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Ei enää murhia!

Tekijä: Maria Lang

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
552475,384 (3.8)2
Worn by his daughter Puck's appetite for macabre detail, John Ensted, Professor of Egyptology, is sceptical about their prospects of a peaceful holiday. but as they set off for Skoga, the small Swedish lakeside town, Puck and her husband, Edwin Bure, are in high spirits. However, the Professor's fears are soon justified. Thotmes III, the Professor's sacred white cat, is the first to discover the body of the young man behind the lilac bushes. Plunged into the victim'sheart is the Professor's Egyptian paper knife...but who is the man andwhy was he killed? Puck's insatiable curiosity leads her to make her own enquiries and soondiscovers that well kept secrets and ancient scandal smoulder beneath the surface of the idyllic town. When Christer Wick, well known Stockholm detective, arrives, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place.NO MORE MURDERS is a crime fiction classic that helped inspire the new BBC4 drama "Crimes of Passion."… (lisätietoja)

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This Swedish murder mystery definitely shows its age, which is a plus and a minus. It was written in the 1950's and is very much in the Agatha Christie vein -- country house, limited number of characters, clever detective, charming girl narrator. On the plus side, this gives it a certain charm and a certain archaeological value for devoted mystery fanatics (interestingly, the one way in which it is NOT like Agatha is sex: in Sweden in the 1950's, it happened). On the minus side, it has a stilted style and generally one dimensional characters. I didn't enjoy it as much as the two other Maria Lang novels I have read, and I didn't enjoy any of them as much as the excellent Swedish TV series based on the books, "Crimes of Passion". That's set in the 1950's, but made just a few years ago. For those who do want to read this book, you can get it on Google Play -- Amazon for some reason has been showing it as unavailable for quite a while. ( )
  annbury | Apr 20, 2016 |
Sverige, Skoga, 1951
Historien fortælles af Puck, der er gift med Einar Bure. De to er på ferie sammen med professor Johannes M. Ekstedt, der er hendes far. Han har stillet som betingelse at der ikke skal være flere mord, men det går selvfølgelig anderledes. De har lånt Einars søster og svogers hus og om morgenen ligger der en død mand på græsplænen udenfor. Det er Tommy Holt på 22 år, der er stukket i hjertet med professorens papirkniv. Tommy var adopteret som lille af oberst Wilhelm Holt og dennes kone Margit. De havde i forvejen en pige, Agneta. Hun er vokset op til en lille forsagt ung kvinde, mens Tommy var mere uregerlig og afbrød forbindelsen til obersten for tre år siden.
Overbetjent Leo Berggren, politimester Anders Löving og Christer Wijk forsøger at opklare sagen og kigger blandt andet på et ægtepar, hvor manden Yngve Mattson er en hovedrig forretningsmand og konen Lou har lidt forskellige forklaringer om mordnatten. Elisabeth Mattson er en succesrig forfatter af triviallitteratur og forresten også Yngves søster. Hun bor også i Skoga. Christer Wijk dukker op for at holde ferie (ovenpå opklaringen af et kuffertmord) og bliver uofficielt indforskrevet til opklaringen.
På skift kommer Yngve Mattson, Margit Holt, Wilhelm Holt og en gårdskarl Börje Sundin og tilstår mordet. Samtidig er Elisabeth Mattson forsvundet og Ekstedts kat kaldet Thotmes III er blevet forsøgt druknet.
Det viser sig at Tommy faktisk var søn af Wilhelm Holt og Elisabeth Mattson og at det var Margit, der dræbte ham i jalousi og raseri. Hun forsøger også at skyde Wilhelms gamle flamme, Elisabeth Mattson, men det mislykkes og hun bliver selv dræbt i håndgemænget.

Ganske veloplagt krimi, der er spændende fortalt. Åbenbart Maria Langs debut, hvilket er imponerende. ( )
  bnielsen | Aug 20, 2015 |
näyttää 2/2
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Worn by his daughter Puck's appetite for macabre detail, John Ensted, Professor of Egyptology, is sceptical about their prospects of a peaceful holiday. but as they set off for Skoga, the small Swedish lakeside town, Puck and her husband, Edwin Bure, are in high spirits. However, the Professor's fears are soon justified. Thotmes III, the Professor's sacred white cat, is the first to discover the body of the young man behind the lilac bushes. Plunged into the victim'sheart is the Professor's Egyptian paper knife...but who is the man andwhy was he killed? Puck's insatiable curiosity leads her to make her own enquiries and soondiscovers that well kept secrets and ancient scandal smoulder beneath the surface of the idyllic town. When Christer Wick, well known Stockholm detective, arrives, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place.NO MORE MURDERS is a crime fiction classic that helped inspire the new BBC4 drama "Crimes of Passion."

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