sep 7, 2006 |


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