
Bruin Fisher

Teoksen I Do Two! tekijä

1 Work 16 jäsentä 1 Review

Tekijän teokset

I Do Two! (2010) — Avustaja — 16 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu

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I skipped stories from authors that rate all their books. It's not the case with those that only rate antologies; I still don't like it but I can understand it like a recognition to their co-authors.

The Legend of Mountain Ash by Ruth Sims - 3 stars
Inner Truth by Alex Beecroft - 2 stars
Turnabout by Lee Rowan - 2,5 stars
Under the Shadow of Your Wings by Gillian Palmer. - 2 stars
Home Cooking by Brian Holiday - 4 stars
Mister Right by Rob Rosen - Skipped
Two Men: A Fugue by Sophia Deri-Bowen - 5 stars!!
Stripes by Nigel Puerasch - 4 stars
Morbidly Obese by Rick R. Reed - 2 stars
The Song Inside by Nexis Pas - 3,5 stars
Hitched by Michael Gouda - 1,5 stars
Cakewalk by Nathan Burgoine - 4 stars
Ships That Pass by Jamie Freeman - 2 stars
Work Experience by Bruin Fisher - 3 stars
Even Guys Cry by D.C. Juris - 2 stars
Touche by James Buchanan - 2 stars
Mallory's Gift by L-J Baker - 3 stars
The Uneven Chance by Charlie Cochrane - 3 stars
Honolulu Hula by Neil S. Plakcy - Skipped
Elephants in Her Tea by Julia Rios - 1,5 stars
Aim Higher by J.L Merrow - 3 stars
Ganymede by Lenore Black - 2,5 stars
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |

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James Buchanan Contributor
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D. C. Juris Contributor
Lenore Black Contributor
Jamie Freeman Contributor
Ruth Sims Contributor
Charlie Cochrane Contributor
Gillian Palmer Contributor
Alex Beecroft Contributor
Neil S. Plakcy Contributor
Rob Rosen Contributor
Rick R. Reed Contributor
Lee Rowan Contributor
L-J Baker Contributor
Nexis Pas Contributor


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