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Simon Brown (1) (1956–)

Teoksen Inheritance tekijä

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52+ teosta 719 jäsentä 8 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Simon Brown is highly regarded as both a practitioner of Feng Shui & a best-selling author. (Bowker Author Biography)


Tekijän teokset

Inheritance (2000) 152 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Fire and Sword (2001) 116 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Empire's Daughter (2004) 110 kappaletta
Sovereign (2002) 81 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Rival's Son (2005) 54 kappaletta
Privateer (1996) 37 kappaletta
Winter (1997) 33 kappaletta
Daughter of Independence (2006) 30 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Troy (2006) 16 kappaletta
Cannibals of the Fine Light (1998) 16 kappaletta
Imagining Ajax 5 kappaletta
The Cup Of Nestor 5 kappaletta
Leviathan 4 kappaletta
Rain from the New God 3 kappaletta

Associated Works

The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fifteenth Annual Collection (1998) — Avustaja — 442 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighteenth Annual Collection (2005) — Avustaja — 224 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua
Year's Best Fantasy (2001) — Avustaja — 210 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Dreaming Down-Under (1998) — Avustaja — 184 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Gathering the Bones (2003) — Avustaja — 111 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Man vs Machine (2007) — Avustaja — 49 kappaletta
Alien Shores (1994) — Avustaja — 37 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Southern Blood: New Australian Tales of the Supernatural (2003) — Avustaja — 27 kappaletta
The Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy (1997) — Avustaja — 27 kappaletta
Agog! Fantastic Fiction (2002) — Avustaja — 26 kappaletta
Sprawl (2010) — Avustaja — 20 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Agog! Smashing Stories (2004) — Avustaja — 18 kappaletta
2012 (2008) — Avustaja — 18 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Agog! Terrific Tales (2003) — Avustaja — 17 kappaletta
Agog! Ripping Reads (2006) — Avustaja — 17 kappaletta
The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011 (2012) — Avustaja — 16 kappaletta
Dead Red Heart (2011) — Avustaja — 11 kappaletta
Fantastic wonder stories (2007) — Avustaja — 11 kappaletta
Baggage (2010) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Dreaming in the Dark (2016) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta
The workers' paradise (2007) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta
Eidolon I (2006) — Avustaja — 6 kappaletta
In Your Face (2016) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta
Australian dark fantasy & horror, 2007 edition (2007) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta
Borderlands 10 (2008) — Avustaja — 1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla




In Sovereign, Simon Brown closes out his Keys of Power trilogy, and I have to say it is one of the most intense, absorbing fantasy series I have ever read, evolving from an entertaining but seemingly pedestrian fantasy adventure about an exiled prince into a shockingly dark tale that left me wondering up through the very last page just how things could possibly turn out in the end. In Inheritance, we first met young Prince Lynan, a youth looked down upon by his royal siblings and largely ignored by his mother the queen because he was the son of a commoner (albeit the greatest general Grenda Lear had ever produced). Framed for regicide, he fled the kingdom in the company of Kumul, his mentor and ex-captain of the palace guard; Ager, a crookbacked soldier who fought alongside Lynan's father in the Slaver War; and a young female magicker named Jenrosa Alucar - and the Key of Unity, one of the four Keys of Power that were distributed among Queen Usharna's four children at the time of her death.

Lynan was young and naïve, but he gradually grew into the true son of his father, a military leader determined to return to Grenda Lear and reclaim what had been stolen from him. Back home, his half-sister Areava, having succeeded to the throne after the murder of her older brother, committed herself to destroying the half-brother she believed guilty of the crime - never realizing that a most treacherous conspiracy involving a neighboring kingdom raged underneath her very nose. In the distant Oceans of Grass, Lynan united the nomadic Chetts and began a civil war that would eventually involve every province across the land of Theare. For the first half of the series, I worked under the assumption that every thing would work out in the end - Lynan was innocent of the crime that sent him into exile, after all. Then, in the latter half of Fire and Sword, Brown hit me with the literary equivalent of a one-two punch that left me reeling in absolute shock at the tragedy and horror unleashed upon all sides of this epic conflict.

Naturally, I could not wait to see how the storyline would evolve in this third and final novel of the trilogy. Even with my blinders now off, I really had no idea how this epic saga would end. Sovereign is filled with both the thrills and visceral horrors of battle. Bloodied by his first encounter with the army of Grenda Lear, Lynan and his Chett allies not only regroup, they expand their war plans diplomatically as well as militarily. Lynan himself is greatly changed, devolving into something both more than and less than human as the life-saving blood of a vicious wood vampire haunts and transforms him into a frightening spectre that fills his enemies - and eventually even his friends - with dread. The once-noble young hero becomes a bloodthirsty killer who displays no mercy to those who stand in his way. His closest friends and allies are powerless to contain him in his madness - not so long as he is prey to the torments of Silona the vampire.

One of the most compelling aspects of this story is the nebulous quality of good and evil on both sides of the conflict. One finds it hard to pull against Queen Areava and the noble prince Olio back in Grenda Lear, for they, like Lynan, are really just victims of the treachery that set the horrors of war in motion. Then there is Primate Powl, who attained his position by murdering the former primate. Despite the man's great sin, he becomes a tragic figure in these pages as he suffers the guilt of knowing he is not the religious leader he should be and searches earnestly for knowledge of his God. In the end, there are only a handful of truly guilty men, and the story finally comes full circle. As Lynan's army nears Kendra, the very capital of Grenda Lear, I honestly had no clue as to how Brown would resolve a story filled with so much pain and sorrow on all sides. Keys of Power is not just another fantasy series - far from it, with its incredibly complex characters, shocking plot twists, and powerfully emotional final showdown.

I only wish this series could have been expanded to some degree. Far too many fantasy series are stretched beyond their means over the course of multiple volumes, but the Keys of Power series only brushes the surface of several fascinating subplots, especially one concerning the true history of the land of Theare, and leaves the reader wanting more. I for one hope Simon Brown returns to Grenda Lear at some point, as I would love to see how a land so decimated by such a tragic and bloody war makes the difficult transition to the future.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Jawin | 1 muu arvostelu | Aug 29, 2007 |
In Sovereign, Simon Brown closes out his Keys of Power trilogy, and I have to say it is one of the most intense, absorbing fantasy series I have ever read, evolving from an entertaining but seemingly pedestrian fantasy adventure about an exiled prince into a shockingly dark tale that left me wondering up through the very last page just how things could possibly turn out in the end. In Inheritance, we first met young Prince Lynan, a youth looked down upon by his royal siblings and largely ignored by his mother the queen because he was the son of a commoner (albeit the greatest general Grenda Lear had ever produced). Framed for regicide, he fled the kingdom in the company of Kumul, his mentor and ex-captain of the palace guard; Ager, a crookbacked soldier who fought alongside Lynan's father in the Slaver War; and a young female magicker named Jenrosa Alucar - and the Key of Unity, one of the four Keys of Power that were distributed among Queen Usharna's four children at the time of her death.

Lynan was young and naïve, but he gradually grew into the true son of his father, a military leader determined to return to Grenda Lear and reclaim what had been stolen from him. Back home, his half-sister Areava, having succeeded to the throne after the murder of her older brother, committed herself to destroying the half-brother she believed guilty of the crime - never realizing that a most treacherous conspiracy involving a neighboring kingdom raged underneath her very nose. In the distant Oceans of Grass, Lynan united the nomadic Chetts and began a civil war that would eventually involve every province across the land of Theare. For the first half of the series, I worked under the assumption that every thing would work out in the end - Lynan was innocent of the crime that sent him into exile, after all. Then, in the latter half of Fire and Sword, Brown hit me with the literary equivalent of a one-two punch that left me reeling in absolute shock at the tragedy and horror unleashed upon all sides of this epic conflict.

Naturally, I could not wait to see how the storyline would evolve in this third and final novel of the trilogy. Even with my blinders now off, I really had no idea how this epic saga would end. Sovereign is filled with both the thrills and visceral horrors of battle. Bloodied by his first encounter with the army of Grenda Lear, Lynan and his Chett allies not only regroup, they expand their war plans diplomatically as well as militarily. Lynan himself is greatly changed, devolving into something both more than and less than human as the life-saving blood of a vicious wood vampire haunts and transforms him into a frightening spectre that fills his enemies - and eventually even his friends - with dread. The once-noble young hero becomes a bloodthirsty killer who displays no mercy to those who stand in his way. His closest friends and allies are powerless to contain him in his madness - not so long as he is prey to the torments of Silona the vampire.

One of the most compelling aspects of this story is the nebulous quality of good and evil on both sides of the conflict. One finds it hard to pull against Queen Areava and the noble prince Olio back in Grenda Lear, for they, like Lynan, are really just victims of the treachery that set the horrors of war in motion. Then there is Primate Powl, who attained his position by murdering the former primate. Despite the man's great sin, he becomes a tragic figure in these pages as he suffers the guilt of knowing he is not the religious leader he should be and searches earnestly for knowledge of his God. In the end, there are only a handful of truly guilty men, and the story finally comes full circle. As Lynan's army nears Kendra, the very capital of Grenda Lear, I honestly had no clue as to how Brown would resolve a story filled with so much pain and sorrow on all sides. Keys of Power is not just another fantasy series - far from it, with its incredibly complex characters, shocking plot twists, and powerfully emotional final showdown.

I only wish this series could have been expanded to some degree. Far too many fantasy series are stretched beyond their means over the course of multiple volumes, but the Keys of Power series only brushes the surface of several fascinating subplots, especially one concerning the true history of the land of Theare, and leaves the reader wanting more. I for one hope Simon Brown returns to Grenda Lear at some point, as I would love to see how a land so decimated by such a tragic and bloody war makes the difficult transition to the future.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Jawin | 1 muu arvostelu | Aug 29, 2007 |
There is a place where all the young princes are noble and brave, all the old soldiers brood but are willing to be called back for one last campaign, and all the aristocrats are sneaky and villainous. There is a place where the forests are haunted, the caravans are impossibly huge, and the innkeepers are gruff but kindly. It's called fantasyland, and Simon Brown lives there, or he might as well do.

"Inheritance" is a fantasy novel of the old school, where you can tell who's a villain because they sneer on stage, and old men who have drunk their lives away in a bar can earn redemption by fighting to protect a slain friend's long lost son. Some may call it cliched. I call it a refreshing trip down memory lane. This is a story that makes you feel young again, that makes you think that maybe a hapless band of misfits really can defeat a much larger group of evil minions.

Prince Lynan, youngest son of Queen Usharna, roams the streets hoping to find information about his long dead father. General Chisal was a great leader in years long past, but was despised by the elitist upper classes for being a commoner. Now sinister forces are moving to dispose of Lynan, but will one of Chisal's former soldiers show up just in time to stop the assassins? (Take one guess.) Thwarted in their first attempt, the bad guys dream up an even farther-reaching conspiracy, and soon Lynan and his companions are fleeing for their lives, with hordes of vicious mercenaries on their tail.

What makes this book work is Brown's careful writing. He understands what the story needs, and also what the story doesn't need. Every paragraph in "Inheritance" carries important information. There are no space-fillers, no long descriptions, and instead we get tons of action and intrigue. There's more plot in this book than in many twice its size. Brown also develops his characters, major and minor, with the utmost care. Everyone has believable motivations for what they do, including the villains. The fight scenes come across clearly and with pulse-pounding excitement. Perhaps most important is the intelligence of the book's structure. The good guys actually win by being good - brave, intelligent, loyal, and resourceful - rather than by pulling magic tricks out of a hat. In fact, "Inheritance" has virtually no magic.

For sure Simon Brown will never win a Hugo or get raves from the New York Review of Books, but he delivers everything you could rightfully expect from him; he writes a well-thought-out story with tons of excitement and no unnecessary violence, sex, or profanity. For this I hold him up as an example of what fantasy can be, and I hope he decides to offer us a great deal more in the years to come.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
Jawin | 1 muu arvostelu | Aug 29, 2007 |
There is a place where all the young princes are noble and brave, all the old soldiers brood but are willing to be called back for one last campaign, and all the aristocrats are sneaky and villainous. There is a place where the forests are haunted, the caravans are impossibly huge, and the innkeepers are gruff but kindly. It's called fantasyland, and Simon Brown lives there, or he might as well do.

"Inheritance" is a fantasy novel of the old school, where you can tell who's a villain because they sneer on stage, and old men who have drunk their lives away in a bar can earn redemption by fighting to protect a slain friend's long lost son. Some may call it cliched. I call it a refreshing trip down memory lane. This is a story that makes you feel young again, that makes you think that maybe a hapless band of misfits really can defeat a much larger group of evil minions.

Prince Lynan, youngest son of Queen Usharna, roams the streets hoping to find information about his long dead father. General Chisal was a great leader in years long past, but was despised by the elitist upper classes for being a commoner. Now sinister forces are moving to dispose of Lynan, but will one of Chisal's former soldiers show up just in time to stop the assassins? (Take one guess.) Thwarted in their first attempt, the bad guys dream up an even farther-reaching conspiracy, and soon Lynan and his companions are fleeing for their lives, with hordes of vicious mercenaries on their tail.

What makes this book work is Brown's careful writing. He understands what the story needs, and also what the story doesn't need. Every paragraph in "Inheritance" carries important information. There are no space-fillers, no long descriptions, and instead we get tons of action and intrigue. There's more plot in this book than in many twice its size. Brown also develops his characters, major and minor, with the utmost care. Everyone has believable motivations for what they do, including the villains. The fight scenes come across clearly and with pulse-pounding excitement. Perhaps most important is the intelligence of the book's structure. The good guys actually win by being good - brave, intelligent, loyal, and resourceful - rather than by pulling magic tricks out of a hat. In fact, "Inheritance" has virtually no magic.

For sure Simon Brown will never win a Hugo or get raves from the New York Review of Books, but he delivers everything you could rightfully expect from him; he writes a well-thought-out story with tons of excitement and no unnecessary violence, sex, or profanity. For this I hold him up as an example of what fantasy can be, and I hope he decides to offer us a great deal more in the years to come.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Jawin | 1 muu arvostelu | Aug 29, 2007 |


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