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Booze Cakes

Tekijä: Krystina Castella

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942297,003 (3.58)-
Mix, Bake, Buzz! Booze Cakes features step-by-step recipes for spiking delicious confections with spirits, wine, and beer. These delightfully tipsy desserts are perfect for dinner parties, potlucks, and pitch-ins! You'll find recipes for: Classic Booze Cakes: All the recipes your grandparents used to bake, including salty-sweet Honey Spice Beer Cake, bourbon-filled Lane Cake frosted with decadent bourbon buttercream, and teeny-tiny yet potent Tropical Fruitcake Cupcakes. Cocktail Cakes: These brand-new recipes are based on classic cocktails and mixed drinks: A tropical PiNa Colada Cake, Mint Julep Cupcakes made with Kentucky bourbon, and creamy, chocolatey Rum-and-Coke Whoopie Pies. Cake Shots: For the perfect party snack, try bite-sized Long Island Iced Tea Cakes, decadent little Wine-Tastiing Cakes, and every imaginable flavor of Jelly Cake Shot. Cakes With A Twist: These extraordinary cake recipes are made even better with alcohol. Enjoy a JAgermeister-powered Deutsch German Chocolate Cake, Shamelessly Rich Carrot Cake infused with 151-proof rum, and frosty, delicious Spiked Ice-Cream Cake. Featured throughout are tips and tricks on baking with alcohol, serving suggestions for fun cocktail-cake parties, and yummy cocktail recipes to accompany your confections'plus a handy "Booze Meter" that tracks the total alcohol content in each of these decadent desserts Indulge yourself!… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Bleh, the very first recipe I tried in this one came out both under cooked *and* burned, it was a disaster and went right into the trash. That's literally the first cake I've made in my life that hasn't been in any way edible. I'm leery of trying any others, there's a lot of gimmickry in here but a couple of stand alone appealing ones have been bookmarked for when I get up the nerve. ( )
  silentq | Nov 22, 2016 |
Good photography and instructions, plus numerous variations. The at-a-glance symbols giving the cook info on the recipe's potency, cake style, number of servings, etc, are convenient and a very welcome touch for menu planning. I would have liked to see a couple more recipes including beer to round out the collection. ( )
  dele2451 | Oct 22, 2012 |
näyttää 2/2
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Mix, Bake, Buzz! Booze Cakes features step-by-step recipes for spiking delicious confections with spirits, wine, and beer. These delightfully tipsy desserts are perfect for dinner parties, potlucks, and pitch-ins! You'll find recipes for: Classic Booze Cakes: All the recipes your grandparents used to bake, including salty-sweet Honey Spice Beer Cake, bourbon-filled Lane Cake frosted with decadent bourbon buttercream, and teeny-tiny yet potent Tropical Fruitcake Cupcakes. Cocktail Cakes: These brand-new recipes are based on classic cocktails and mixed drinks: A tropical PiNa Colada Cake, Mint Julep Cupcakes made with Kentucky bourbon, and creamy, chocolatey Rum-and-Coke Whoopie Pies. Cake Shots: For the perfect party snack, try bite-sized Long Island Iced Tea Cakes, decadent little Wine-Tastiing Cakes, and every imaginable flavor of Jelly Cake Shot. Cakes With A Twist: These extraordinary cake recipes are made even better with alcohol. Enjoy a JAgermeister-powered Deutsch German Chocolate Cake, Shamelessly Rich Carrot Cake infused with 151-proof rum, and frosty, delicious Spiked Ice-Cream Cake. Featured throughout are tips and tricks on baking with alcohol, serving suggestions for fun cocktail-cake parties, and yummy cocktail recipes to accompany your confections'plus a handy "Booze Meter" that tracks the total alcohol content in each of these decadent desserts Indulge yourself!

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