
priority: low (392), sf (272), non-fiction (243), priority: medium (190), fantasy (119), priority: high (54), short stories (37), skepticism (37), history (29), outdoors (24), mainstream (18), criticism (17), memoir (17), Locus (17), classic (16), science (16), politics (16), biography (14), sociology (13), global (13), economics (8), McAuley (8), international (8), humor (8), crime (7), government (7), religion (7), SFSignal (6), travel (6), essays (6), historical (5), philosophy (5), media (5), gender (5), Wolfe (4), security (4), superheroes (3), environment (3), medicine (3), psychology (3), mystery (3), literature (3), children (3), academia (3), Niall (2), Kincaid (2), Horton (2), Wheeler (2), sports (2), Nussbaum (2), YA (2), islam (2), Cushman (2), fiction (2), Vector (2), food (2), Gevers (2), horror (2), Gary (2), short fiction (2), military (2), Tor.com (1), Torque Control (1), Eve's Alexandria (1), Time (1), i09 (1), Witcher (1), Andrew Wheeler (1), io9 (1), priority: med (1), Spiked (1), Leston (1), sfsignal (1), funny author (1), India (1), Nature (1), priority:low (1), Aga (1), Asimov's (1), Lupoff (1), TIME (1), Elizabeth Bear (1), Outside (1), Bear (1), Dutch (1), dad (1), poland (1), anthology (1), science fiction (1), ya (1), fandom (1), #1 (1), collection (1), dark (1), not yet read (1), thriller (1), animals (1), feminism (1), stories (1), western (1), systems (1), exploration (1), african (1), gaming (1), Hilliard (1), forensics (1), Analog (1), Beamer (1), Adrienne (1), china (1), Cheryl (1), retro (1), Holland (1), alt history (1), series (1), noir (1), Miller (1), arabian (1), middle east (1), Afghanistan (1), Mohanraj (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Mar 8, 2007
Oikea nimi
Karen Burnham
About My Library
My real physical library of books I own can be seen under the account "Archren," if you're interested.
About Me
This is my To Read List or my Wish List, depending on how you look at it. I don't own a single book on this list, but this should still be useful in a few ways. For one, my currently paper To Read List (47 pages and counting) will be online, safe from fires and whatnot. Also, this might help people around Christmas time, if they don't know what to get for me. I figure I'll tell my family the password for this account, and they can tag something as "bought" if they get it for me. I promise not to look at this account for a month before either my birthday or Christmas.

The "priority" tags indicate how interested I am in a particular book. Things that have been on the list since I started it in May, 2000, have a lower priority than things I added last week. Going through the list it's easy to see my tastes change. Another good part about this catalog will be when I'm book shopping. I like to try to buy only books that are "on my list," and with the mobile phone access, I'll be able to look up my list even when I'm in the store. Should be neat.
Houston, TX
Parhaillaan lukemassa
Wetware (tekijä: Craig Nova)
Vitals (tekijä: Greg Bear)
Memini (tekijä: Dan Pearlman)
Lint (tekijä: Steve Aylett)
Xenos (tekijä: Dan Abnett)
Paradox (tekijä: John Meaney)
Farthing (tekijä: Jo Walton)
Synners (tekijä: Pat Cadigan)
Fury (tekijä: Henry Kuttner)
Mainspring (tekijä: Jay Lake)

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