
Julie Burtinshaw

Teoksen The Perfect Cut tekijä

8 teosta 100 jäsentä 1 Review

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Sisältää nimen: Julie Burtinshaw

Tekijän teokset

The Perfect Cut (2008) 35 kappaletta
The Freedom of Jenny (2005) 33 kappaletta
Romantic Ghost Stories (2003) 12 kappaletta
Adrift (2002) 8 kappaletta
Saying Good-bye to London (2017) 7 kappaletta
The Darkness Between the Stars (2011) 2 kappaletta

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I believe that in today's society, books about social issues are indispensable. The Perfect Cut is one such book. Julie Burtinshaw has taken a hard look at one of today's most (unfortunately) common and much hushed topics - cutting.

While many people choose to believe this is a limited problems - in my opinion, it goes right up there with eating disorders - both issues are growing in leaps and bounds and people are choosing to ignore the problems.

The Perfect Cut describes the perfect, painful pleasure our main character takes in cutting himself (yes, I did say "him") as a way to release his stress, pain and sadness. This book is doubly unusual in that it made its main character a male. Again, most people will assume that cutting is strictly a female problem - but I do not believe this argument. What is so fascinating about Burtinshaw's book is that as the reader, I get to "be" in Bryan's mind - before, during and after he cuts himself. The vivid description of the cutting and of the feelings he experiences make this book extremely difficult to read and yet, strangely compelling at the same time.

Cutting is a complex issue and the author does not claim to have it all figured out - yet, this book is a gem - in telling us, simply and honestly, what Bryan is living with day in and day out (some of it in his head and some of it - his reality) we get a sense that this person is deeply hurt and although cutting is not the solution (neither is drugging, eating disorders or drinking for that matter) Bryan, in his own way, is trying to do the best that he can with all that is bottled up inside.

I believe the time for this book has come and I suggest it be read by all Young Adults and their parents alike - you are not going to like what you read, but it is OUR reality now.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Nitestar | Nov 1, 2008 |



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