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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (2010)

Tekijä: Andrew Piper

Sarjat: Brief Lives

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2710887,022 (3.7)5
Widely considered the father of German literature, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a polymath whose life and thoughts made a huge impact on European philosophy, science, and literature. This scrupulously-researched biography explores the philosophical preoccupations that drove Goethe to become a prolific poet, novelist, and playwright, and also examines the ways in which he was both influenced by and exerted influenced upon the tenets of the European Enlightenment. Erudite but accessible, this is an engaging look at one of history’s most influential thinkers and authors.… (lisätietoja)

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Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
This book has been a staple for me in my AP European history classroom. My students read Goethe's "Sorrows of Young Werther" and this is a useful resource for me and for them. ( )
  kendallboro | Nov 19, 2019 |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749- 1832) was a great genius of German literature, known for his contributions in literature, drama, poetry, philosophy, and science. He was a man of enormous energy, and unbounded curiosity and creativity, perhaps the last “Renaissance man” whose understanding could span the breadth and depth of European knowledge.

To this day, Goethe is honored as "the German Shakespeare" for his literary contributions, and his great tragic play Faust continues to be read and performed. While Goethe’s scientific contributions have not withstood the exacting tests of time, in his day he contributed to fields of anatomy, botany, physics, and mineralogy, and his early insights had a lasting influence on evolutionary thought in late 19th century Germany. Further, his influence in other realms can be traced to his contemporaries Herder and Schiller, as well as to Hegel, Schopenhauer, Schubert, Nietzsche, Jung, Wittgenstein, and Thomas Mann, among others.

In his contribution to the "Brief Lives" series of biographies, Andrew Piper faced the challenge of capturing this gigantic figure in a small book of 100 pages. He does an adequate job, managing to cover points high and low – thus we learn not only of Goethe's literary contributions but his travels, life events, and each of his several love affairs. Regarding the latter, one notes that Goethe's affairs of the heart coincided with periods of particular creativity.

Piper's biography traces the chronology of Goethe's life in 14 chapters: (1) Beginnings (on his parentage, and his childhood and adolescence in Frankfurt); (2) Sentimental Education (at Leipzig and elsewhere); (3) Early Fame (deriving from his 1773 historical drama Götz von Berlichingen; (4) Sorrows, Real and Imagined (referring to his semi – autobiographical epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther [Die Leiden des jungen Werthers]); (5) Weimar: Capital of the 18th Century (where he lived for the rest of his life, and joined the court of Duke Carl August); (6) Longing (his close relationship with Charlotte von Stein); (7) The Italian Journey (of 1786 to 1788); (8) Revolutions (covering the period of the French Revolution and subsequent invasion by France); (9) The Aesthetic Education of Man (covering the decade that encompasses his deep friendship with Schiller); (10) The Demonic Age (covering the production of Faust, the growth of Romanticism, and the Napoleonic invasion; (11) New Science, New Life (Goethe’s work on optics and the physics of light, and his publication of Wilhelm Meister’s Travels; (11) The Heavenly Archive (Faust, Part Two, and the publication of Goethe's collected works); and (12) Goethe without End (his death, and his lasting influence).

For a book of its size, Piper's biography offers a reasonable introduction to its subject. However, readers ought not expect more than a brief description of Goethe's main literary contributions, and nothing in the way of critical analysis. Likewise, Goethe's scientific work gets short shrift, and readers will have to seek elsewhere for a description. Oddly, this book contains no recommendations for further reading; however, this omission is a minor one, when a quick Library Thing search will turn up several. In sum, this small work meets the goals of the Brief Lives series, and should serve to expose a new generation of readers to the life and contributions of this extraordinary historical figure. ( )
7 ääni danielx | Mar 7, 2011 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Another short introduction to an important writer, philosopher, scientist—an extraordinary polymath who was also human in his everyday dealings with other people and his fear of death. Andrew Piper is careful to highlight the great historical moments and movements that occurred during Goethe's lifetime, including the French Revolution. Interestingly, Goethe was not a political man; that is, he didn't seem to take much interest in the sociopolitical world around him, being much more involved with literature, the arts, and science and philosophical questions. He was also interested in women, it seems, from the author's detailing of the various ladies Goethe fell in love with over his long life. I didn't feel this was as well-written a 'Brief Life' as the other two I have read, and could have benefited from a bibliography of Goethe's works at the end, as well as references.

Thanks to Hesperus Press once again for publishing its Brief Lives series, and providing these books for review! ( )
1 ääni thewordygecko | Nov 14, 2010 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
I got this book from the Hesperus Press via the Librarything Earl Reviewers Program, First I was skeptical about it being a) a biography and b) about an author whose works I have been tortured with during high-school in Germany ( I just say "Die Leiden des jungen Werther").
After reading the first 15 pages or so I was pleasantly surprised about easily it reads. The author finds good balance between keeping the reader interested and not going too much into detail.
This book is of course not meant for a serious researcher but rather the casual reader who wants some background before (or after) reading Faust or Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. ( )
  J_ipsen | Aug 20, 2010 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
This short (105 pages) biography of Goethe is part of the Brief Lives series of books on authors from Austen to Zola commissioned and published by Hesperus Press. This is a very readable introduction to Goethe both as a man and a writer. It fills the gap between the bare facts and sterilized treatment of Wikepedia and the 1000-page authoritative door-stoppers loaded with footnotes and academic apparatus. The author, Andrew Piper, from McGill University, makes sure the reader gets enough of the 18th-Century milieu to understand how Goethe contributed to the modern way of looking at the world. And even in such a brief introduction, there is no assumption of prior familiarity with Goethe’s works. Piper gives enough context from those works he cites to make his points. This biography is meant to be an introduction to the subject, and by sticking closely to its objectives, it does a fine job. ( )
1 ääni Larxol | Jul 22, 2010 |
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Widely considered the father of German literature, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a polymath whose life and thoughts made a huge impact on European philosophy, science, and literature. This scrupulously-researched biography explores the philosophical preoccupations that drove Goethe to become a prolific poet, novelist, and playwright, and also examines the ways in which he was both influenced by and exerted influenced upon the tenets of the European Enlightenment. Erudite but accessible, this is an engaging look at one of history’s most influential thinkers and authors.

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Andrew Piper's book Brief Lives: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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