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The Saga of Dead-Eye Book One: Vampires, Zombies, & Mojo Men

Tekijä: Ronald Kelly

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423,455,484 (4.5)-
ALIVE, YET DEAD??The bloody War Between the States and a harrowing confinement in an enemy prison camp had turned Joshua Wingade into a broken man. His nerves and spirit shattered by the barbarity of battle, and demoralized by a cause that his heart secretly despised, Wingade returns home in hope of finding peace and healing.?But, upon his arrival, he discovers that Hell had come to call. His beloved wife had been violated and transformed into a horrid bride of the undead, and his only son abducted by a band of diabolical outlaws led by the renegade vampire, Jules Holland. Along for the ride are three demonic henchmen from the fetid bowels of Hades and the dark witch, Evangeline.?Aware that he is no match for the gang, Wingade rides across Georgia and Tennessee nonetheless, intent on rescuing his child from imminent disaster. During his journey, he witnesses the horrors and atrocities Holland and his evil confederates have wrought. Eventually, he finds himself at the outlaws' mercy. An instant before death, he makes a final pledge to his stolen son.?"I promise, Daniel! I will come for you!" DEAD, YET ALIVE??He awakens to discover that the cold finality of the grave has been thwarted. With the help of the Louisiana mojo man, Job, he has been resurrected. But, the frail and fearful man named Joshua Wingade is forever gone. In his place is the stoic, steel-nerved Dead-Eye with his blind eye aglow and a gun hand as swift and deadly as greased lightning.?Together, they vow to pursue the vampire and his minions, and deliveryoung Daniel from his bondage. However, they know that time is their worst enemy. If Holland and the others make it across the Mississippi River to the Western territories beyond, their vengeance may never come to fruition. For they are entering a new purgatory known as the Devil's Playground? a vast wilderness rife with violence and terrors unleashed from the Hole Out of Nowhere.?A place where death and evil are dealt freely, without atonement to anyone? including God himself!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajattom_60, BookNookRetreat7, Halestormer78, antmusic

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näyttää 2/2
Wild West Wickedness!


Joshua Wingade comes home from the civil war as it has been many years since he was gone from his wife and son, but when he finally arrives at the house he finds out that his wife has been turned into a monstrosity and his son has been kidnapped by "things" not of of this world.

It is hard to wrap his mind around what sort of creatures have taken his son, but he finally comes to terms with it when he meets up with them and sees what they truly are made of. The problem is Joshua doesn't have a chance against otherworldly creatures a/k/a vampires led by Jules Holland and they kill him before he can kill them.

Holland and his motley crew do not realize that they have made a bad mistake killing Joshua as now Joshua has been given a second chance with the help of a Louisiana Mojo man named Job as he brings Joshua back to life but he is in the form of a zombie and he is no longer considered "Joshua" as Job renamed him "Dead-Eye".

The main concern is that Job and Dead-Eye might have to go to "hell and back" to rescue Daniel but they are willing to do whatever it takes to grab Daniel and kill the vampires once and for all!

That is about all I can give on a backstory without giving away spoilers as you will need to read the book for yourself!


Wow! This book just grabbed me from the get-go and transported me back into the wild west! I was just immersed in the storyline and everything around me disappeared as I became involved with reading the story about the character Joshua Wingade/Dead-Eye. The pacing is fast in this story as something is constantly happening which kept me riveted to the story and I could barely put this book down!

This book is the first in a series of books revolving around the pursuit of the vampires and what Job and Dead-Eye will have to go through to reach their goal of vanquishing the vampires.

The author, Ronald Kelly is a master storyteller as he brings everything to life on the pages of this book!

The visuals of this world he created plays out in your mind as if you were watching it on a movie screen. The descriptions of everything you read in the story will be displayed in your mind's eye as you will feel that you are literally in the midst of the action!

Will be looking forward to book number two in this series which is suppose to be out this year to continue on with this storyline and the vampire pursuit! Giving this book five "Gun-Toting Zombie" stars! ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 21, 2022 |
3.5 rounded up. This one was fun. Definitely not your normal western, those are absolutely not my jam. But when you add vampires, cosmic horror and hoodoo to the old west it makes for a hell of a good time. I will be looking forward to the next book in this series for sure. ( )
  Halestormer78 | May 15, 2022 |
näyttää 2/2
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ALIVE, YET DEAD??The bloody War Between the States and a harrowing confinement in an enemy prison camp had turned Joshua Wingade into a broken man. His nerves and spirit shattered by the barbarity of battle, and demoralized by a cause that his heart secretly despised, Wingade returns home in hope of finding peace and healing.?But, upon his arrival, he discovers that Hell had come to call. His beloved wife had been violated and transformed into a horrid bride of the undead, and his only son abducted by a band of diabolical outlaws led by the renegade vampire, Jules Holland. Along for the ride are three demonic henchmen from the fetid bowels of Hades and the dark witch, Evangeline.?Aware that he is no match for the gang, Wingade rides across Georgia and Tennessee nonetheless, intent on rescuing his child from imminent disaster. During his journey, he witnesses the horrors and atrocities Holland and his evil confederates have wrought. Eventually, he finds himself at the outlaws' mercy. An instant before death, he makes a final pledge to his stolen son.?"I promise, Daniel! I will come for you!" DEAD, YET ALIVE??He awakens to discover that the cold finality of the grave has been thwarted. With the help of the Louisiana mojo man, Job, he has been resurrected. But, the frail and fearful man named Joshua Wingade is forever gone. In his place is the stoic, steel-nerved Dead-Eye with his blind eye aglow and a gun hand as swift and deadly as greased lightning.?Together, they vow to pursue the vampire and his minions, and deliveryoung Daniel from his bondage. However, they know that time is their worst enemy. If Holland and the others make it across the Mississippi River to the Western territories beyond, their vengeance may never come to fruition. For they are entering a new purgatory known as the Devil's Playground? a vast wilderness rife with violence and terrors unleashed from the Hole Out of Nowhere.?A place where death and evil are dealt freely, without atonement to anyone? including God himself!

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