
Joey Cavalieri

Teoksen Teräsmies neljä vuodenaikaa tekijä

91+ teosta 1,135 jäsentä 30 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Teräsmies neljä vuodenaikaa (1999) — Toimittaja — 532 kappaletta, 21 arvostelua
Bizarro Comics! (2001) — Toimittaja — 220 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Bizarro World (2005) — Toimittaja — 114 kappaletta
DC Meets Looney Tunes (2018) — Toimittaja — 60 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Superman for All Seasons Book One Spring (1998) — Toimittaja — 17 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Superman for All Seasons Book Two Summer (1998) — Toimittaja — 17 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Superman for All Seasons Book Three Fall (1998) — Toimittaja — 15 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Superman: The Wedding Album (1996) — Toimittaja — 14 kappaletta
DuckTales: Mysteries and Mallards (2018) 10 kappaletta
Secret Identity :Superman Volume 1 (2004) — Toimittaja — 10 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Superman & Batman: Generations II, #2 (2001) — Toimittaja — 9 kappaletta
Batman & Superman: Generations, #2 (1998) — Toimittaja — 6 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Superman and Batman Vs. Aliens and Predator #2 (2007) — Toimittaja — 5 kappaletta
Elvira's House of Mystery #1 (1986) — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta
The Spirit (First Wave) #17 (2011) — Toimittaja — 3 kappaletta
Detective Comics # 568 (1986) 3 kappaletta
Superman: Strength #1 (0200) — Toimittaja — 3 kappaletta
The Huntress (1989-1990) #19 (1990) 2 kappaletta
DC Secret Files and Origins: Superman #1 (1998) — Toimittaja — 2 kappaletta
Superman: The Man of Steel #068 (1997) — Toimittaja — 2 kappaletta
Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #42 (2006) — Toimittaja — 2 kappaletta
The Huntress #6 (1989) 2 kappaletta
Help! I Am a Prisoner 2 kappaletta
Supergirl - O Filme (1984) 2 kappaletta
Omega Men 16 1 kappale
Doom 1 kappale
Superman Adventures #44 (2000) — Toimittaja — 1 kappale
Superman: The Man of Steel #067 (1997) — Toimittaja — 1 kappale
Superman: The Man of Steel #065 (1997) — Toimittaja — 1 kappale
Superman: The Man of Steel #070 (1997) — Toimittaja — 1 kappale
Superman: The Man of Steel #082 (1998) — Toimittaja — 1 kappale
2099 Unlimited 1 kappale

Associated Works

Superman: Peace on Earth (1998) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset234 kappaletta
Batman: War on Crime (1999) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset204 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Animal Man Volume 1: The Hunt (2012) — Toimittaja — 201 kappaletta, 16 arvostelua
The Further Adventures of the Joker (1990) — Avustaja — 160 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth (2001) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset157 kappaletta, 7 arvostelua
Shazam!: Power of Hope (2000) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset148 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
The Further Adventures of Superman (1993) — Avustaja — 77 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Animal Man Volume 4: Splinter Species (2014) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset66 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
The Further Adventures of Wonder Woman (1993) — Avustaja — 53 kappaletta
Batman Nosferatu (1999) — Toimittaja — 52 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Batman / Poison Ivy: Cast Shadows (2004) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset26 kappaletta
Super Powers by Jack Kirby (2018) — Tekijä — 7 kappaletta
All-Star Western: The August 7 (2012) — Toimittaja — 6 kappaletta
All-Star Western: The War of Lords and Owls, Part Three (2012) — Toimittaja — 4 kappaletta
All-Star Western: The War of Lords and Owls, Part Two (2012) — Toimittaja — 4 kappaletta
All-Star Western: The War of Lords and Owls: Part One (2012) — Toimittaja — 4 kappaletta
Superman and Batman Vs. Aliens and Predator #1 (2007) — Toimittaja — 4 kappaletta
Pretty Conan, Volume Two — Avustaja — 1 kappale
Adventures with the DC Super Heroes (2000) — Avustaja — 1 kappale, 1 arvostelu

Merkitty avainsanalla





Superman For All Seasons tells of a shy, unconfident Superman instead of the typical all-American Boy Scout that pervades the understanding of the most famous superhero. Each chapter is a season, starting with Spring and ending in Winter. The first three are fairly average, there’s nothing too special here, but the art is fine and the coloring is unique.

The fourth chapter is where this book shines. Superman, alias Clark Kent, may be the most powerful being on earth, but he’s without confidence. He can’t save everyone, and that depresses him. It’s not just depression, but a sense of being lost in the responsibility of the world that I share with this fictional hero. We never hear the thoughts of Clark in this comic, but we see what his friends and family think about him. The final chapter is told in the voice of Lana, Clark’s childhood sweetheart. She slowly realizes that he can’t love her not because of her, but because Superman has to love everyone. He can’t belong to her. His powers, unasked for, give him a greater responsibility: Superman belongs to the world.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
gideonslife | 20 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 5, 2023 |
Nearly pure fizzle, with a touch of sizzle near the end.

As the title says, DC superheroes meet versions of the Looney Tunes characters -- usually in a grotesque, more realistic form -- in the DCU. But then in each chapter there is a back-up story that let's the traditional cartoon version of the Looney Tunes characters meet a more cartoonish version of the superhero.

It's all very unfunny, sad, and tiresome until the final pages when Bugs Bunny tries to convince Elmer Fudd that "rabbit season" is actually "bat season."

Mostly it all paled in comparison to the hilarious, raunchy, and very unauthorized crossover Bugs Bunny had with Betty Boop in the [book:Mr. Boop|60106023] graphic novel I read earlier this week.



Legion of Super Heroes/Bugs Bunny Special #1
• Cover / Tom Grummett, penciller; Karl Kesel, inker
• Variant Cover / Ty Templeton, artist
• The Impostor Superboy / Sam Humphries, writer; Tom Grummett, penciler; Scott Hanna, inker
• Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Impostor Superboy / Juan Manuel Ortiz, writer and artist

Martian Manhunter/Marvin the Martian Special #1
• Cover / Aaron Lopresti
• Variant Cover / Stephen DeStefano, artist
• Best Intentions / Steve Orlando and Frank J. Barbiere, writers; Aaron Lopresti, penciller; Jerome Moore, inker
• Marvin the Martian and Martian Manhunter in "The (Next to the) Last Martian" / Jim Fanning, writer; John Loter, artist

Wonder Woman/Tasmanian Devil Special #1
• Cover / Jim Lee, artist
• Variant Cover / Byron Vaughns, artist
• The Devil You Know / Tony Bedard, writer; Barry Kitson penciller; John Floyd, inker
• Trojan Horseplay / Tony Bedard, writer; Ben Caldwell, artist

Lobo/Road Runner Special #1
• Cover / Kelley Jones, artist
• Variant Cover / Bill Morrison, artist
• Fast and Fraggy-ous / Bill Morrison, writer; Kelley Jones, artist
• But Wait, There's More! / Bill Morrison, writer and artist

Jonah Hex/Yosemite Sam Special #1
• Cover / Mark Texeira, artist
• Variant Cover / Dave Alvarez, artist
• Comin' in A-Shootin'! / Jimmy Palmiotti, writer; Mark Texeira, artist
• The Road to Bruin / Bill Matheny, writer; Dave Alvarez, artist

Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1
• Cover / Lee Weeks, artist
• Variant Cover / Bob Fingerman, artist
• Pway for Me / Tom King, writer; Lee Weeks, artist
• Rabbit Season / Tom King, writer; Byron Vaughns, artist

Sketchbook / Jim Lee, Mark Texeira, Byron Vaughns, artists
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
villemezbrown | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 20, 2022 |
This is the first Superman graphic novel I've read that really delves into his life in Smallville, as a result, it feels distinct, cozy and emotional, moreso than most Superman stories.

I wasn't a fan of the artstyle at first, it's nowhere near as flashy or detailed as Red Son or Kingdom Come, but it ties in so well with the story that it works perfectly. Less is more, and every panel and piece of dialogue feels meaningful.

It's very fresh, despite being an "origin" story, which I'm usually bored of at this point. I like there isn't really a big bad in this one, and Clark seems more like a young man would - capable, but hesitant and confused about his direction in life. Very poignant. Excellent Superman story.… (lisätietoja)
1 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
hskey | 20 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 3, 2021 |
Oh well. What do ya know expect?

I bought it on a whim for the kindle fire. The Elmer Fudd Batman noir sounded promising. But, Looney tunes meets DC just doesn't quite work for me. I grew up on old Bugs Bunny cartoons and Batman was and is my favorite hero. But, I think I'll keep them separate from now on. Still, the comic isn't bad for what it is.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
StephenSnead | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 26, 2020 |



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Associated Authors

Tim Sale Illustrator
Kyle Baker Illustrator, Writer, Artist, Letterer, Colourist & Separator (69-78)
Gilbert Hernandez Artist (36-37)
Bill Wray Artist (79-80, 195)
Bob Fingerman Writer (87-93, 143-149); Artist, Letterer, Colourist & Separator (41-47)
Jeff Smith Writer (129-135)
Jessica Abel Artist & Letterer (115-121)
Chuck Patton Illustrator
Bjarne Hansen Illustrator
Richard Starkings Illustrator
Ken Lopez Illustrator, Letterer
C.J. Duffy Writer
Tony Millionaire Illustrator
Chip Kidd Writer
Scott Morse Illustrator
Aaron Lopresti Illustrator
Mark Texeira Illustrator
Lee Weeks Cover artist
Scott Hanna Illustrator
Jerome Moore Illustrator
Tom Grummett Illustrator
Barry Kitson Illustrator
Tom King Author
Kelley Jones Illustrator
John Floyd Illustrator
Todd Klein Illustrator, Letterer
Jon Bogdanove Illustrator, Cover artist
Glenn Whitmore Illustrator
Dennis Janke Illustrator
Louise Simonson Contributor
Stuart Immonen Illustrator
Terry Austin Illustrator
Aluir Amancio Illustrator
Ariel Olivetti Illustrator
Ron Wagner Illustrator
Arthur Geroche Illustrator
Agustin Mas Contributor
Philip Clarke Jr Contributor
Dennis Yee Contributor
Dan Spiegel Illustrator
David Goldner Photographer
Patricia Mulvihill Illustrator
Jack C. Harris Contributor
P. Craig Russell Illustrator
Alex Ross Cover artist
Brian Bolland Cover Art
Robert Kanigher Contributor
Jackson Guice Illustrator
Tom Grindberg Illustrator
Sal Buscema Illustrator
Scot Eaton Illustrator
Mike Manley Cover artist
Philip Hugh Felix Illustrator
Marie Severin Illustrator
Matt Groenig Cover artist
Ryan Hughes Cover designer
Dave Stewart Colorist
Jim Campbell Colorist
Jaime Hernandez Cover artist


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